Cashrewards MJ Bale issue

Seeking some feedback from the members here.

I made a decent purchase from Mj bale when cashrewards had 15% cashback.
There was no mention of $ cap on CR site and terms.

My cashreward initially tracked over $200 (which is reflective of 15%) but quickly changed to $30.

I emailed CR and they say there was cap of $30 when none of this was advertised.

I made the purchase based on the upsized cashback. I mentioned to CR I will seek ACCC feedback as this is false advertising.

How can I go about this? Is there a CR rep here? I believe tightarse no longer at CR?


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  • If only there was a cr rep left

    • -1

      You want another CR REP ?

    • +1

      The days of TA uploading screenshots of his backend, to confirm or deny a claim, are unfortunately all but a distant memory

  • +1

    Indeed. I have screenshots of the CR site and offer terms which simply note 15% cashback and no mention of cap. Have sent this to CR so will see what they say.

    • -3

      will seek ACCC feedback as this is false advertising.

      You're not purchasing from CR though, your purchasing from the store.

      • The cashback isn't though?

        • You don't 'purchase' a cashback though….

          • +1

            @jv: CR is providing a product/service for using their platform. 100% can go through ACCC for this…

            • -6


              CR is providing a product/service for using their platform

              You are not paying from that service though, so you do not have a valid contract of sale with them.

              • +1


                You are not paying from that service though, so you do not have a valid contract of sale with them.

                The retailer is paying CR for a product aka advertising. You are the recipient (or should be) of the goods supplied by the retailer and the rebate administered by CR. This is the sales contract entered into by all three parties regardless of whether you 'paid' CR or not, they are still being paid to deliver a product/service and therefore must abide by ACL.

                If you have an accident and not at fault, your vehicle will be repaired at no cost to you because the at fault party has paid their excess to their insurance company. Does this mean you have no recourse for unsatisfactory repairs to your vehicle because you did not pay for it?? Of course not.

                To establish that premise even further, you pay your insurer aka retailer, they (or at fault insurer) pay repairer aka CR, therefore you absolutely have a transactional relationship with that party which should be covered under ACL.

                In saying this, their T&Cs will basically say go jump, so it gets difficult to introduce accountability.

                • -1

                  @dmbminaret: There is no contract between 3 parties.

                  You are buying from the store.

                  • +2


                    You are buying from the store

                    Through cash rewards extension/app.

                    Your agreement with them is by allowing them to access some private data (purchasing decisions/quantities/spend), they will pass on a portion of the advertising revenue they have negotiated with the retailer who ships the goods.

                    Withholding those funds is basically theft/fraud.

                    • -1


                      Through cash rewards extension/app.

                      No, from the store's website.

                      • @jv: Sometimes I think you just disagree with what people say to get replies…

                        • @JumpingUnicorns:

                          Sometimes I think you just disagree with what people say to get replies…

                          I disagree with that assumption.

            • +1

              @JumpingUnicorns: More sound advice would be going to Fair Trading who investigate individual complaints as opposed to ACCC.

  • +6

    I made the purchase based on the upsized cashback.

    You broke the golden ozbargain rule.

    • Haha. Well usually if there is cap it is noted on CR

      • -1

        Caps save cents. Cheers

      • +3

        The reliability of cashback in general is bad enough that it shouldn't be treated as anything more than a nice bonus.

        • it shouldn't be treated as anything more than a nice bonus

          Everyone keeps saying this, but that just means you are an enabler. In actuality, mostly it's not worth your time to try to keep them honest, so you resort to the bonus mentality, meanwhile they're still being paid from your clicks.

          Do a 10k order with 12% and I bet you will think differently.

          • @dmbminaret: I wouldn’t buy something with $1,200 cash back, unless it was still exactly what I needed at the best price.

            I check for cash back before I buy something, I don’t buy because of cash back.

            Yes they’re dodgy, but I don’t see how I’m meant to hold them to account. Their contracts are written to push it back on the retailer. Either I use it and maybe get money or don’t use it and definitely don’t get money.

  • How much are we even talking about?

  • $200 vs $30 cashback so decent enough

    • So you spent around $1350?

      There's a 10% cashback at the moment that also doesn't mention anything about a cap.

      • And nor did the 15%
        Thats my point

        • I know. I'm interested in if this 10% has a cap as well that they failed to mentioned.

  • Can you return the items to MJ Bale?

  • You can but wont be refunded for sale item which in this case it is.
    Anyway lets see what CR come back with

  • +4

    I made the purchase based on the upsized cashback.


    • -2

      Not sure why Lol but sure…

      • Because it's been said time and time again, don't ever base a purchase decision on cashback.

        Cashback should be treated as the icing on the cake, but not the reason for buying

  • +2

    Yeah CR is getting increasingly dodgy.

    The rejected a Boost mobile claim of mine purely on the grounds "behind an adblock, must not have tracked etc. etc."

    Was like i provided the receipt, provided proof i clicked the link it's all there, turned off the adblock before etc.

    • The rejected a Boost mobile claim of mine purely on the grounds "behind an adblock, must not have tracked etc. etc."

      I screen record mine now from activation to checkout and show extensions where theirs is the only one (no blocker) on a chrome profile.

  • +2

    Just an update on this. CR have now corrected and added the cashback shortfall manually onto the account which will be approved once the original MJ Bale $30 cashback is approved.

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