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Hangover Relief Supplement 30% off: 10-Pack $69.99, 1-Pack $8.75 + Free Delivery @ HANG-EZE



HANG-EZE: The Premium Solution for Alcohol Recovery

A premium blend of 20 active ingredients made up of vitamins, minerals and herbals.

🥱 Relieve hangover symptoms, nausea, headaches and fatigue.

🍸 Boost alcohol metabolic rate to help your body process alcohol/toxins faster!

❤️ Restore nutrients depleted by alcohol.

🧠 Enhances mental clarity & reduces brain fog the next day.

🦘 Made in Australia - Premium quality + safety

💊 Listed medicine - Backed by scientific & traditional evidence

🔬Tested in Australia at an independent 3rd party lab

🚫 Not just a hydration/electrolyte supplement.

🚫 Not just a food grade pear juice.

🌿 Plant-Based: Suitable for various dietary needs (lactose-free, gluten-free, antibiotic-free).

Take 1 sachet (2 capsules) after you finish drinking or before bed.

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  • +7

    Or have a berocca and lots of water.

    • -6

      Totally! However that's just electrolytes which HANG-EZE is not! But hey if it works for you then no worries!!

  • Wait, your supposed to take thia BEFORE bed ?!

    • +8

      Take hydralite and Panadol and a tonne of water before bed and thank me later. Warning: you'll need to get up at 3am for a pee, use this to drink more water and hydralite (or this product). Warning 2: you may piss the bed.

      • -1

        Completely valid! However rather than mask the pain with pain killers, HANG-EZE will help you process the alcohol/toxins faster. Also not just an electrolyte product!

        • -3

          Yup I saw your stuff has a heap of other stuff, looks like a good product, good luck with the business 🙏

        • So it speeds up liver function ?

        • +3

          Absolute bullhonky. No clinical study to back up these claims means they are empty.

      • +1

        ^^ This is the way. Definitely don't have a hardcore hangover after doing this.
        Or slam Gatorade / Berocca with the Panadol.

      • I've heard Panadol while dealing with already strained liver function I've heard is not good at all for you, happy to be corrected tho

        • Don't know, I've been told by doctor to lay off ibuprofen only

    • Yes take this before bed!

  • NAC and b complex.

    • -5

      NAC has no significant difference than a placebo according to randomized trials.
      B complex is great for energy! HANG-EZE has B1,B2,B3,B5,B6!

      • Not true. It was gender specific according to the study however more research is needed as the size of the study was small

      • NAC has no significant difference than a placebo

        Says the guy pedalling snake oil… FFS.

  • 🍸 Boost alcohol metabolic rate to help your body process alcohol/toxins faster!

    Product presentation must not encourage excessive or harmful consumption of alcohol or other toxic substances.

    • I don't think it's encouraging excessive or harmful anything. I've had mild hangovers from 1-2 drinks…

      • Correct! Everyone is different! Please drink responsibly.

  • +1

    What's your ABN? Address and phone?

    All I see is an email address. No other contact details.

    • -2

      ACN on website in legal section!

      • Link? I already tried to find it and could not. That is why I asked you. Or post the ACN here.

        • -1

          They hid it away pretty well!

          671 579 909


        • +1

          I shouldn't have to dig around to find the details, so neg for being less than helpful and not replying back even though you were around to reply to other comments.

          I wouldn't put pills in my body made from someone's garage that doesn't make enough to afford their own studies or isn't registered for GST

  • +2

    Water. Berocca. Nurofen. Panadol.

    This works for me when I remember

    • When you remember is sometimes a hard one!

    • +1

      Isn't ibuprofen generally not a good combo with/shortly after alcohol? They both slam your kidneys.

      • Unsure. This was something I did many years ago and haven't done for awhile.

        Substitute Nurofen for an extra Panadol?

        • +2

          Never have extra Panadol…. Ever.

          • @Muscles: This is very important, with Panadol and also Asprin - instead of doing their job, they're getting in the way of the liver doing its, and can do more damage than help in some situations.

  • +4

    I don't tend to trust people to market with a ton of emojis.
    Got any data that says this relieves a hangover? If I drank a bottle of vodka in the next few hours and took one of these, am I going to wake up fine?

    If I'm ever worried about being excessively hungover I'll take two paracetamols and chug two glasses of water and I'm fine (or significantly less hungover)

    • -3

      Actually was going back on forth with or without emojis! Thank you for the feedback.
      Yes we do and have to hold the data/evidence for relief of hangover symptoms!

      We do not suggest you drink an entire bottle of vodka in the next few hours, we are actually suggesting you drink responsibly! We do not encourage excessive consumption of alcohol.

      • +1

        Would you mind sharing the data/evidence for relief of hangover symptoms?

      • Data/evidence being actual scientific experiments? Got a link to the studies?

        we are actually suggesting you drink responsibly!

        If people have access to this wouldn't they take more liberties with how much they drink, if they assume that these pills will fix them up?

  • +1

    No contact info and not registered for gst?, Is this just a backyard/hobby business?

    Edit, you claim this is a 'listed medicine' and '3rd party lab tested', where can I find the details to backup these claims?

    • -6

      Not registered for GST as new and not making above threshold, maybe one day!

      Yes please look at package there is the listing number.

      Has to be 3rd party lab tested as HANG-EZE does not own the lab.

      • +3

        I don't have a package to look at sorry, and I'm not willing to spend money on something that may just be mixed up in a garden shed….

  • How do Permitted Indicators work? Like the things OP wrote do they have to be one of the following?

    Permitted Indications:
    Maintain/support energy levels
    Maintain/support energy production
    Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to relieve weariness/tiredness/fatigue/feeling of weakness
    Maintain/support general health and wellbeing
    Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of occasional hangovers
    Maintain/support mental concentration/focus/clarity
    Maintain/support cognitive function/mental function


  • +3

    Some digging:

    That lists the residential address they operate out of, and the ingredients in the 'cure'…

    • +1

      No horse tranquilizer? I'm out.

  • +1

    How safe is this and has it been approved by the TGA?

  • These have been working really well, $34 for 10 doses


  • +4

    Absolute trash post and snake oil, costs more than an 8 drink cheap $3 bottle of wine. Instead stay hydrated throughout everyday, if you intend to get so messed up have a multi b vitamin in the morning, water, and pain killers if you must. There's no justifying this scammy attempt to extort money out of fearful non-drinkers.
    🚫 Not just a scam
    🚫 Not just playing on your fears
    🚫 Not just a placebo

    • painkillers like ibuprofen are bad for your kidneys and was told to avoid

      • +5

        Because alcohol consumption is great for a body.

    • +3

      Yeah agree, is anyone really paying ~$70 for 10 of these? And that's meant to be a bargain, lol. Post needs more emojis.

      If you're willing to part with that much maybe think about drinking some water during the night. Costs basically nothing & you'll feel much better for not blowing ~$70 on this snake oil. And where is the evidence to back up all the claims in the description?

  • Do these affect ur kidneys like nurofen?

  • Does this work on a night on the booger sugar?

  • Love these comments.

  • +1

    Needs more emojis…

    The only cure for a hang over, is time… so unless you are selling time, in capsule or powder form, it's snake oil… In fact, I think I would rather try actual snake oil over some bullshit emoji riddled supplement.

  • Or try more alcohol…. Never fails.

  • I am just here for the comments ..

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