Hey everyone,
Can we please discuss this discrepancy in points values?
One example being $100 Hoyts cards
(Using Hoyts as the example but all $100 cards are priced much the same)
* 20,486 Points
* 20,410 Points
So the values are pretty much the same.
Yet when you transfer NAB to Velocity
"3,000 NAB Rewards Points = 1,500 Velocity Points"
* Are people are exchanging for half the value?
Shouldn't 3,000 NAB Rewards Points = closer to 3,000 Velocity Points since they both purchase the same?
(Even with the current 15% or 20% bonus you're sitll losing)
It's been like this for years and I'm so confused!
20,486 if used correctly could buy 2 plane trips + taxes. They are much more valuable in point form for business seats. The going rate of a velocity point is about 1.25 to 1.75c per point (check the forums…).
Do the math 20k points = $200 (even if the low ball figure is 1c per point).
Using your points for gift cards and toasters etc is not the best use of your points (and if it is, you'd be much better earning direct cashback with a HSBC card or equivalent rather than a credit card).