Temporary/Short-Term Car Insurance

Hello, I am selling my car and my car insurance expires around 18 July. I am hoping to sell the car before then.

In the case that I don't sell it prior and need car insurance, what should I go for? Are there any good short-term or temp car insurance recommendations. This car won't be driven and will be on the side of the road (might only briefly drive to ensure the engine doesn't die on me).

Thanks in advance.


  • +3

    Just renew your existing insurance and then cancel if you don't need to claim prior to the 21 day mark. Most policies allow you to do this.

    • +1

      Or change the current policy to monthly to save outlaying so much money if it's an issue.

      • I will consider going monthly with the current policy, thanksk

  • Have a look at Youi monthly policy. They charge based on km driven so it shouldn’t cost a whole lot if you’re driving around 0 kms. I believe the band is something like 0-5,000kms a year so it also gives you the flexibility to drive the car a little if you need to take it to a dealer to trade-in or show to a private buyer (also in case the private buyer wants to do a test drive).

    • Cheers, that sounds like a good option!

  • Get 1 month with AAMI then cancel as needed

  • +3

    All insurance can be cancelled with a pro-rata refund OR
    go month to month and just cancel when it sells OR
    every 30 days or so sign up for an Annual policy and hit "Pay later" you'll still be covered but don't need to hand over any money (of course you will need to pay the full premium amount + excess in the event of a claim)

    • +1

      ^^^^ Basically this.

      Yearly Insurance can be cancelled with a pro-rata refund. If you don't want to pay it all up front, do a month to month policy.

  • +1

    See if it covers other drivers if they test drive it.

  • -1

    Nice, another classified ad dressed up as a question…

    • -1

      No lmao, I didn't even specify critical details about the vehicle. I specified the very basics in case it was important to any response I may receive.

  • Try rollin. The policy is renewed month-by-month. I am with them, but looking for another insurer because they are increasing the premium next month.

    • Thanks, I may check it out. I will barely drive the vehicle, if at all, so hopefully I can get something that factors that in and reduces the premium.

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