Replace Heating from Gas to Electric for The Entire House

I am looking at options to replace central gas heating to using electric. I have a under house gas deducting system, is it possible to simply replace the Brivis ducted heater to an electric heater and use the existing piping? Thank you.


  • "is it possible to simply replace the Brivis ducted heater to an electric heater and use the existing piping"


    What does it cost you to use Gas for heating?

    • -2

      What does it cost you to use Gas for heating?

      less than electricity

      • Let's ignore the $10k+ upfront costs of ducted RCAC.

    • about $1200 pa. include hot water and stove usage.

      • Let's say you will save $600 a year (if that) on heating cost once you switch ducted RCAC.

        It will take you say 15 years to recoup the upfront costs of installing a $10k unit (ignoring opportunity costs).

        By that stage you will need to replace your ducted RCAC unit because they don't last as long as gas heater.

        Unless you need to replace your gas ducted heating or also wanted ducted refrigerated cooling, switching from has to RCAC still doesn't stack up for me.

        • Thank you, it makes sense that you now calculated it.

          The gas ducted heating or also wanted ducted refrigerated cooling you mentioned, I suppose existing ducted heating piping won't work?

          • @spedohero: Unlikely has gas ducting is smaller than cooling where there is greater airflow, plus you will need to install RCAC ducts in the ceiling.

            If you want ducted refrigerated cooling, then go for it.

            • @JimB: The current duct is under the house, I suppose it has to be ripped out and replaced with newer duct under the house. Sounds like a pain therefore expensive.

              • +1

                @spedohero: Check you can run RCAC ducts under the house.

                Most of the time the manufacturer doesn’t recommend this.

                • @JimB: Seems like it would make the most sense to have low level ducts. In summer: aircon fills the house from the floor up instead of cooling the hot air collected at the top. In winter: hot air directed down to warm the floor before the heat rises automatically?

                  Only advantage of putting it in the roof is for easy installation/if you don't have a crawl space under the house

  • +1

    is it possible to simply replace the Brivis ducted heater to an electric heater and use the existing piping?


    • 14 seconds too slow my friend

      • +1

        That's what my wife said too…

        • +1

          following the pregnancy test?

          • @JimB:

            pregnancy test?

            Not pregnant. Doc said I just need to lose a bit of weight.

    • +1

      Can I ask why without going to pregnancy and weight loss issue, please? thank you

      • +2

        You're new here aren't you?

        • He does has sensible posts sometimes.

  • What state are you in? In Victoria you can get a lot to replace that system

    • Vic, mate.

      • +1…

        Ducted gas heaters are something they very much like to get rid of.

        • Ducted gas heater discount when upgraded.

          Up to $2,450

          Up to $3,500

          Up to $5,180

          Most of the ducted RCDS goes into the roof cavity. I am hoping to use the same floor vent already there for gas heating.

  • the ducting needs to be replaced but its a fairly minor part of the cost. they will run the new ducts to the same cut outs for the gas heating (maybe replace the grills or change the size slightly).

    But as others have said you dont save money unless you need to replace the heater system in any case.

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