Personal Trainer Costs in Sydney + Can You Ask for Discounts?

I'm trying to get in shape, so I'm looking for a PT that can help create a custom workout program for me and advice on diet. I'm really looking for a PT to help get started, once I get going I don't want to be doing too many sessions with them because its costly and honestly prefer to workout by myself.

So I saw a PT that the gym works with (am in the Inner West in Sydney). They seem good, knowledgable and have a few services to help out.

They quoted $90 for one session a week, or less if I do more sessions per week. E.g. 4 sessions is $240.

I know that's definitely on the higher end of the spectrum but do understand its maybe where I live. I was also wondering if I can ask them for cheaper prices? Do PTs do that? Or would that be a bit rude aha. I know its also probably higher because its good quality and i dont feel too bad since I'm supporting a small business but wary if


  • +4

    A PT worth their salt will not discount their services so you might find a cheaper PT however you’ll have to assess quality for yourself

  • +6

    Tell them you're homeless.

    • … and you've joined the gym to get free showers.

      • Yes, investing everything into my PT sessions

  • Ask if it’s better prices for cash

    • I like that actually

    • I’ve seen movies about a hack for this. If you don’t have cash you offer other incentives and it usually works, especially if they are your step PT trainer

  • +1

    i haven't heard of a PT charging less than $100 in a long time.

    • Interesting, that makes me feel better about it. I remember hearing years ago that $60-ish was standard but think times have changed

      • +1

        PTs need to pay rent to the gym. Even $60 for half an hour would be difficult to live off considering they're contractors.

  • What are you looking to get out of a PT exactly

    • Workout program, guidance for diet, help to use the equipment in the gym, but also want to gain strength/get in better shape ofc

  • Does your gym offer “learn to use the equipment” classes? But otherwise 2-4 sessions with a PT is all you need. Maybe 3 and then have another session in 3 months

    workouts are pretty easy to find; once you know what to do then you can get a routine. Start with some full body workouts…. Then over time probably move to a ‘push pull legs’ week. The trainer might have a full body workout handy

    Most PTs are not dieticians. They will just tell you what you already know - eat less sugar, more protein, less processed food, less alcohol

    PTs are good for keeping you on track, making you turn up. But it’s an expensive option

    • Thanks. This is very helpful! Link looks great. I do just need to build my confidence in the gym and you're right, the PT will be super helpful at first with that (and keeping me on track). He even mentioned to start me on a full body workout hah

      Don't know if they offer those classes but will check.

  • +1

    What about joining a gym that runs HIIT classes & also asking gym staff about diets etc?

    • Have done a few of these in the past. Have enjoyed them but the last one I did was super social and turned me off haha

  • +1

    Could get Medicare subsidy on exercise physiology and dietitian via a Chronic Disease Management plan if you have a chronic condition. A chronic condition can be being overweight/obese, back pain, headaches and various other things. This needs to be set up with a GP. Some practices will have a nurse that does the plan and doesn’t charge a gap. Then search your area for providers for ex phys and dieticians that offer services under a TCA. The gap is often small or there isn’t one and it’s time limited but could get you started. Other benefit would be doc will likely check your blood pressure, cholesterol etc which is worth knowing. This approach probably won’t get you ripped, but likely cheap and a decent starting point.…

    • Interesting. I have had some pains with having a desk job but feel I probably won't fall within this as it isn't too servere. Worth checking out though

      • To be honest I don’t think they are that strict about it, but could ask your GP, especially if you have to go for something else or can get a bulk billed GP appointment. If it actually gets you doing more exercise and eating better than previously I’d say it’s Medicare money well spent.

  • Ask to work as a PT's assistant for nominal amount/free if necessary - carry their gym stuff/water bottles to the park, etc. Get free advice from PT's advice to other clients.

  • +1

    dont listen to what others say it is a service based industry like any other if you dont want to pay $90 persession just make an offer the worst they can say is no but like all service based services the more busy a service provider is the less likely they will discount their service as they simply do not need too

    You're also in Sydney where it seems everything is a rip off and lots of people have more 'money then sense' so i dont think $90 is unreasonable if they're good for the location i mean there are coffee shops charging close to $10 in Sydney for a large coffee

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