Cheap Furniture Trailer Hire One Way

Hi everyone, I am moving from Melbourne to Roxby Downs SA.

I am planning to take my mattress and bed with me. Looking for a furniture trailer to hire for one way for almost 3 days.

What's the best way and other suggestions are also welcome.


  • +7

    Sell it, buy a new/replacement bed?

    • +3

      It's sentimental, can't be losing those notches.

      • Can you tow a trailer?

        How about park it?

        • I am not the OP, twas but a joke.

    • +6

      Agree. Unless it's a $3k mattress or similar.

      By time you:

      • Pay for trailer - rent, insurance, risk of damage
      • Load and unload trailer
      • Extra fuel burn because towing trailer
      • Breaking down with a trailer is a pain
      • Pick up and drop off trailer
      • Deal with flapping tarpaulin while driving
      • Drive slower if inexperienced towing
      • Risk damage to mattress

      It just ain't worth it.

      • -4

        What if he lost his virginity on that mattress?

        • -1

          Are you assuming OP's gender?

        • Maybe he's hoping to get lucky in Roxby Downs?

      • -1

        And return it !!!

    • Or chuck it on the roof of the car

  • Unless it's an heirloom, it's not worth it.

    You can get backhaul on a truck if theyre passing.

  • +12

    Roxby Downs SA

    Dude that town is in the middle of nowhere. You're not going to get a one way trailer hire for that trip unless you double back and drop it somewhere interesting like Adelaide.

    So either, buy a trailer and sell it on arrival if you don't want it.

    Otherwise if your bed is over 5 years old, just sell it and buy a new one. The cost of trailer hire, extra fuel etc isn't going to be worth it for a old bed.

    • OP could check out what furniture stores there are in Roxby, which is probably 1 if any. It is a 250km drive to the next closest 'town' (Port Augusta)

      • This ripper deal on marketplace

        Just down the road from good old Roxby.

  • -1

    Mororhome relocation, but it's not a popular city pair.

  • +1

    That must be some special workbench if your even considering this….

    • The first one is always special ;)

  • +2

    Buy a second hand trailer (in reasonable condition), then sell it when you're done on the other end.

    Very unlikely to cost you more than a long distance/one way hire.

  • See if you can get a courier truck.

    I get a rough quote of $2k here, based on some back of the napkin assumptions

    Only you know if $2k is going to be worth the effort.

    Or see if these guys are going to be in Melbourne any time soon

    • You can buy a ok 2nd hand trailer for under $1k…. for $2k you can get a decent one!

      • That bloke Lynn who killed the two old people when they went camping might have a cheap one going. He moved the bodies after they were dead in the trailer - decreased demand for trailer.

  • I could be wrong, I believe companies such as U-Haul can charge a relocation fee. Which in this case is what the OP is after

    • Generally for a 'relocation' hire like that, you have to be dropping it back to a U-Haul depot. So unless the town has a U-Haul, not really going to help.

      They don't just let you pick random places to leave it.

      • -1

        What if he couriers it DHL?

        Fit it into 23kg boxes he can post it with Australia post.

        • Gee if you're going to post to an old thread, at least add something of value and not just dribble.

  • +1

    Might be cheaper to fly back to Melbourne for a session with your mattress when you feel the need to.

  • It may be in the middle of nowhere, but there are multiple furniture stores in Roxby Downs. There has to be, because its in the middle of nowhere.

    • +1

      Thats pretty funny. Middle of nowhere with 7 customers. Sure, Hadly Normal has a superstore in town.

  • +1
    • +1

      Clark Griswold has entered the chat

  • buy a used trailer and then sell in later?

  • and other suggestions are also welcome.

    Don't move to Roxby… Theres nothing for a willion klms round the joint. It certainly is another world…

  • Troll post

  • Cheap and one-way to an out of the way town do not compute. It's o ky cheap when there is a good chance someone is likely to use the trailer soon and move it to a busy location.

    Buy a trailer. Youll need it for your weekend trips to Radelaide to pick up supplies.

  • OP, have you researched where that place is? It is pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Don’t get me wrong that part of SA is beautiful but to visit for a few days not to live.

    • +1

      I would guess OP is moving they're for work. And living in remotish areas like that can be much nicer than living in Capital cities.

  • Often cheaper to buy a new trailer where you are and sell it at the destination that hire one way.

  • Probably moving for work thats only reason i would move there I'd still choose it without hesitation over places like Melbourne or Sydney.

    Theres Coates, Kennards in Roxby I dont know if they do one way trailer hire but they have plenty of locations around Australia worth a try. Herzt truck hire are there as well.

  • I didn't realize Google Search was broken.

  • How about a camel?

  • I was recently looking into this to take a bunch of stuff Syd to GC. Buying a cheap trailer and selling it afterwards seemed like the best option.

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