(Natural gas) and how often does it need servicing? Is it something you could/ should do yourself?
How Much Does It Cost to Service a Gas Heater?

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1) Cost : Say up to 2 hours plus call out. ~$250 - $400
2) Biennially
3) No. Exception is if you are licenced and competent to do it.If this was actually true, and not a money-making fear scam, gas space heaters would be completely un-economical. Are you talking about some big US-style boiler for whole-of-home maybe?
Are you talking about an instant hot water system?
For me in Perth it was just less than $200 for a service (I think it was Rinnai).
Curious - do many people actually go out of there way to service these heavy appliances on a regular basis? Thinking hot water; washing machine, AC (multiple), gas appliances etc. My singular anecdotal evidence is that we have not had an appliance fail on us because we failed to service it - dishwasher, gas hot water, and gas ducted have not failed on us and have outlived me (I'm 20 yo) and has never been serviced, to my knowledge.
We always go the gas heating because there is a safety/health risk there.
AC you can generally CLEAN it yourself relatively well. If you really want to and you have a heap of aircons to do at home it might make sense to buy the full on kits and do it yourself. (Full wash out, clean out filters, anti bacterial sprays etc)
Are you renting the house or a room out to anyone? You're probably obliged to have it checked every so often if so.
Probably in the $200 range factoring in a call out.
But to be honest a service will just be a simple clean, check for leaks and thats it.Is it worth it? Thats for you to decide.
Anyone have carbon monoxide detectors installed? Might be more important in the long run if it begins malfunctioning. FWIW I was quoted $380, maybe because this is peak time for this work. Might be cheaper to do in summer.
You got scammed. From $30 at Bunnings, but worth it if you have an unflued gas heater. You don't need some dodgy tradie to install it.
Oops, I didn't write my comment properly. The $380 quote was for a ducted heater service. Will just install a CO alarm to get peace of mind. Looking at Nest at the moment.
That's a relief 😀
Stop using it and invest in a reverse cycle air conditioner. Much cheaper to run and no poisonous carbon monoxide to worry about. Servicing is as simple as vacuuming a filter.
do you mean a space heater for a room?
I've never paid to have ours done.
I clean the filters at the rear weekly when in use. Pull the back off at the end/start of the season to ensure there is no dust, corrosion, split hoses, "odd stuff" happening. They aren't complicated.
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