• long running

6x4 Trailer Hire $0.02 (2hr Limit, $100 Deposit), Handy Rentals Ute Hire 1hr $28 (+ 39¢/km over 15km, $200 Dep) @ Bunnings


I saw these deal and I thought to share this one, as a lot of people might not be aware.

Cheaper than paying delivery.

For Hire: 6 x 4 Courtesy Trailer (2 Hour Limit, $100 Deposit Required) $0.02

✓Fitted with tie down racks
✓Jockey wheel for easy manoeuvrability
✓'H' frame to carry extra long lengths of items
✓Galvanised - Hot dipped
Customers can arrange to borrow one of our courtesy trailers to get their purchases and large items home from Bunnings. This is free service and trailers are available for two hours.

All Hire Shop products require a $100 deposit. Please see our Hire Shop terms and conditions for more information.

For Hire: Ute - 1hr (first 15kms included, $200 Deposit Required $28) @ Handy Rentals via Bunnings

Excess km charged at a rate of 39¢ per km.

✓Utes have a maximum load of 1 tonne with drop down trays to make it easy to load and unload
✓Either overhead or front-end racks installed to transport lengths of timber up to 6M in length
✓All our utes are fitted with tow bars, allowing you to hook up a trailer and carry a combined load of up to 1 tonne (we do not allow the towing of horse floats, car trailers, furniture trailers, boats or jet skis)
Power steering and air conditioned cabs provide a comfortable drive
Did you know that Bunnings have a fleet of utes for hire? You can hire the ute for an affordable low one hour rate, to take bulky goods home, or take it for a couple of days to help get your DYI job done. The utes are maintained to a high standard and have all the essential features. Contact your nearest store for availability and further details.

A deposit of $200 applies to hourly hires. A $500 deposit applies to day hires, interstate, or overseas licences. See all hire rates and conditions.

See all hire rates and conditions.

Related Stores

Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse
Handy Rentals
Handy Rentals


  • +110

    Why would you hire a ute when you can just buy yourself a Raptor for daily commutes and the odd job?

    • I have put on deal for people that don't have a big car and might need a ute to take their purchases home. It would be cheaper than paying delivery for bulky items.

      • +61

        Yeah sorry, was a piss take @ all the (profanity) that unnecessarily buy utes/SUVs

          • +25

            @maverickjohn: All the mums/dads that get an SUV purely because they have a family of two or three kids, who never tow, go off road or use the third row of seats. Can't be bothered bending over for child seats.

            Just a bunch of sheep that buy the class because everyone else has. I've got a Skoda Superb wagon that has enough room for 5 people, fits someone 6 foot plus in the back seats, and is more functional for boot space than a Kluger I recently rented. While also being fun to drive and not a nuisance to everyone else on the road who can't see over your bloody bonnet or cops your lights in their direct line of sight.

            • @iMagoo: Hmmm well I don't tow but I go off-road. I instead have a roof rack for extra cargo. But the boot space is amazing when you want to put a tent, sleeping bags pram and all those other items. The height in an SUV boot space makes a fair bit of difference when loading up items.
              That's my experience and also the reason why I want a bigger one. Currently own a Renault koleos intens and looking at the new Prado.
              In saying that my second car is a smaller bmw 218i so convenient for day to day trips and still is able to fit a pram etc

              • +4

                @maverickjohn: My roof rack is lower to the ground 🤷
                Each to their own, go and check out a Passat, or Skoda Octavia/Superb - you might be surprised 🙂

                • @iMagoo: Are they off-road capable I do need a bit of ground clearance… But I might have a look anyway as the wait-list for the new Prado is ridiculous.

                  • +2

                    @maverickjohn: They do have versions that are geared towards offroad antics; the Scout badge for Skodas and the Alltrack badge for the VW.

                    • @iMagoo: Just had a look. They are still a bit low. I take the car on a bit of rocky terrain, I feel like if rip the bottom of these apart. The concept is nice but I feel like these are a bit low still. I might keep the SUV as my second car for these adventures.
                      In saying that the superb looks beautiful and is a car I'll consider in the future.

                  • +1

                    @maverickjohn: Outback sounds like it'd be the way to go. It's got quite high ground clearance (213mm) and a wagon. I've got one and it's quite off road capable.

                    • @LongJohn92: My mate owns an outback. I have never liked this vehicle and I don't think he even likes it. He has always preferred his crv over it. Anyway I don't think this car would survive on some of the tracks we go on.

              • -1

                @maverickjohn: Why are you taking his general comments so personally?

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: We are having a discussion on use case scenarios, my very first comment was in relation to understanding what constituted as unnecessary.
                  Im not sure why people were negging me in all honesty.. when all i ever asked was for his opinion, i never once took this personally. but whatever. I actually appreciated the conversation with @iMagoo.

              • +10

                @1st-Amendment: Why do you think you get to decide what everyone else writes in their comments?

                  • +9

                    @1st-Amendment: Well done, you know a few terms. However, you should probably read what they mean before using them. I hope you cheer up soon.

                  • @1st-Amendment: The logic is simple, I saw it straight away.

                    "I drive a <insert anything but a ute or SUV here>, therefore noone should drive a SUV."

            • @iMagoo: I agree. I drive a 2000 Corolla which still runs perfectly; but now I'm seriously considering upgrading to a compact SUV simply because most other cars today (utes and SUVs mainly) are twice as high as my car and I'd rather not end up flattened underneath another vehicle in the event of a crash.

            • @iMagoo: I would agree with you if sedans and wagons were designed like they were in the 80s. They had enough clearance to be taken up into the flinders ranges and drive terrible rutted dirt roads and have a great family holiday. Enter the 21st century and all sedan manufacturers were targeting the wana be race car drivers (sheep) making the cars lower and lower with even worse approach and departure angles. The reality was cars used to have to compromise to meet all customer needs, now we have choice. Personally I will go bigger until it no longer meets my need. Also 4wds retain their value much better as they are generally built to a greater strength and abuse tolerance giving them a second, third and fourth life, this makes the increased purchase cost and fuel a moot point.

        • +2

          Unfortunately recognising and appreciating sarcasm is dying in todays world

      • +3


    • +38

      Raptor not big enough, you need one of those oversized RAM/Chevrolet Trucks

      • +8

        True, the extra space might come in handy for the odd Bunnings trip!

        • +16

          You also have plenty of room to pack your vehicle when you take up 4 parking spots.

        • +8

          They aren't big enough for that… Need a B-double for that kind of trip, can't be overweight with that single paint brush.
          Tell you what though, the wife can't praise it enough when it comes to picking up our single kid from the school across the road. We can finally fit all his stuff in the car and it's spacious enough to hold a takeaway coffee without feeling cramped. Great at the shops too, for some reason people never park in the spots either side, it's almost like it takes 3 spaces all to itself.

        • +3

          Don't forget the Kmart/IKEA run

      • +1

        Got a Ram 3500, drinks petrol like a pirate. But I make the money back cleaning up freebies on neighbourhood fb groups.

        All the stuff I got you'd think I was running a used furniture shop.

        • +5

          Got a Ram 3500, drinks petrol like a pirate. But I make the money back cleaning up freebies on neighbourhood fb groups.

          And you can't do that with a trailer and a regular car?
          A trailer (if you don't want to hire one for 2cents from Bunnings) and a small car won't take up much more space than your Ram probably does already.
          I know a guy who pulls a trailer with his old Corolla. I admit it's not the ideal car, but good enough for odd jobs. He once helped me move a sofa bed.

          • @opt:

            And you can't do that with a trailer and a regular car?

            Of course you can, what you can't do is bully other road users though.

      • neighbour has one, 2 kids under 8ish, complains about street parking, parks this POS and 2 other cars on the street which has only one side parking, driveway, empty

    • +16

      Nothing is going in that Raptor tray. If a Raptor owner needs to collect anything from Bunnings, it'll be delivery, as they wouldn't be seen dead in an actual working ute.

    • +2

      Gen 2* - do you really want to be teased as the gen 1 driver in the trades yard out back?

      • Wow… the interior look hideous

        • they seem to be going for the military style.

          • +1

            @Skullytor: Imagine a Humvee looking like a military vehicle! That's shocking!

            • @umyeahokay: Shocking indeed!

              On a serious note; the only Humvees that look any good are the ones that look like military vehicles. In that sense, the ‘uglier’ the better!

              Plus the stock standard SUV consumer grade ones are terrible build quality

              If skeletor had the income like a Clive Palmer - he’d buy a military humvee to drive through things :-D. Fences and bollards are annoying

    • +3

      Lol so true! I work in IT and a lot of my colleagues have rangers, amaroks to commute to a desk job. I refer to them as 'fake tradies'.

      • +1

        Unlike real tradies they don't get to claim the vehicle, fuel, mods and the dog on tax.

      • There’s clothes especially for them now - literally!


      • Haha I feel called out.
        I get that it can look like that although I'm not pretending to be a tradie, I'm mainly WFH and I bought mine mainly as a 4x4 and kitted out for camping and some longer trips I've got planned in the future up the coast and over to WA. Also want to be able to tow the caravan in the near future.
        I think it's odd that some tradies have a ute with a tub and never use it for 4x4 or towing when they would be better off with a van.

        • +1

          0 problems with people that genuinely use them for their intended purpose - that's awesome!

          Still a bit annoying on the roads, but very discernible with the snorkel, offroad tyres and recovery tracks vs. the soccer parents in their CX9s, completely stock landcruisers etc. that have never seen an unsealed road.

          • @iMagoo: I think that a 4x4 in 95% of use cases is unnessary to have one, even for me.
            While I do like camping and have been able to do some awesome stuff that was impractical in my last car I would be lucky to do 4 weekenders a year with a younger family, I justify it to myself that I'm not commuting far :D

    • A tiny Raptor for daily commutes?

      How could you handle life with such a small vehicle?

      F-350 at the very least.


  • +2

    For those wondering how much the ute per km rate is after the free 15km

    "For all hourly rates (excluding 1HR Ute hire which has 15KMs free) KMs shall be charged at a rate of 39c per KM.

    For all day rates (outside of the included 100KMs) KMs shall be charged at the rate of 25c per KM."

  • +1

    My local bunnings wanted to charge me $1500 bond, great rental prices but $1500 bond is crazy - and no not a preauth, genuinely a $1500 charge. Never put my card away so quickly lol.

    • Ad says $100 bond, and it also says that in the T&Cs: https://www.bunnings.com.au/terms-conditions/hire-shop-terms…

      • -1

        Thanks, I clicked on this link without looking at anything.

        • +1

          I believe the $1500 bond doobey refers to was for the utes and hire vehicles. The bond for trailers is $100

          Been a while since I looked into the utes and I had the exact same reaction to doobey.

          Edit: Looks like it is now $500 for day rates:

          All hires need to pay a deposit on a credit/debit-credit account only on commencement of hire. The credit card holder must be present to sign for the credit card on commencement of hire and will need to be present with the same credit card on completion of hire in order to refund the deposit. Standard deposit for hourly hire rates $200; longer time hires of a day rate or longer, interstate or overseas license is $500.

    • +2

      Biggest bonds are just the beginning

    • +3

      Did you try telling them your word is your bond?

  • +1

    I had no idea they did this. Could've saved so much over the years. Damn

  • Really need to install the tow hook on my daily

    • I don't think a tow hook is going to work that well for a trailer.

      • +1

        This one should be plenty big enough. Don't forget to install the air brake connections too.

  • UTE-wise, it seems to be the same price as renting it from Bunnings/handy rental

  • +2

    Title is confusing re ute. Should be worded something like:

    Ute - 1 Hour $28 (First 15 km Included, $200 Deposit Req’d)

    • +1

      Fixed now. Is it better now?
      Included & Deposit can't fit on title as full words. Tried my best

      • chef’s kiss

  • So…. about that trailer. Must it be combined with a suitable purchase from Bunnings? Can ppl just go borrow a trailer for 2hrs to run some odd jobs?

    • +3

      yes, buy the cheapest thing you can find.

      • Ok braintrust, what cheap items are suitable for this?

        Buying the cheapest items seems like this most economical way to hire a trailer

    • +1

      I've seen this done all the time. They ask what you're using it for, say you need to get some long lengths of timber

    • +6

      No purchase required with my multiple 'hires' over the years (multiple different Bunnings)

      • +1

        Read the fine prints, maybe I'm over thinking it, it's usually all good when nothing happens.

        But if there was an incident, not having a reasonable purchase (something that genuinely requires a trailer to transport) may lead to an unfavourable situation.

        • +2

          Not sure why the neg, was a well intended reminder.

          You don't have to like it, negging it may potentially hide it from others who wants to know.

          Unless you have read all the T&C and you are so certain that there are no ill effects.

      • +1

        No purchase required with my multiple 'hires' over the years (multiple different Bunnings)

        Can also confirm this and I didn't pay a thing to hire it.

        Use Afterpay, then when you return the put it back on the card.. simples

  • +3

    make sure you strap the $1 item you purchase from bunnings into the trailer properly, don't want to loose it.

    • FYI, No purchase required.

      Hired multiple times without any purchase.

    • +1

      If it becomes lose?

  • +1

    Ah, I see from the image how Bunnings can do it so cheap.

    No rego plate. ITS NOT REGISTERED.

    • +2

      It's not even a 6x4 in the picture. In Vic if your trailer weighs less than 200kg unladen then it doesn't need registration.

  • I used their trailer last weekend. Its a great service to remember.

  • Better yet, buy a 2.4m length of timber so you have a good reason to get the trailer for free. Do your thing, refund the wood when you bring the trailer back.

    $0.00 is better than $0.02

    • No purchase required, hired multiple times and made no purchase.

      Just called up, booked and thats it.

  • By the description, this deal is supposedly free with purchase. I guess $0.02 is because they can't or don't want to list at $0.00.

    Customers can arrange to borrow one of our courtesy trailers to get their purchases and large items home from Bunnings. This is free service and trailers are available for two hours.

    There's another that is straight up hire ($28 for 4 hours): https://www.bunnings.com.au/for-hire-6-x-4-box-trailer-4hr_p…

    • Yeah the trailer it is free for 2hr Courtesy Hire, however because online it says $0.02 cents I have put that as price. How will someone pay 2cents anyway? 😃

      • By card? If they wanted or needed to, say to workaround a peculiar requirement (if there is one) not allowing them to let out things for free.

        • +1

          Nah, you get it for 2hr for free. But you will need to put $100 deposit just in case.

        • Yep. Pay using a HSBC debit card with 2% cashback. Win!

  • +1

    Good deal. I've used it a few times and it's always been easy.

    Something to note: You can rent the ute (or van) for 2 or 4 hours, which gives you a lot more time to work with. But those don't come with included kilometers. By the time you factor the 39c/km in, you're almost always better off going with the full day. For shorter trips I advise checking out GoGet. I have yet to use them, but the price is good for vans. If you have a parent, you can sign up for the seniors plan which comes with no monthy charge

    • Senior plan is a good tip.

  • +5

    I've often travelled from Melbourne airport to a nearby Bunnings and hired the ute for three days to do up a house (mulch, pavers, tree clippings).

    Great money saver and the ute gets the job done easy and doubles as transport

    Beats any airport rate hands down….

    I've even been allowed to park it overnight in the Melbourne CBD Bunnings for free… Ozbargain bonus points earned

    • +2

      I've even been allowed to park it overnight in the Melbourne CBD Bunnings for free…

      Hello, hello, hello is there anybody in there?

  • great

  • All these comments about big SUVs and Utes, people getting dirty and salty over sarcasm and wit going over their heads.

    And I'm just sitting here in WA, wondering if the other states have always been charged to borrow a trailer from Bunnings for a few hours? It's free here with a purchase, and a deposit.

    2 cents too many!

    Just realised that's a pretty catchy slogan. If you like you can all use that line to protest down at Bunnings, maybe drive there in your giant SUVs and Ute's. ;)

    • +1

      It's free in all States and Territories, it's just online states $0.02 cents charge, which it's not true. But I have put that price on title, because that's what it says online.

  • Can you hire a trailer from one store and return it to another store?

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