• long running

Earn up to 5.50% p.a. on Combined Balance of up to $100,000 across All Save Accounts ($500+ Per Month Deposit Required) @ ubank


Finally on par with ING Bank, less the hassle of making 5+ transactions every month 😄

From July 1 2024, you can earn up to 5.50% p.a. on $0 to $100K of your savings.

Simply deposit $500 or more each month into any of your Spend, Bills or Save accounts, and you’ll start earning bonus interest on the money in your Save accounts – yep, it’s that easy! Don't miss getting our bonus interest rate, as from July 1st the base rate is 0%.

Interest Tier Amount Bonus Interest
Tier 1 $0 to $100,000 5.5% pa
Tier 2 $100,000.01 to $250,000 5%
Tier 3 $250,000.01 to $5,000,000 0%

Referral Links

Referral: random (1317)

Until 28 February 2025, referrer and referee each receive $30 after referee makes 5 settled card purchases within 30 days.

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      • Well basically the idea is to reduce interest you pay for ppor in the first place than earning interest and pay tax on it yet again.

    • That's right in general.

      However, there is an edge case if you have a negatively geared IP and a partner.

      Hypothetically speaking, the lower income earner should use the fund for interest, the IP (or a large part of it) should be in the higher income earner's name.


      • Stay at home mum/dad put $100,000 into saving account, earn $5,500, pay $0 tax.
      • Negatively geared IP pay $6,500 interest, after 45% + 2%, effectively lose $3,445 in interest.
      • Net $2,055 interest gain.

      But that's an extreme example based on $100,000 saving, for most people just put the extra fund into an offset account to avoid the headache.

  • How about for overseas purchases and overseas ATM cash withdrawals? Should I keep using ING or am I better off using Ubank?

    • +1

      I believe they're the same. No transaction fees on their side but if the overseas ATM charges one you then that'd still be charged

  • Is there any perks with Ubank compared to Macquarie and ING? Not including the hoops etc

    ING has cashback on utility bills

    Macquarie has marketplace for purchasing gift cards at discounted rate.

    • +7

      Awesome extra - Ubank changes the rules every 6 months so you need to change all your direct debits. Ubank is very happy for you to do all this admin at your own cost.

      At the end of last year was the change from the old Ubank platform to the new Ubank platform (purchased from 86400), including bonus account number change. That change locked out many accounts and support lines that couldn't cope. Now we have their current decision to dishonour existing direct debits.

      One thing they are doing better now: the call-centre is almost coping. It only took 45 minutes on the phone to arrange the $20,000 daily transfer limit to be increased to move much money elsewhere. I thought moving money out was the best feedback that could be provided.

  • If i transfer my money that's over 100k in ubanks savings account to my spend account or to an external account will i lose the interest for that month? If i transfer at the end/
    or start of the month. Thank you

    • +1

      Interested is calculated daily, I assume that means whatever your balance is end of day.

  • I’m with NAB, they have a iSave interest account. Just opened one and getting the 5% intro for the first four months. Thinking of opening a uBank for this aswell. anyone can explain the difference between these 2?(besides the different %p.a) . Worth trying?

    • ubank is owned by NAB. Main difference is ubank is online only, they don't have a physical brunch.

      • ahh! tempted to give it a go.. is it easy to transfer externally? nab>ubank, vice versa

        • Yes

        • +2

          Can't speak for all banks, at least the major ones are instant (seconds). You may want to transfer a small amount first (both ways) to clear verifications.

          However, there is a $20,000 limit per day, so transferring larger sums can be a pain.

          You can call them to temporarily increase the limit to $40,000.

          • @browser: so when I create a uBank account, it auto open up 3 acc for me? spend/save/bill. and does it matter which one I deposit into?

            • @J0hn: You could have browsed ubank's FAQ and found this out yourself instead of asking others to spoonfeed you.


              How many Bills accounts can I open?

              When you sign up with ubank after February 22nd, 2024, you’ll get three accounts – a Spend account, a Bills account and a Save account.


              To earn our bonus interest rates on your Save accounts from July 1 2024, you must have a Spend account and deposit at least $500 each month into any of your Spend, Bills or Save accounts before 11:30pm (Sydney time) on the last day of each month.

  • +1

    Everything is done, just the last thing.

    Where can I find the 100K to put in?

    • You are not alone :D

  • ubank closed my account for no reason. They just said they've made a business decision to close my account, what can I do?

    • Make a customer decision to leave them.
      You may ask them what was the business decision based on, and accordingly try correcting, if you intend to stay with uBank.

    • +1

      Leave 2c in the account so they are forced to send you a cheque.

    • -1

      You are telling us one side of the story. Whilst they won’t give you a reason why they are debanking you, it’s likely you have had an issue in the past - eg fraud or crypto etc.

      • I only have one side of the story. They do not tell me their side of the story how can tell you their side of the story? This account only received fund transfer from my own accounts from other banks, never even made a purchase from memory.

    • That depends on what you want to achieve, and how much time and effort you want to invest. There are various options ranging from doing nothing to Making a complaint about a financial firm through the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.

    • -1

      For no reason? Highly doubt that.

    • This is probably an AML decision.

  • -1

    The boost in interest rate is only a temporary sweetner as a result of the removing benefits such as paying from Save account.

    • -1

      Given you have a crystal ball can I please have next week’s Tattslotto numbers as well?

      • Hey mate no need for your sarcasm. It's pretty obvious that uBank is trying to cushion the negative changes (long term) with a rate that is variable (short term).

        • +1

          All bank savings rates are variable. Far more likely that they're responding to loss of capital/customers. Banks change conditions regularly, according to market conditions, their "comfort level", competitiveness etc

        • Unless you are part of the team setting the rate you don’t know what they are aiming for.

  • Took them a while to up their rates. Ive moved most of my spare cash out of Ubank into AMP
    can move some back now

  • +5

    As a 15 year customer, I’m not so keen on this. Reducing then amount in savings and a 0% interest if you forget to deposit the $500 is pretty harsh!

    Sucks they’re removing the ability to direct deposit from savings accounts too

    • I think most people automate the $200/$500 - schedule incoming transfer on day 1 of month, schedule outgoing transfer on day 2-4 of month, depending on your optimisation.

      • +1

        I would wager the opposite (not automated), although it is obviously impossible to know.

        Manual transfers are rapid/instant and I do all of mine (to meet various banks' requirements) in a single hit on payday. Wherever possible I want to avoid money sitting anywhere other than where I prefer it to be.

        • +1

          At $500 and 5.5% (and 3 days a month in transaction account), you are swapping $2.71 in forgone interest in an entire year for 12 instances of possibly forgetting to transfer it on a busy day and between 6 and 12 minutes (p.a.) of opening an app to transfer to the correct account.

          I think I'd take the peace of mind instead.

          • @tekisei: I have peace of mind from zero chance of forgetting when payday is and what I do on that day, and from money being where I want it to be (which is not only about interest). But we're all different and do things our own way, and that's ok.

            The question of what the majority of people do would be interesting to know, but will remain a mystery for all time.

            PS. If I was worried about a few minutes per annum, I wouldn't have a comment history on OzBargain 😂

            • @UrMumsOnlyFan: Agree, personal choice. Not a big task meeting interest obligations and the outcome can be managed if you don't, but as the saying goes "chit happens". How you deal with it varies widely.

              Fwiw my transfer into Ubank is automated. Run a straw poll if you're really interested. Might (only might) give you a clearer picture.

              • +1

                @Igaf: The transfer requirement is hopefully not too much of an issue for most people either way.

                No doubt more problematic is the grow-your-balance-by-last-day-of-the-month requirement for some accounts (fortunately not UBank), which presumably can't be automated. (Obviously not a problem for people who don't withdraw, but it can get gnarly for those that do.)

    • +2

      The whole intention is to avail the Bonus Interest in such Banking Products. The base rates are usually very meagre otherwise.
      See this Accounts Leaderboard by techt spreadsheet; and notice the very low base rates by most banks.
      Most would be in the range of 0.00% to 0.50%


      Sucks they’re removing the ability to direct deposit from savings accounts too

      You may still directly deposit in to uBank's Save account from any other account [if that's what your concern was about].
      What's removed is direct debits, again a feature restriction imposed by many banks on such Bonus Interest products.

  • I haven't got the time to wait on the phone to Ubank so I'm wondering if anyone can answer my questions re changes to Ubank? I currently have a Usaver and Usaver Plus account, but no Bills account. Will I be able to transfer $500 month out and back in to Usaver or Usaver Plus accounts or do I need a Bills account to do that. I don't pay any bills from these accounts but transfer money back and forth to cover the minimum depisit tio achieve the higher interest rate. I really appreciate any advice you give me. Thank you.

    • Those names were possibly brought over when you were migrated to the new uBank system. You can rename them to anything you want.

      Clicking on one account should show an image of your Visa card. This is your 'Spend' account.
      Clicking on the other wont show a card, but should show your current savings rate. This is you 'Save' account.

      Only people opening new accounts will get a 'Bills' account. You don't need it. Just use your 'Spend' account for all transferring out, bills etc. You should still be able to send the $500 straight to your 'Save' account.

  • Switch back to this from ME Bank? Less rate, but less hoopla…

  • +1

    the new deal is 0% base interest unless you deposit $500pm into your UBank account

    there has been shipload of complaints on https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/thread/90kv06m3

    now alleviated by the email I got today advising the new improved 5.5%pa rate up to $100K on the Save a/c.

    NOTE: the Save a/c will no longer allow direct debits or such - see https://fst.net.au/financial-services-news/ubanks-revised-tc…

    in future you would have to shift funds from Save to the zero-interest Spend a/c where it would lose interest, and then pay bills from the Spend a/c - a bridge too far for people like me who have opened other bank a/c that allow direct debits for variable regular bill paying.

    The question for people like me is how to check/maintain regular variable payments from UBank to topup the external bank which will be handling my future direct debits.

    I'm thinking monthly to start - keep a balance of enough for a month or two in the external bank, and then topup from UBank if needed on my monthly checks.

  • UBank only allows Australian permanent resident to open account. Why is that?

    All other banks accept temporary residents like students or bridging visa holders.

      • that’s so disappointing. I wish they can offer this to temp resident too

    • How would they even know ? It's not like you have to show your visa to open an account.

      Assuming you have Australian ID like Driving Licence and Medicare then you'll be fine.

      • +1

        Temp resident won’t have Medicare. They don’t accept foreign passport either.

  • +1

    Ubank has deeply disappointed me, they are preventing sending money from the saving account.

    I send my large payments from there so I have money in there as much as possible, so soon I'll have to schedule a transfer from saving to regular then a day later regular to payee.

    • The alternative is to do it yourself interactively using real time tx.

      Tx between accounts should be "instant" (it is for ING at least), as are many payments out of Ubk using PayID. PayID has a daily limit of $20K, which can be varied on request. Problematic process I agree.

      • Always had this question. Transfer using PayID (Fast Payment or Osko) are always instant. The status shows as Processed immediately in the receiving account and may be used. However, some banks keep the transaction 'Pending' even for internal transfers between accounts.

        Would this have an impact if I transfer funds between my accounts and from the receiving account I do a further PayID transfer externally. So my PayID external transfer is processed but the actual incoming funds are still pending. I was caught in such a situation and in my statement it showed that I debited my account first and then later the funds arrived (i.e. the Pending Transaction).

        • This has never been a problem that I can recall using Osko and Beem to regularly do multiple transfers in a minimal timeframe.

          IME if the funds are available you can move them immediately without issue, regardless of whether the transaction shows as pending (or in rare cases may not even show at all). The system will catch up later.

          • @UrMumsOnlyFan: Thanks. When I received the account statement it showed something like this.
            To be read from top to bottom. So technically it showed my account in overdraft during the day but then also showed as funds received later on the same day. Just worried if this may cause any issues, Eg: when we submit statements as proof of income/etc.

            Date Transaction Amount Balance
            18/06/2024 Balance Brought Forward 0.00
            18/06/2024 NPP Debit - 1000.00 -1000.00
            18/06/2024 Transfer from Internal Account +1000.00 0.00

            I think that's why @TrendyTim mentioned:

            so soon I'll have to schedule a transfer from saving to regular then a day later regular to payee.

            • +3

              @djoz: Again in my experience it's not an issue at all. I've had a few times where it looked like that but the money still moves, there are no overdraw charges, etc.

              when we submit statements as proof of income/etc.

              I've never used statements as proof of income, however I would be extremely doubtful that it would be any concern whatsoever in that context.

              I think that's why @TrendyTim mentioned:
              so soon I'll have to schedule a transfer from saving to regular then a day later regular to payee.

              Because Save accounts will no longer be able to send money directly in future, TrendyTim needs to set up an automated payment from Save to Spend and another from Spend to the Recipient. However, because you can't control the timing of automated payments it is impossible to guarantee that Save>Spend will happen before Spend>Recipient, if both are scheduled on the same day.

              Therefore if you need it to be automated and 100% sure to happen in the correct sequence, then Save>Spend must be scheduled on day 1 and Spend>Recipient must be on day 2 (or later). Otherwise the system could attempt Spend>Recipient first, and fail.

              That's a timing/sequencing issue, not an issue about whether transactions show as pending.

              • +2

                @UrMumsOnlyFan: Must be deliberate to minimise the amount of interest they paid

              • @UrMumsOnlyFan: Whenever I've done interactive osko etc payments between accounts with different banks I usually have both bank accounts open so that I can check the tx has landed. Invariably it has within a few minutes. Between spend and save accounts in the same bank the tx has been a matter of seconds for both Ubk and ING.

                The problems lies with scheduled automatic transfers for the reason you've explained.

                • +1

                  @Igaf: It just creates more life admin as a result

                  • +1

                    @cmoddoo: Agree, but managing money should be a pretty high priority for everyone and there are alternatives if you don't want the complication - eg Mac bank. Bottom line is that you may have to do a bit of work if you want maximise interest.

  • those with citi accounts that were migrated to NAB reward savers arent they getting 5.6% and allowed 1 withdrawal without loosing the bonus interest>? i think you maybe able to do direct debits on the reward saver too?

    • +1

      This is the rule to get Citi nab saver 5.6% interest
      Variable bonus rate is applicable when at least one deposit is made to the NAB Reward Saver account on or before the second last banking day of the month, and there are no withdrawals in the relevant month.

      • +2

        Must have missed my account. The interest I received in June was at 5.6%.

        • Me too. I rang them a week ago and they confirmed the rate is still 5.6%.

          • @Yola: Any way to see that anywhere online? The link in my Nab (ex Citi) savings account takes me to the standard interest rates page which says 5%.

            • @gadgetguy: That is correct and why I rang them. I did not check that I got paid at the 5.6% rate maybe someone good at math could do that.

              • @Yola: Yeah it would be a little tricky to calculate daily interest. I'd like to see it in writing somewhere, the actual rate.

        • Any simple formula to calculate this? Presumably it's annual rate divided by 365 and applied to closing balance each day?

          • @gadgetguy: I used a spreadsheet.

            Something quick is,
            (monthly interest) / (number of days to that interest payment) * 365 / (balance of the account)

            This confirmed my last payment was at approximately 4.65%

            • +1

              @SomeGuyOnOzB: For your formulae to give an accurate result, the balance of the account would need to remain the same throughout the period that interest was calculated for. For June interest, the number of days to use would be 28 (31/5 to 27/6) based on the way that NAB calculates interest. I used your formulae on my account and got 5.6% using 28 days and the closing balance of the account on the 27/6. My account balance was essentially the same for the date range apart from a $10 deposit in the middle of June to meet the ‘one deposit’ requirement.

              If you do any withdrawals during the month, then the rate drops to 4.6%.

              • +2

                @silverstone2023: Agree in this
                For regular saver interest the base interest is 0.35% with bonus 4.65%
                But Citi regular saver have better base interest 4.65%+1%
                Both if you do 1 deposit monthly and no withdrawal.
                If you get the 4.65% … possibly you don’t deposit? Or you withdraw on the month?

  • -1

    I love the fact a bunch of people went mental about Ubank’s changes, some even jumped ship. Now the interest rates are out this deal has 300 plus approvals. I sat on my hands until everything had been announced. I can live with the changes and this interest rate. I manually transfer money out of UBank to pay my credit card. I just moved my automatic payment back in to after my CC payment and make sure there is enough additional transferred to cover this.

    • +2

      Patience 'pays' 👍

  • -1

    Just a heads up about the tax implications of using UBank compared to most other banks.

    Ubank does not allow joint accounts, only Shared accounts which are very different. To use the case of a working couple, a joint account has both peoples names on the account and as such the tax on interest due is split evenly between each person. Ubank accounts only ever have one persons name on them so that person alone pays all of the tax.

    You can "share" an account with someone else so they have access to the funds but you can't split the tax with them.

    Depending on what each party earns and what tax bracket they are in it can have significant implications.

    Yes you could store all funds in the lower earning spouses account to minmise tax but that can be problematic from the point of view of administering the account or even trust issues as only one spouse "owns" the money. This would be similar to them having their own bank account (non-joint) with any other bank and having all funds in their bank account.

    • Ive never experienced this, on my shared account it clearly states two names as account owners, and interest is split on tax returns. I guess ill find out if i ever get audited

    • This seems to be wrong information. I checked my last tax return and my joint accounts with my partner have the interest split 50/50. This is based on the ATO prefill information.

      • Thanks for the responses. I will be very happy if I am wrong. I had some convoluted email conversations with support that suggested only the person sharing the account would have their name on the account for tax purposes but I have just download a statement for my "Spend" type account (my only shared account) and both names are on the account so it looks like I (and support) was wrong (I know spend accounts don't get the interest). I will open a shared "Save" type account and check the statement has both names. If it does, then should be all good for tax splitting.

        The language on their website is not clear when it says "You can have 1 individual and 1 shared Spend account, and up to 10 Save accounts in total". https://www.ubank.com.au/banking/shared-accounts as you could take this to mean that only one "Spend" type account can be shared (no "Save" type accounts).

        Interestingly, I don't seem to be offered the option of opening a shared account (only individual) from within a web browser but the option is available in the Android App.

        Thanks very much, in this case I am very happy to be wrong.

        • @turbodude You are incorrect, my joint account behaves like a normal joint account, just like @onceupon8 above.

  • So for shared accounts (2 people sharing an account) it's going to be 5.5% for 200k?

    • Yes

      • Has the treatment of shared accounts changed? I thought the balance limit used to be based on the total account balance rather than being divided between the account holders. This is a good outcome. Link

  • So this doesn't have to be saver account right? It appears interest applies to any account?

    • +2

      Any savings account yes (you won't get interest on your Spend account)

  • Is anyone else having issues signing up via their app on Android.

    I get to the unskippable step "Enable Passkey", that when selected, takes me to a loading animation "Setting up your app" which never resolves.

    • Me too. Poorly designed app relying on external factors to provide them with a secure pass.

  • Using these guys atm but I don't like the fact that they don't have an option for an authenticator app.

    • I just made a payment and they sent a code to my UBank app; does that equate to an authenticator app?

  • +1

    Is there any other bank that allows me to have multiple savings accounts (all earning >5% interest) that I can make payments directly out of them ?
    (having to move cash to a spend account each time is a pain that I would prefer not to do)

    • -1

      Update - Ubank now requires moving money to the Spend account, before paying other banks etc

  • Extremely poorly designed app.

    1. Force you to use the pass key
    2. Then won't let you use the pass key if you have more that 2 google accounts setup on your phone.. lol
    3. Nowhere it says that you can't use samsung pass but then keep spinning the wheel pretending working on something in background after selecting samsung pass.
    4. Customer rep had no idea what is pass key
  • Did anyone notice ubank short paid interest every month?

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