This was posted 9 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Steam] Forza Horizon 4 Standard Edition $19.99, Deluxe $25.99, Ultimate $29.99 @ Steam


The game is going to be delisted at December 15, so now is a good time to buy the game if you haven't played it yet before it becomes delisted.

Update: The 80% off sale has been extended to July 12.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    i have forza 7.. how does this compare??

    • +14

      Not sure why the neg's but the Forza Games were just setup and loop tracks. Traditional Racing Game. The Horizon games tried to arcade it a little with an open world where you can drive through the map and explore, adds in some traffic (ala Need for Speed) etc.Similiar feeling games, play very different tho

      • +3

        I love just cruising around in Horizon, no need to always be at 100% throttle all the time and attacking time. You can't do that in non-Forza.

        Oh and sight seeing. FH4 added in weather effects too which you don't get (except rain) in non-Forza.

        It is a better game IMO for casual racers.

        If budget stretches get FH5 (map based on Mexico) still players around online.

      • I have horizon 3 and 2.. didn't really like the difficult steering;.

        • Cannot speak for FH2 but FH3 is similar handling and that so if that is a deal breaker then probably the same issue for FH4.

        • +1

          Difficult steering?? Either you have some weird steering settings or you're playing different game.

          The steering and handling in the Horizon games is very enjoyable.

        • Did you try different views? I find getting used to steering depended alot on the perspective view. I personally steer like crap in cockpit steering view. I enjoy the most zoomed out trailing view behind the vehicle.

          Horizon 4 and 5 steer the same, and you can tell the difference between different types of cars. Eg drifting car vs a buggy. It's very good.

          I would bet you had steering assist on max ;)

      • +4


        "Not sure why the neg's" I know what you mean, the simple and legitimate questions that I so often see neged and given snarky replies here on Ozbargain is confusing to me, it's like there's some kind of elitist culture attached to these forums and if your comment isn't perfect, you have somehow offended the big wigs and you will be shamed and taught your lesson post haste!

        I mean, we're all just a bunch of cheapskates, or perhaps poorer folk or maybe just (tragically) thrifty individuals, who love to save a buck, why all the snobbery?

  • +3

    Which edition is worth buying? Do they turn off their servers like Ubisoft?

    • +9

      No they don't, they change the way the game works so you can keep play both songle and multiplayer even after its delisted. Head here for all the details:

    • Servers aren't turned off but the game and all dlc is removed from sale to new customers so if you are interested in the game I suggest buying all of the DLC during the sunset sale.

    • +7

      Went balls deep in the ultimate

      • +1

        Good choice because:

        • The extra bonuses mean less grinding when you play the game.
        • With the delisting coming, you won't be able to buy the add-ons later on.
    • -6

      Get FH5 instead. Worth the price difference IMO. Newer cars, DLC still alive, players still around.

      • +2

        Get them both since they're completely different games, both amazing.

      • Wow I got 6 negs?! There must be lots of hardcore FH4 players here and they are also FH5 haters.

        • +1

          Um, I am guessing it is mainly due to this is about getting the game at a discounted price before it is getting de-listed. So, the question is more about which version to get since FH4 will be delisting at the end of the year.

          Didn't neg you as I don't neg comments on OZB.

          • @netsurfer: Thanks. Feeling so much negativity and snobbery lately on ozb.

            For what it's worth i have both FH4 and FH5 thought I was offering helpful advice, guess people don't need it.

            • +1

              @hippo2s: FH4 won't be available for purchase later this year and won't ever come back. FH5 will still be available so that's why you are getting the negs

        • The difference between FH4 and FH5 is basically a different map though. Just because FH5 is newer it doesn't make FH4 irrelevant or not worth playing. You can think of them as basically the same game but with a different map. Saying not to get 4 because 5 has "newer cars" is silly because 90% of the cars are the same, as is the gameplay. What changes is the map.

  • +1

    Why do they delist these games?

    • +25

      The rights to cars, music etc. expire. They have to stop selling it then.

    • +3

      Clearly they want to encourage piracy

      • +1

        The pirated versions dont work too good when installing. Could never get 3 working so I had to buy an overpriced key when it got delisted. Grabbed 4 and 5 at a good discount though

  • I own this on XBOX Store, but im almost tempted to buy it on Steam. I wonder if theres any way to do local network crossplay or something

    • +1

      The steam and Xbox versions can be played together. Not sure about local network but you can definitely cross play the two if you have an Internet connection. Just make sure the Steam account you buy it on doesn't have the same gamertag linked to it already.

      As you own this on Xbox store you can download it on your Xbox, switch to another tag on the Xbox instead of your main and launch the game. Then on your PC download the game from the Xbox store and launch it using your main gamertag and you can cross play together without needing a second purchase. The game is crossbuy which means you buy it once and your Xbox purchase can be used on consoles and PCs.

      • With 3 they knocked off the PC servers way before the Xbox console servers. Xbox servers for 3 still work.

        If you buy it through Xbox instead of steam, if you have an Xbox console you can keep using the online for probably longer

    • +1

      It will never be un-delisted due to licensing with car companies so if you think you might want it, get it.

    • +3

      If you own this digitally on Xbox, you already have a license for the PC version via the Xbox app.

      • +1

        I realise that, I mainly play it on PC, xbox only occasionally (mainly my nephew likes playing on xbox). I also have gaming PC other than the racing rig. Was considering purchsing it on steam too so that i could play on my racing rig as well as either XBOX or the other PC at the same time for multiplayer with friends.
        Looks like crossplay is possible from what @Agret was saying, so ill prob grab this.

  • +13

    I have to say Forza Horizon 4 is one of my favorite Forza's I still find myself playing this more than Forza Horizon 5. Wasn't a big fan of the new one, for some reason horizon 4 just felt better as a game.

  • +5

    Beautiful game. You can drive right up to the building I used to live in in Edinburgh.

  • +1

    Is there a way to transfer an account over? I have an xbox account that I no longer wanted to renew the game pass but I got a tonne of cars in there.

  • +3

    So wait for Black Friday sales and buy it when it's at $5!

  • +4

    Great game, I've put about 20hrs in - runs really well (90fps) on the Steam Deck OLED!

  • +3

    One of the rare games I've spent 200 hours playing, and I'd give it 200 more.

  • +11

    "From this date forward we will offer different discounts for Forza Horizon 4, like the one currently active on Steam (at the time of publishing); we will also have a sale in the Xbox Store on 7/14. Please keep an eye out on our socials and different platforms to take advantage of future offers."

    This is excellent. Being upfront about it and announcing "last chance" sales is how to handle this, rather than just removing it from sale without warning. I was hoping this would be the case. As a subscriber to Game Pass I ended up buying all the DLC, but not the base game, obviously. So now I can grab the game before it leaves.

    • +3

      The notice also mentioned free game tokens for people who have previously bought dlcs. Not sure how to access Xbox message centre in windows though

  • +4

    From the Steam blog post.

    If you played Forza Horizon 4 through Xbox Game Pass and purchased DLC content for it, worry not: by having an active, full-paid (not discounted) Xbox Game Pass subscription on 6/25 you will be eligible to receive a game token if you have purchased any extra content for Forza Horizon 4 through your Xbox Message Center. Codes will start to be delivered in the following days, please bear in mind that it might take a while before you get your token.

    • full-paid (not discounted) Xbox Game Pass subscription

      That part sounds sketchy. Wonder if this includes those who took advantage of live gold conversion. If that's the case, I'll probably simply buy a random DLC to keep playing FH4 on XGPU.

      Edit: never mind - I'm too late to the game:

      Starting today, June 25; Forza Horizon 4’s DLC will get delisted from platforms,

      • full-paid (not discounted) Xbox Game Pass subscription

        I assume they're referring to those on a free trial.

  • +1

    I have forza horizon 3,4 and 5 and also Forza motorsports 7 and prefer motorsports.
    My son likes horizon though. Being open world it is fun also the lego pack is fun for him to play.

  • +4

    Ah what the heck, bit the bullet and bought the Ultimate edition.

  • went the ulitmate version. pretty good price. ive played 5 on game pass and enjoyed it but i struggle to really dive deep into gamepass games for some reason, owning makes me feel more obligated to play more. looking into just cruising around

  • +2

    Thanks for the info. I missed that delisting and I’ve been HODLing for this one. Ultimate it is :D

  • +5

    FH3 dropped to ~$12 about a month before being delisted, will wait a little while longer :)

    • Hard to know what to do. Buy now with 100% certainty or hope far a 30%+ drop in the sale price later in the year.

      • +1


      • +1

        I don't think there's any chance that it's more expensive than this in the last month or 2 before it gets delisted, going by what they've done for the previous forza games. They've been really good with basically giving them away for a few bucks as they're about to be gone forever.

  • +1

    Could never get into FH4 for some reason. IMO FH2 was the absolute best and was addicted to the online races.

    • +4

      FH3 for me. The Australian setting just put it over the edge, but IMO it was basically just the perfect balance of 1 + 2 + new stuff, which then started to go a bit overboard and kinda lost its direction for 4 and 5.

      • +2

        I didn't mind FH3 too. But 2 is best by far for me.

  • +6

    Bought Ultimate. Now I feel good.

    • sooo ultimate the full full game right w all dlc?

      • +1

        Yes, Ultimate includes all of the DLC.

        The Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition digital bundle includes the full game and Car Pass, VIP Membership, Formula Drift Car Pack, Best of Bond Car Pack, and the Fortune Island and LEGO® Speed Champions game expansions.

  • +4

    FYI the (free) Mitsubishi Car Pack DLC got relisted on Steam et al, so don't forget to grab that as well

  • $30 is great, but the price on the Xbox store to be able to use it on PC or Xbox sucks

  • Has anyone got their free Xbox code from game pass?

    • Still waiting for mine …
      However, I'm curious if I still qualify since I bought an Argentinian code for FH4 + FH5 Premium Upgrade Bundle off Eneba.

      • +1

        I bought the Aussie upgrade, however my GPU isn't Aussie it was Eneba + the 1 month Aus ultimate.

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