Check Airlines Booking from Booking

Hi everybody,

Just wonder if any of you used to book air travel with And your experience?

I booked a ticket with them to EU and received the booking with E-ticket number and something looks like the airlines confirmation number. But I cannot check it on China Eastern website as it only allows manage booking with direct booking from its website.

Is there any way I can confirm that the ticket is indeed issued by the Airlines? I know I should book direct with the airlines instead of going with the TA but their flight time and price is very good so I took the risk. Also they seem to be in the business for a long time so not a scam I believe.

Thank you.

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  • Yeah the China eastern website is a pain to bring up a booking

    Try another skyteam airline and see if you can bring up your booking…

  • Call the airlines?

  • Yes I tried but couldn’t reach someone in the Australian office. Email their global contact with my ticket number, it was issued by CE US so looks like it is all good.

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