Linkt/Citilink Prices Need to Be Renogotiated

$13b later: How CityLink became toll giant’s best moneymaker in the world

$50 to travel on CityLink both ways if you're a SME is ridiculous. That can cost a small operator $10k minimum a year just for one vehicle.

Something needs to be done to bring down the prices.

A spokesperson for Roads Minister Melissa Horne said that tolls were set by contracts and legislation. The government had introduced short-term registration payments and discounts for some motorists to help Victorians “feeling the pinch”.

A $100 discount on rego is not going to offset $100k over 10 years for small operators.


  • +11

    Someone has to pay for all those SMS unpaid toll reminders I'm receiving in SA.

  • Try an alternative route , a lot do if its feasible.

  • +5

    tolls were set by contracts and legislation.

    If only there was a mechanism for elected governments to amend legislation.

    Oh well, they've tried nothing and are all out of ideas.

  • -1

    Dan Andrews gave Transurban a 30 year contract in Victoria, im fairly sire they also have a similar sweet heart deal in NSW

    Good luck getting what is essentially a monopoly sanctioned by the government to be 'renegotiated'

    • -1

      It was a 10 year extension to the original contract so it now ends in 2045 rather than 2035.

      Government introduces laws to extend CityLink tolls until 2045 to fund West Gate Tunnel

      • So essentally what i said was 100% correct TCL has a monopoly? Lmao Dan Andrews lovers are like a cult it was a bad decision like most decisions that man made

        • You were correct about the monopoly, but incorrect about the duration of the contract - it's 10 years not 30.

          Note that I never said I agreed with the contract. I personally think it's a terrible deal. As far as I'm concerned the 10 year extension is still 10 years too long. But, then I also disagreed with Kennett's original Transurban deal as well.

  • Well the southeastern suburbs electorates where the Citylink tollways passed through did not vote Dan Andrews out at the last election so if they were not pissed off (enough).
    So I am guessing they voted for this pain and they well deserved it as much as I hate to say it.

  • -1

    While I'm not a huge fan of tolls, at least they are fair in that the more you use, the more you pay, like fuel excise. It's refreshing to have something that is calculated on a simple and fair basis. Everything else seems to be calculated to screw someone over (for example, people being forced to take out private health insurance whether they want it or not, due to the tax surcharge, and then healthy people paying the exact same rate for insurance as unhealthy people). At least tolls are pay as you go.

    • +1

      while that's true for most part, I can see trucks are part of the toll users, if not majority of them. They don't pay toll as good will, they will just add the toll cost to the price, and we all pay for it via the goods we buy.

  • +1

    Laughs in WA.

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