Cheap Motorcycle Insurance

Not a deal, but I was shopping around for motorbike insurance to avoid lazy tax, and I found comprehensive with Swann for $240/year for well over market value of my bike (agreed price $6600, likely market value half that) and lowest excess.

Last year I was with Budget Direct, the best I could find was $320. Increased to $350 this year

Anyone know of a better deal?


  • -1

    Do you need comprehensive for a $3k bike?

    • +1

      "$240/year " how much would you save to go TPP only?

      • I think it was about 170

    • +2

      Considering small accidents can write it off, agreed value is double what it's worth, and the premium is pretty cheap, you might as well.

    • +3

      Insurance is for when you can't afford a large hit on your capital. I think $240 on $3k is reasonable, especially if it's a $6k payout.

      We stopped comprehensive on the Honda when they wanted $2600 for $5k cover.

  • +2

    Insurance quotes are very personalised - so to find you a better deal, please provide all your personal details (including DOB, Address and driving history), along with all the details about your vehicle.

    This is one of those DYOR situations.

    Pedantics aside, that Swann quote does sound very reasonable for $6k worth of comprehensive insurance (and some gear coverage I assume) - particularly though a very reputable insurance provider. Even if you found it cheaper, I would consider the extra worthwhile.

    I've been with cheaper providers before and wow - the claim process was an absolute nightmare.

    • I've been with cheaper providers before and wow - the claim process was an absolute nightmare.

      This is an issue that many seem to overlook. Personally, I'm very happy to pay a premium to know that when claim time comes I've got an insurer that effectively acts as such. Many cheaper insurers effectively act like "the other party" when it gets to a claim and do everything that can to avoid liability.

      • +1

        I'm very happy to pay a premium to know that when claim time comes I've got an insurer that effectively acts as such.

        Agree… RACV had paid out mine before i was out of the coma

    • +1

      Did my own research, now I'm worried about chemtrails.

      Having worked in insurance, this is great advice. Cheap insurers are cheap for a reason, every insurer run a big risk profile over the entire portfolio, they know all the stats, risk trends and what they will and won't pay out for and price accordingly. It's a game of finding which one you're the cheapest in terms of their risk model.

      The money out of that revenue/payout model also needs to pay all the overheads, and that's the easiest place to squeeze. Increase the load on claim managers, don't invest in technology, take the free coffee out of the tea room, etc. Which means they suck to deal with.

      There's no magical way to run an insurance company otherwise.

  • That seems like a good deal

  • After 20+ years I found loyalty counts for nothing with QBE. Found the best deal by far (33% to 40% better) for my bikes, some quite old, with AAMI

    • +1

      Some insurance companies were recently caught out charging an additional fee to "customers who are unlikely to leave". Really disgraceful

  • I pay well over double that with Swann for my motorbike but it's value is about double so…

  • Look at Allianz too.

  • I’ve been with Shannon’s on multi bike low use comprehensive for a few years. Reasonable premiums, easy to deal with like adding and subtracting. But no claims needed to date- old saying- what big print giveith, small print takeitath away! I don’t really trust insurers….

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