Received this in my inbox, looks to be targeted. So far this year I’ve been receiving this offer monthly.
$10 Cashback with $100 Spend In-Store or Online at Coles @ Commbank Yello (Activation Required)

Last edited 15/06/2024 - 01:02 by 3 other users
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I've got my usual $5 cashback on $50 spend.
No Purchase Fees on TCN eftpos Gift Cards @ Coles (In-Store Only) is an option if you have use for an EFTPOS card.
Got 20/200
$10 for $200 for me. 9200 Fly Buys points worth nearly $50 for $230 spend from Coles as well.
$10 off $30 Menulog for me
30 cashback on 200 coles spend for me.
Offer excludes giftcards? Was thinking of getting $200 worth of gift cards. I guess they can tell some how?
Actually las time i had an offer i bought gift card okay
Well there are some eftpos giftcards with no fees next week. So I'll try $200. I mean its no net loss for me, if it doesnt track.
I'll add a grape :) as someone suggested.
I guess they can tell some how?
Nope, they should not be able to.
Buy a giftcard …and a grape. No chance of picking it up once normal groceries are involved..and it is the CBA…you could probably yell at them that you bought a giftcard and they still wouldn't pick it up!
No coles offer for me…. maybe they heard me (or because I spent heaps at Coles already - used it to meet the bonus spend requirements on gifties last month)
FYI if order is collected after the promotion date then you don’t get the cash back :(
Yes, both Coles and Woolies only put a hold on the card when you order and charge it once you pick up.
$5 for $100 here
Same, why always $5 off, so I never use it.
$5 for $50.
Nice, got $5 for $100 last month, reduced to $5 for $50 now.
I got $5 for $100 now, not $10…
Did any one get cashback for buying a Coles gift card + a $1 grocery so far? I have always got cashback but have not seen this for 10 days now.
Yes same boat as you
Called CBA customer care, and they said I do qualify and can take a few more days. So lets hope it comes through.
@shap08: Mine hasn't come through. I checked my app and says my deal expired. I clearly bought over $200 worth of stuff in coles. I'll be giving them a call tomorrow.
I bought normal groceries around 10 days ago and haven't received the cashback yet.
same… called the helpdesk and they said wait for 14 business days.
oddly, ampol cashback got tracked and received notification in 4 days.
will call them again after 14 days which is this friday.
The offer states typically paid within 14 business days, so I will have to follow up around Friday as well.
CommBank recommends to use the app for contacting help. Load app, start using Ceba (chat with bot), type in keywords, and click through a number of prompts to get to connecting to a human about Yello cashback issue.
Instead of messaging with a human, the app just launches a normal phone call. The only benefit of going through the app is that you complete ID verification easily and can skip that annoyance in the call, but otherwise there does not seem to be any point. The agent doesn't seem to see the issue that you typed in earlier.
On hold for about 8 minutes, got through, explained, agent doesn't have access to my credit card transactions, transferred to credit card team, short hold, explained, they read through the offer T&Cs, they looked up the wait timeframes, then they prepared an enquiry that goes to another team.
Took about 25 minutes all up.
@UrMumsOnlyFan: Got a Netbank response saying they've manually credited $5 (which they have), and also that if a $5 cashback turns up later then that's all good and I can keep that too.
My Coles shop from 17 June hasn't tracked. My previous 3 Coles shops (May 2024, Jan 2024 and Nov 2023) all tracked within a week.
Same situation for me. Since the offer has now expired it's not evening showing in the app anymore. I took a screenshot of it but that's all I've got and the $50 transaction at Coles dated 16 June.
You might be able to find it if you go to the Activated offers page in the CommBank app and scroll down to the Recently Expired section.
Yep. Same. Time to follow up with CBA.
There's something wrong with their system lately because the 'special gift cards' offer also took 3+ weeks to track, and only after a poster here contacted them on live chat for an investigation.
Must be an issue. I bought the special gift card 3 days ago after people had reported it and it tracked today…in 3 days!
Still waiting on my Coles to track, purchased 18 days ago.
I have been doing these for about 2 years and it has always tracked within 5 days…until now.anything for Coles yet? My Appliances Online and Bonds purchases that I made in the last week have tracked. My Coles one on June 19 hasnt… I also made an Ampol and Myer one over the weekend - but it's still too early for tracking to appear.
And finally received the notification on the app that they are sending the cashback amount.
Same - many thanks to those who phoned CBA and got their tech support on the case.
Got mine too.
Same. Thanks to those who logged tickets.
I filed an official complaint this morning, as it was past the 14 business day deadline. A few hours later I received the $5 cashback.
Are you able to file a complaint via the app? Or is it netbank only?
You can via the app. While on the Home Screen of the app, press the help icon (question mark in a speech balloon), scroll down and press “View Your Complaints”, then scroll down and press “Make a Complaint Online”.
Well isn't that nice and buried where few people would ever find it …
Everything else in the app drives you to Ceba which leads to a regular phone call.
I logged into the app to do this but before I did, I checked my expired offers and could see that status of my coles offer has changed to “Claimed 09 Jul”. Now just waiting for the credit to come thru.
Small step in the right direction. Hope its the same for everyone else who was yet to get theirs credited
15/150 for me this time around
A Coles offer seems to be monthly at this point