My dashcams seem to fail on me every 3-4 years. They're relatively high-end Blackvue ones (the cheap viofo one I found on Ozb only lasted ~6months) and I thought they would last longer than that. Is this everyone else's experience or am I just unlucky? Is it because I have them hardwired so they stay on for longer?
How Long Do Your Dashcams Last?

1 more year to go
Have the A119S since 2017. It is on cigarette port power and still works. It lacks modern features thou
Missus and I also have the A119 in our cars (not hardwired) since around 2017. My V2 is rock solid. Hers is the V1 with the dodgy GPS mount connection.
Found out when going to check footage once that it wasn't running so now power the camera directly and let the GPS get powered through the dodgy connection rather than the other way round. At least only lose GPS not footage if it stops working again (which is does every now and again)Only other thing is hers sometimes resets to defaults. Not that big a deal but I prefer the 1080@60fps setting over the default higher res slower fps, and the timezone is then wrong so timestamp is out… if the GPS is connected that is.
oh yes, the same thing happened, no longer powered using the GPS mount, connect directly to the unit.
Yep agreed, I've had my Viofo for over 7 years and it's still working. Time to switch brands if you're not using one.
3.5 years no problems
Still going well for 7years but unfortunately, nothing worthwhile got caught.
This is how I discovered my wife's dashcam is now dead - someone tried to go around a turning truck and got squashed in front of her. Went to get the footage but found it's no longer working.
Now thats a worry, not having the footage when you thought you're covered
Have you looked at wiring and power connections first? If the wiring is janky or full voltage isn't making it to power on the camera, that may be the reason for the failure, rather than the actual dashcam itself.
I haven't had a close look to be honest, but I will now thanks.
Definitely, mine is still working, I do check from time to time especially when other drivers doing stupid things lol
Should we all be buying two dashcam as a redundancy? How much does Dashcams Australia pay for a cool video anyway…
Viofo A129 lasted 4+ years but is effectively near end of life because the plastic started to deform after being in the summer sun this last summer.
Blackvue DR650W-2CH installed in 2015 and it hasn't skipped a beat (with the exception of a memory card replacement after 9 years, which is probably to be expected).
Exact same camera and install date. But with 2 SD card replacements in that time.
Image quality is probably outdated at this point, but hard to argue with the reliability.
I'm pretty happy with the quality for the most part. I couldn't justify upgrading it just for the sake of higher quality at this point, but if it was causing me grief, yeah I'd definitely look at a higher quality one.
Same, installed since 2014, still going. Wife has the updated version (DR750S ) , she bought it 2019, and also still going. Blackvue highly recommended
I have two of this model since 2016 and I check every 3 months or so. Last time I check, they still work fine.
What model Blackvue??
I have a dead DR750S Dual… apparently its very common for that model.Looking at the files recorded it had not worked for over a year…. great investmentDR750x dual is the one that's died recently. The rear camera died first a while ago but now the whole unit doesnt power up. A DR650s also seems to be on the way out (takes ages to power up and misses the first few minutes of driving).
apparently the X is supposed to have fixed the issues.. not that Im bothering spending lots on the next one if they all shit themselves.
I have a uniden from Aldi thats still working after ~6 years.
Blackvue are ok but very overpriced and the 750/900s get hot which causes them to die quicker.
Id personally avoid blackvue and stick to viofo or thinkware
I've had a blackvue 750 dual for 5 years. A lot of long trips (5hrs+) where it records continuously and hasn't had any overheating issues yet.
Not sure if it makes a difference, but my car is mostly parked undercover so the cameras aren't often exposed to the direct sun.
Our first mid-range Garmin died after just 1 year. Most likely from overheating as it was a well known issue at that time. The second mid-range (updated version) Garmin is still going strong after 5 years.
How often do people check their footage on their Dashcams to make sure they are actually working?
I drive in Sydney so I get footage every couple of days… I think I previously had an A119 duo and the file being actively recorded would be corrupted when the power and engine switched off. So I'm glad the new one doesn't have that issue.
Probably once every month or two months
I’ve owned a Viofo 119S for 5-6 years which has recently forgotten to turn on when it receives power. The issue only happens sometimes when I start up the car.
Blackvue DR750S has been working perfectly for 5+ years now. Hopefully it will continue to do so for another 5. It should for the price they ask..
I've had 2x Viofo A119's (don't remember if V2 or V3) for 7.5 years now.
Still running on the original memory card without issue.
I've had to replace the 'bios' battery about 2 years ago due to it not remembering it's settings anymore.
And this is in a car that gets parked mostly outside in sun all day.
one Navman cam is now 10 years old
the garmin one is about 9years old.Longest I've had one is 8 years and was still working when sold with the vehicle. Longest since then has been 4 years, again sold working with vehicle. Current oldest one is 3.5. All Blackvue or Thinkware and all hardwired. Prefer the form factor of Blackvue but the features of Thinkware. Have had a Viofo in the mix and it was fine, especially for the price, but far bulkier.
Still have one also. Great little cam which I think only cost around $40.
A couple of years.
Navman focus 400 hardwired in its 6th year now. Still an absolute champ. Only killed one microsd.
Front/rear GPS/gsensor data. Takes the summer heat without issue.70mai in the other halfs car in it's 6th year too on its 2rd SD card but working like a champ.
70mai, two cars, 3 and 5 years old. Both still works everyday. Samsung Endurance microSD 64GB.
70mai going strong for 5 years here! Car is almost never undercover
70mai going strong 6 years, with the occasional voice message to format the SD card.
Blueskysea B1W still working after 5 years. Drive about 5 hours a week. Undercover when at home.
Have you ever changed/upgraded the SD card?
Blackvue DR590 for 3yrs then car was sold with dashcam
Blackvue DR750x Plus for nearly another 3yrs in the new car (this one is hardwired)
1x cheap Azdome for 6mths in a second carNo hardware failures, all had SD cards upgraded to Samsung Endurance Pro. Usually checked every few months to make sure it's working, for firmware updates and to format the SD card.
Yes, changed the SD cards a couple of times to Samsung. Admittedly, I don't format them as often as I should.
Life time 3 or 4 years died.fare enough.get new one.
I had a couple from JB a few years ago. And for once I bought the extended warranty (was actually negotiated in). Good thing I did.
First one was a top of the range Kapture. Took it back after about 18 months after it stopped working as expected. Thanks to the extended warranty, I was able to get a refund and brought a different brand, also with the extended warranty.
The second one, a Uniden didn't quite make it to two years either. Got a full refund on that also.
We have a new car since, that has a BlackVue hard wired in. Still going strong after nearly 12 months. It is covered by the warranty of the car.
Ive had 2 blackvues die after about 2/3 years. 650gw's, Wont buy blackvue when these ones go to god. There plans to operate more than one camera and access all the features arent worth it anymore.
They started by corrupting the cards (blackvue brand) then displaying wrong dates and times and getting so hot you couldnt touch them.
You would expect better for the price.I've had a Viofo 129 duo for ~3.5 years now. I occasionally review the footage when I see something crazy on the road. Cigarette lighter plug though, not hardwired.
I guess I should start looking for a new one ?!?Bought two Blackvue DR750S-2CH fitted in two cars at the same time. One is still working 5+ years, the other started failing in the 2nd/3rd year then replaced it with a Thinkware U1000, and been good since. Also, I have Viofo A129 Pro in a third car, still working 4+ years.
I have a Navman Mivue that is still going after 10 years of daily use.
It does need a new mount though, the suction ain't sucking anymore.
I had an event and checked the video (Viofo A119). Video played in fast motion and I couldn't get a clear picture of the other cars rego plate. Might the memory card be the problem? Or time for a new dashcam (about 4 years old).
I have a BlackVue DR750X just over 2 years old and it's working great so far. I format the SD card every month and check the footage, usually pair it with checking the car tyres. I have a Samsung Endurance pro in it. Expecting to have to replace the SD card at some point. If you register with blackvue they give a 3 year warranty but sucks if it dies just after that!
Buy a dashcam from a store that accepts returns. Run it for 30 minutes or the duration of trips you make everyday. If it's too warm to the touch, return it. Heat kills, and if it's on a hot day with strong sun, sayonara dash cam.
I run viofo in both my cars for years. No issue but I don't drive everyday.
i got a Viofo A119 v3 early 2020, still works as new
Had my A129 Plus Duo for just over 2 years, no issues. Other than the rear camera adhesive failing and it falling off after 20 minutes…
A119 on my old car. Its now become intermittent but it survived four years, including sitting in the sun during summer. I think that's impressive for a ~$100 product.
I now have a new car and was offered front and rear 24/7 cameras for $1600 installed on a Mazda 3, but I think I can do better.
The batteries and electronics are tiny and go through alot with constant recording and extreme temperature changes. So it's not uncommon for something to fail.
Plus, the technology and the quality of recordings get change dramatically over the years. Resolution, wifi, GPS, storage capacity. I wouldn't want a 720p camera from 3 years ago trying to capture something important when I need it for an insurance claim.
Had one of these Powerucc Panorama IIs for 6 years, I replaced it when the image from the sensor was a mess of pink and green pixels.
I replaced it with a Viofo A129 Pro Duo, which I've had for just under 5 years now. Early on I was ready to chuck it out, it kept dropping recordings and beeping and stuff, but firmware updates and a few SD cards later it seems fine. I've replaced the hardwire kit once in that time.
I had a Blackvue DR750x - 2CH. Recently stopped working lasted just under three years. Hoping it gets sorted with warranty.
Only had 2 so far. First sold with the car seeing still using with issues… 3 years currently
Posted above.
Blackvue is very reliable, at least for me and wife.
DR650 for me 750 for her.Mine installed since 2014, and hers near 2017. All going good still.
This rare one time I needed to get a footage from blackvue and the journey was not captured. It work all the other time I checked, maybe less than 3 time a year. Maybe I should check more frequent.
If your blaxkvue encounters any issues, get in contact with …. Highly recommended, excellent service.
I own 2 DR900s 2-CH that have had issues needing essentially all new internals, repair cost $160-$170 and if you wish they also offer an upgrade service to a newer model of your series for around $250, only catch with an upgraded camera you may need new cables/power run.
Otherwise, blackvue cameras have been a solid unit over the years.
Both are hard wired to two cellink battery packs
My Viofo A129 Pro Duo has failed in 2 years, rear camera died before front one. :(
Hotwired inernal battery system. Battery is fine.
xiaomi/ 70mai dashcams 2-6 years+
they all keep working but sometimes they just stop recording without warning and need to be reset - not sure if it's bad memory cards.
The issue these days a lot of cars have ALWAYS ON usb/12V ports so the dashcams run even while you are parked at home, so recording 24/7 to these tiny microsds I would image would not be very good.
Were the dashcams in the same car? might be the car delivering to much power/short due to moisture etc
I have a Garmin one I purchased in 2020, still seems to be working OK. App isn't the best, but I guess you can just put the card into a computer in the end
A poll would be good here.
I think you're unlucky, I'm at double this, and anticipate my current one lasting 10-15 years, it turns on and is working so, better luck next time? I'm also using a Blackvue.
Every few months check the recording if you can. It's unpredictable as they fail to record, although they look operational
My dod ls4 something still rocking under heat been 8 years and counting…
I'm amazed that people on a site like OzBargain are prepared to pay Blackvue prices for totally boring tech.
I've compared various action cams for a decade, for work we've used a good range of cameras, at home I've wired up Hikvision.
There is no magic sauce for consumer sensors, there's no special sauce for the tiny PCBs that support them. There's nothing that convinces me that paying four times more for a Blackvue setup is going to provide reliably better quality or longevity than a cheap system, with both sitting under Australian heat.
Maybe Blackvue uses incredible, high cost heat resistant capacitors or something (doubtful as if they did they'd heavily advertise it). But given the anecdotal comparisons of them vs Xiaomi, in this thread alone, the OzBargain choice should not favour the brand that costs four times as much.
On another note- I just did my annual replacement of my microSD card (annual as it wasn't high endurance). Fwiw, it was still working fine. Did replace it with a high endurance version though.
what do you do with the old SD cards?
Swallow them.
It's the only way to be sure.
It's a lot easier these days, total nightmare before microSD became the norm.
i've had a hardwired Viofo A119 for 3 years, no issues so far