This was posted 8 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Wahl Color Pro Home Family Haircutting Kit $38 (RRP $84.95) + Delivery ($0 C&C/$70 Spend) @ Shaver Shop

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I was looking to replace my broken (due to a drop..) Wahl colour pro and found this. Besides the clipper, it includes a trimmer and better kit looks like.

According to pricehipster, it's been this price every now and then.

The colour pro home kit (without trimmer) is $34.95…

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Also available from their eBay Store - free delivery with eBay Plus

    • +4

      Thanks. Saved me leaving the house.

    • +1

      Back in stock

      • +2

        $33 with eBay Plus

        • +1

          How did you get it for $5 less on Ebay?

          • @De4lz: Use the $5 off eBay Plus items monthly coupon

        • Isn't the min spend $50?

    • +1

      Still in stock. Just purchased for $33 with $5 monthly coupon. Thanks OP

  • Been using this for last 2-3 years and so far so good.

    • +2

      Same. Brought at the start of the pandemic. Saved so much money on hair cuts over the last 4 years. Scary the first few times.

      • +6

        Agreed, saved thousands over the years on haircuts. Got so much better that my kids prefers to get hair cut from me than the barber. I can't be bothered with travelling to shops and waiting in queue anymore lol.

        • +1

          any tips how to self cut with this thing? i dont know how you guys do the back of the head without a mirror?

          • +5

            @lknight: You get used to it. Using a handheld mirror helps. I don’t know why any men bother with barbers these days. None of them seem to have any skill or take pride in their work anymore. Unless you are getting a scissor cut you might as well DIY with these clippers and save time and $$$.

            • -1

              @nubzy: Some do. And good luck doing a half decent fade on yourself… LOL.

            • @nubzy: Main issue is that all barbers in my area end up servicing the adolescent market for fades

              I can't get a classic taper with scissors on top.

              Would have to go inner city and pay $100 to consistently get that service

              • @gfjh567gh3: Yes that’s what I want too. Used to have a great barber out here in suburbia, old school service and mature aged guys who took pride in doing a great job. Now it’s just a proliferation of middle eastern and Asian owned barbers who just do a rush job with the clippers. Personally I think those fade haircuts look bloody awful. So I taught myself and just keep the back and sides neat with clippers and a light scissor trim on top.

          • +1

            @lknight: Practice.

            Winter is a good time because you can hide the first few attempts with a beanie.
            Start with the longer comb and work your way day until you get the hang of it.

          • +1

            @lknight: Missus helps with the back of the head. We watched few self haircut videos on Youtube during pandemic and got better with time.

        • You're probably better than half the barbers getting about these days too

      • Same, good quality and reliable!
        Paid about $30 for the clippers, great value.

    • Did the cord get in the way much?

      • +3

        Cord is a minor inconvenience but it doesn't bother me much. Just remember, its only $38 and corded trimmers last longer than wireless trimmer on average.

        • +2

          I've had both. The cordless one has lasted 5+ years so far and is hugely more convenient. I gave the corded one away.

      • +1

        It would probably depend on exactly what you're doing with it, but it does come into play (for me at least) when I'm using it in my non-dominant hand. Especially when trying to juggle a hand held mirror and working at a weird angle to try and see what you're doing.

        It's probably not quite a big an issue if you're using the clippers on someone else though.

        And I guess with a corded one, you don't have to worry about any battery degradation and it potentially being useless in a few years.

    • Is it very noisy? I've got one and it's deafening.

      • +1

        Have one for cutting the kids hair. I don't oil it enough so its louder than a well maintained one at the barber's but overall better than a no name brand one that I got from another place.

        Still think you can't go wrong with this set, it's got everything you really need for a decent cut.

        Had to tighten the screw for the level after a year or so as it vibration must have shaken it loose.

        Bought one of these to make things go quicker : Combpal - was much cheaper in 2021

      • How quiet would you like it to be? I doubt it's not worth paying double for a 10% quieter one for use at home for most people.

        It's probably because it's near your ears. Those ear trimmers are very loud when they in ya ear.

        • It's nice when hair clippers are a similar loudness to a shaver (e.g. Philips OneBlade).

          The Wahl Color Pro is painfully loud even when going over the top of my head. I stopped using it because I don't want to damage my ears.

          It seems 2-3x louder compared to a Xiaomi Mijia Hair Clipper 2 (AU$42 delivered from AliExpress).

          Maybe I need to adjust the blades.

          • @Tim Mc: Not sure, I've never had an issue think most are like that, Would be a pretty weak motor if too quiet.

  • The 240v trimmer is good, but the little battery operated trimmer is horrible.

    Really noisy and doesn't give you a fine cut (doesnt adjust like you can on the 240v).

    By all means for $38 this is a good clipper, but ignore the bonus one… its truly horrible.

  • -1

    It is very good. I use one of the older similar models which is perfect for self-haircut, saving 10s of 100s bucks of barber fee.

  • I have been using this for a few year, good one. I had USA model

    • -1

      Wouldn't a usa model be 110v which isn't suitable in Australia.

      • +2

        I think he meant Made in U.S.A., had one for almost 20 years, have not missed a beat..

        • Correct the more expensive models are made in USA.
          This one (Made in China) still hasn't missed a beat though.

  • Thanks op!! $33 with eBay Plus and express shipping

    • How did you get $33 with eBay +?

      • +1

        Use the monthly $5 off coupon

        • How did you use it? there is a minimum spend of $50.

          • +1

            @sintro: You should get one for $30 as well as $50. Otherwise you better contact Ebay.

  • +1

    Bought the old corded colour pro about 10 years ago. Still going strong. Great set.

  • +5

    Prefer cordless. That way, we can get haircuts on the grass in the backyard. No cleanup afterwards and good compost for the lawn.

    • +7

      Fear not if you have one that's corded. With the power of an extension cord you can still have your haircuts on the grass and have no cleanup (but more fiddly setup)

      • I have a few extension cords, to power crushing shredder, kids' water slide, and corded gardening tools a number of years ago and it would be a bit too fiddly for the Mrs, who is the barber in the family.

        • +2

          Have you heard of using a powerboard?

          I am not so sure but I think you can plug in many devices at once

          • @pinkybrain: A long time ago when I had corded mowers; I had a $10 30m cord for the front connected to the garage powerpoint and another $10 30m cord connected to the patio powerpoint for the back.

            For an extra $10, it's not worth unplugging and moving the extension cord each time.

            • @ihbh: did you missed the comment

              Have you heard of using a powerboard?

              • @pinkybrain: Yep, got extension cord with 4 powerpoint powerboard as well. My extension cord usage is mainly external so plug in and out and take cord in and out, and rarely more than one plugged in.

    • Or get a Bluetti, Ecoflow, Jackery, or electric vehicle with V2L.

    • +2

      I've used my bathroom, layout some old newspaper to stand on so it catches the cut hair, put on a barber's gown and off I go..

      You'd brush down your arms and feet when finished while standing on the newspaper, then step off aside, wrap/roll up the newspaper like you're a butcher or fishmonger, and step into have a shower and you're cleaned up again. Maybe a little bit of vacuuming/mopping up afterwards.

  • Can’t find the eBay plus voucher to use. Tried this PLUS5C but did not work.

    • I used some $10 off $30+ code to get in for $28 on eBay.

      • What code is that?

        • Can't see it now sorry. Was spend $30+ get $10 off.

  • Pretty sure have not bought anything this month.

  • +1

    Be honest guys, any barbers here or people who cut hair? Is this a decent choice for fades or does anyone have any better recommendations. Happy to spend up to $200

    • +2

      Not a barber, but did some research before buying, and also took note of what all the barbers I went to use. Wahl is one of the top brands, but only the made in USA stuff (ie not this). The USA made stuff will be closer to $200 for a battery version, a bit cheaper if you can put up with a cord.
      Get a decent one and it'll last a lifetime.

      • what is difference between WAHL made in USA and not made in USA?
        Are the motors or blades better?

        Will a not made in USA not last for more than 10 years if using it at home and not professionally every day?

        • Ive been using a wahl USA made one for about 30 years and its a weapon. Just change the blades every few years.

    • +1

      Wahl magic cordless is good

      • thanks team seems wahl is the recommended and this one is in budget.

    • +1

      Get the Wahl senior metal edition, it’s a beast.…

  • I have a corded but DIY hair cuts for yourself is much easier with cordless. The Enchen is a good deal and works well. Haven't used my corded one in many years.

  • +2

    Wife banned from me giving the son a hairy, after I gave him a couple of ugly cuts

  • +2

    Does this pinch hair at all?

  • i like this brand because I've always said it when gargling mouthwash

  • Price match with JB hi-fi and with $10 perks voucher it'll come down to $28.

    • woah.. didn't know that JB hi-fi sold hair clippers

      • They do with other fitness , health and beauty products.

    • Is jb giving out $10 codes for perks members again?

      • I had a birthday one. Some people have spare emails and SIM cards and get $10 for joining.

  • +1

    I bought a Wahl from shaver shop, had problems with it ~9 months later, shaver shop replaced it on the spot with new warranty. Respect.

  • +1

    I still have my $20 one from Kmart, which is probably 8 years old. It's corded and still works daily.

  • Xiaomi Mijia Hair Clipper 2 is about $42 on AliExpress. I bought one in China. It has USB-C charging and two adjustable guides.

    I've this corded Wahl and it's too noisy.

    • "Wahl … too noisy" - I totally agree - I borrowed a multi-coloured one - maybe this model - and it almost damaged my hearing it was so bloody loud close to my ear - I bought a corded Remington instead for like $17 and it's much quieter.

    • But it doesn't seem to have as many guides as wahl has ? how do you adjust ?

      • It has two plastic inserts with different length ranges. There's a short one and a longer one. You can select a particular length and it locks into place.

        Here's a video showing the two guides:

  • Price matched at JB, used my $30 voucher and got it delivered for $13.

    Thanks OP.

    • How did you get the $30 voucher ? What's the minimum spend on it ?

  • Was planning to get the Beast Clipper PRO Hair Clipper (cordless instead):…

    Unfortunately they sold out at the local store so I got the Wahl instead, came with a lot more stuff than I thought.

  • I use…

    Second one I owned. First one did die mysteriously.

  • Just got my unit, anyone else have issues with the guide combs? It's very difficult to take out.

  • +1

    this + 3 way mirror from amazon + wearable neck guide from amazon = self cuts with no issues

  • What kind of Home Haircut kit doesn't come with a bowl ?

  • -1

    Got mine from the Ebay store, the trimmer is DOA, putting in batteries does not do anything, the trimmer and betteries both just get hot. No way to contact the Ebay Seller from more Options —> Contact Seller. Any ideas if I take the trimmer to a physical Shavershop store they will replace the trimmer ?

  • @baskets2k ffs just dropped mine as well and the corner of one side has broken off. Guess can still use but wouldn't want to.

    $59 for the kit at JB Hi-Fi or $49 for the clippers only at SS (could sign up again for $10 off).
    Not sure if the small clipper is crap or worth having.

    Just looking at their Ebay store, some alright deals:
    - V7000 $150 (40% off),
    - New Wahl Salon Series 5000Cc Salon Series Hair Clipper $120 (40% off)
    - New Wahl Salon Series 8000Cc Salon Series Hair Clipper $148 (51% off).
    - New Wahl V3000 Corded Hair Clipper $99

    • or replacement blades for $32.

      • Condolences…

        Before buying the replacement blade, check if the other parts outside of the blade are still working properly.

        The drop in my case broke the corner of the blade and the adjuster.

        • Yeah it just broke the corner of the blade.
          Grabbed the V7000 for $139, noticeable upgrade and those others lasted about 4y.

          May still get a replacement blade but hard to be bothered when it costs as much as the whole thing almost.

    • The trimmer works much better than the clipper for the facial hair but as someone else pointed out is very noisy. Pros and cons.

      Im happy with the color pro home so didnt even look for other brand or model.

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