Johnny's Furniture in voluntary administration – status of my order?

Purchased a couch and ottoman from Johnny's Furniture that have both been paid in full.
Apparently warehouse inventory has been allocated and I was planning to pick them up in a couple of weeks when moving into a new home.

I just saw last night that Johnny's Furniture has been put into voluntary administration so obviously I'm a bit concerned with what's going to happen to the order.
I've sent an email off to the administrators, but in the meantime – anyone familiar with this kind of situation who can shed some light on what will likely happen?


Related Stores

Johnny's Furniture
Johnny's Furniture


  • +5

    These things are always case by case, it depends how deep in the red they've gotten themselves. If you've paid for it and the stock is sitting there then that is a good sign.

    That the administrator has allowed a level of continued trading is a good sign, but maybe it's worth collecting it sooner rather than later and putting it in storage for a couple of weeks?

    • Thanks for the helpful response, I'm hoping that's the case – I'll be trying to get in touch with a store in the meantime to do that

  • +4…

    31mop on 08/05/2024
    There’s talk they’re going into liquidation soon. Stay away

    Hindsight but still, the info was there…

    • +1

      The order was made a number of months ago (delivery time / moving house didn't end up syncing up as expected so we asked to delay pickup until we were ready) before any of this was out in the open. I didn't see this stuff a month ago otherwise I would've organised pickup then.

  • +10

    You do not have a security interest over Johnny's Furniture assets (i.e. the couch and ottoman) so I'd go pick it up ASAP personally.

    • Thanks, yeah hoping I can do that ASAP during the week if I can get a hold of anyone

  • +1

    If you paid by credit card, call you bank explain to them what's going on and you may be able to get your money back.

  • -1

    Should've gone to Harvey Norman. At least they have stock.

    • +1

      Johnny's Furniture

      Gerry's Furniture


    • -6

      Very helpful. If you read the post, it said the stock is sitting there allocated and waiting to be picked up.
      But I wouldn't expect reading comprehension to be a strong suit of anyone riding Gerry's nads

  • I'm confused. Is it well priced Australian made furniture or overpriced imported junk?

    I can't find any references to Australian made so I guess it's the latter.

    • +1

      its all imported junk bro

    • -1

      Is Australia were you want to buy decent furniture from anyway? I'm sure you can get great quality if you pay enough, but wouldn't surprise me if you could get even better for less from craftsmen in other countries.

      • -1

        Yep, wait until you see actual real wooden furniture from Asia, Australia is nothing in comparison lol.

    • -1

      There are places overseas that make great quality wooden furniture. My relatives in Vietnam have wooden lounge sets costing over 50k AUD, and other wooden cabinets and statues costing over 200k AUD. Great quality wooden furniture actually appreciates in price in Asia. Of course, not all wooden furniture is great quality as it is built to a price but there's plenty of great woodworkers in Asia with low labour costs- they build wooden furnitures all day. Like for like (same materials and techniques), Asian imported furniture is better than Australian made, due to lower price with same quality.

  • +2

    If credit card, charge back!

    Do it now!

  • I just saw last night that Johnny's Furniture has been put into voluntary administration so obviously I'm a bit concerned with what's going to happen to the order.

    Worst case, you lost your money

    Best case, if there really is stock, you get what you ordered and paid for.

  • +1

    You are an unsecured creditor, all stock is sold to recoup funds for secured creditors like the wholesalers or income owed to employees.

    • When you buy things from a shop in person, you pay and you get the product, does not matter if the shop is in administration or otherwise.
      When you buy things online, the law seems to be different, which really needs to be fixed.
      The same principle should be used, whether it's an online sales or not. You pay, you get the thing you paid for, or you get your money back.
      Otherwise, it is just a legalised theft/scam.

      • As long as you pay in person, you can pick it up right then and there, waiting weeks allowing the business to go into administration is the problem here.

      • "When you buy things from a shop in person, you pay and you get the product, does not matter if the shop is in administration or otherwise.
        When you buy things online, the law seems to be different, which really needs to be fixed."

        Not really, the issue here is that the OP has left their item with the retailer.

  • saw this on the news

  • +1

    Ally on a current affair is all over it,
    I am sorry for your loss.

  • As has already been mentioned here. If you paid by credit card ring your bank and tell them. You should get an instant refund. Don't delay.

    • You should get an instant refund

      Not always….

  • +1

    Us too. Ordered furniture in store early March, paid 50% deposit and been waiting for delivery since - we weren't initially too concerned by delays but as time went on…….

    Received the advice from the Receivers a couple of days ago about Johnny's going "bust" and will be advised about our order in due course.

    Of course, fearing the worst - lost our money 😡.

  • This is unbelievable! I purchased in October 2023 told it would arrive January.,. Constant delays
    And they sold to other people in March this year KNOWING about the delays!!!
    FYI he is also now merging with the owner of Home Sweet Home (also in liquidation)

  • hey OP, did you manage to get your furniture?

    • Nope, was a complete loss – didn't see a cent

      • if you ordered via credit card, could have done a chargeback

  • Sorry to hear OP. Just found this post after watching A Current Affair story on "Johnny's Furniture" and "Home Sweet Home". Interesting story since they had footage of the guy discussing his potential practices on the phone to someone.

    A Current Affair story -…

    Reddit post I saw about one of the stores -…

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