Windows 7 Free Cloning Software in 2024?

have an old PC set up in MAME cabinet… want to replace the old HDD with a SSD i have laying around.

I have only cloned a handful of times over the years and the older version of Macrium I have says Windows 7 too outdated.

Not hooked up to internet, dont want to mess with updating OS as the whole system just works perfectly as is…and MAME is a lot of hassle and time to tweak the way you want it!

cheers in advance!


  • +1

    Most ssd manufacturers have a cut down tool on thier website that allows cloning.

    • thnaks, but its an Intel SSD - they pulled theirs

  • +1

    I've always used rescuezilla which is the gui version of clonezilla. runs off a bootable usb so doesnt matter what os you have installed.

    • thanks - this looks pretty foolproof in that it clones the image while its cold/not running - any snags/ how many times have you used this?

      • I use it to create a backup of two pc's about every three months. done a restore a few times too.

        i like that you can create the backup to a smb network share, which i then later upload to gdrive for an extra copy.

        to me it's flawless.

  • A way you could do it is get and install the free Veeam Agent for Windows software. Run a backup of your system. Change the drive over. Then boot from the recovery USB/CD you created during installation and restore to the new drive.

    • yep, thought of that too but cloning so much less hassle, thanks for response!

  • +1

    Install Disk Genius, Install the SSD, run Disk Genius and click on "Transfer System" and wait a few mins - DONE!

    Guide and Details here:

    Have done it a heap of times on various machines that have upgraded to SSD or new PCs where I want the old OS …

    Was so impressed with the functionality of the free version of Disk Genius that I purchased a Professional license to support the Devs ;)

  • If your SSD Brand doesn't have a free cloning software, you can always use the backup/restore trick using this free product…

    Install, create bootable media.

    Run backup to portable drive.

    Swap drives

    Boot the bootable media, do restore.

  • I have only cloned a handful of times over the years and the older version of Macrium I have says Windows 7 too outdated.

    That's strange.

    Try getting an even older version from

    Macrium Reflect Free Edition is my go-to disk cloning utility as you can run it within the OS and I've never had it fail me in hundreds of cloning operations at this point with all manner of OSes, HDDs, SSDs and storage interfaces.

    • I was very happy with Macrium Reflect, it just worked even when scaling up or down in partition sizes.

      Apparently the free versions are no longer available now?

      • yep, now paid and hit a snag with my Win 7 / version, cheers

      • Apparently the free versions are no longer available now?

        I'm still using the last free release from January 2023. I think it'll be a long time before that becomes too outdated to keep using.

  • +1

    I use EasUS but only because that's what I used as a kid. I've used others too but I don't file that kind of information into long term memory.

    • thanks but on the surface Easus looks confusing….so many product lines, appear to reveal paywall after download/install?

  • Maybe get a hdd to SSD Cloner Duplicator Docking Station instead.

    Something like this:…

    • thanks, but the PC+ SSD in question would be worth far less than that device!

  • EaseUS Partition Master has never done me wrong for over 2 decades.

    • on the surface Easus looks confusing….so many product lines, appear to reveal paywall after download/install?

      • Yeah, their marketing is insane. If you don't want to pay you can just ignore it.

        The product itself is really simple to use though.

        I'll admit, I did end up buying a lifetime license for EaseUS Pro on sale (which it is frequently) to get rid of the nag screens, but also because I've had so many years of use out of it and it's never done me wrong, so I considered it a donation.

        I reckon that I've migrated 6-8 OS hard drives in that time without any trouble at all, including from SATA to M.2 SSD, and probably 10-12 straight clones of backup drives. Maybe more.

        Also, functionality like resizing drives, partitioning them into multiple partitions, and changing drive letters is as simple and reliable as a few clicks.

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