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[PS5] Final Fantasy VII Rebirth $69 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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New lowest if you missed out on the $79 or $75.95 price point

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • This might seem silly, but if I didn't like remake would I like this?

    • +2

      It is less claustrophobic though since you are outside Midgar. I actually preferred part 1 more.

    • +1

      The gameplay is better and the open world is better to explore than Midgar. Also the subquests in Remake werent great neither. This game is better but if you really didnt like remake then you probably wouldnt like this one either.

      • Would this be similar to FFVX in the open world?

        • Maybe slightly but i found 15 to have a fairly empty and boring world in comparison.

    • Maybe! It's less focused and more open world. I know some people who loved Remake, but didn't enjoy Rebirth and vice versa. For completionists it's easily over 100 hours.

      • +4

        I just finished platinum trophy and 100% of the in-game play log… shamefully took me 280 hours and I play more than the average gamer… this games side-challenges were HARD.

        • +2

          Congrats. I had a hard enough time on the final boss on normal difficultly that I was close to throwing the controller into the TV (I need a new TV anyway), and just watching the ending on youtube instead. I was 96 hours with final playtime and 3 hours was just the final boss battle.

        • +1

          A touch under 250 hours atm. Only have the combat simulator battles left for Platinum..
          Good lord it is ridiculous sometimes..

          • +1

            @SuiCid3: 'Only'. My friend, they're the hardest part!

            • @gotoadgo: I've got 2 more Brutals to finish… then the Legendaries…
              I think hard is an understatement LOL

        • Congrats! That's a really tough one. I think my file was 120~ hours, but I knew I'd struggle with some of the challenges, so I gave up on the platinum.

        • Gratz! I just platinumed stellar blade and am starting to work towards this as well. Nothing to be ashamed of, if anything the determination to get through brutal and legendary fights is commendable.

    • +1

      The game was rated so high but I just couldn't get into it. It just appeared old school to me.

      • +2

        Ditto. It felt a bit too "kiddy" for my liking.

      • +2

        dit-three. tried Remake couldn't get into it. dare not to try this.
        felt like "watching" a game rather than "playing".

        • What sort of games do you enjoy?

          I'm playing Remake atm and I am really loving it.

          • +2

            @Circly: TLOU, Souls genres, Alan Wake 2 (really enjoyed this one, truly nex-gen mind blowing), Spider-Man and so on. Now enjoying hunting fish and what-not & running a sushi shop at Dave the Diver LOL.
            I played FF7 original and the subsequent games, was a real fan. decades went by, then went a few hours in at Remake. it's good but a bit all over the place, with a cutscene every 2-3 mins, unbelieavable I almost dozed off and the action runs linear and action/fight almost on automatic mode. If you cant keep me awake & motivated, then nuh-ah at this stage of life for me.

    • Nope.

    • +1

      I would say no. This is remake on steroids. It's utterly amazing, but if you didn't like remake then you probably wont like this.

    • +2

      Nope, not silly. I did not like Remake very much and struggled to finish it as the horrendous padding bored me, only did it because I love the original FF7.

      Rebirth however is exactly as I hope Remake would be. A large world to explore, not filled with useless filler like Remake and an interesting (to me) story and characters.

      • +1

        Yeah, that was my biggest problem with remake 50 minutes of climbing ladders and other bs filling and then a small cutscene at the end, rinse and repeat. I really hated it.

        Hopefully it ends up on PSPlus at some stage so I can have a free crack at it.

  • +3

    Same price at JB

    • Nice one, added to description

    • Really? Went to JB today was $79

  • +3

    Stacked mine with PICKUP10OFF to bring it down to $69.

    • Thanks! Added to description!

  • +8

    "Cloud! I heard that you are having issues paying for the new game, so I have robbed a local convenience store for 79 Gil, and have transferred the funds into your account."
    "Please purchase a copy of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth so you can continue to conduct more research!" - Chadley.

    • +9

      Holds triangle to skip

    • +2

      "That will be 2000gil"

  • Right in time for me to have nearly finished the first one.

    • +5

      get on with the times son. and move on.

    • It's an exclusive to the console so they can charge whatever they like unfortunately.

      • +1

        The game literally released 3 months ago. You make it sound like they are robbing you by selling a game for $79 with 50hours of content.

    • +1

      Games haven't ever been $59 brand new unless budget titles.

  • +4

    This game is unbelievably good.

    • I'm looking forward to playing it once I'm finished with Remake

      • +1

        It's easily the best game I've played in the last 10 years, and definitely up there for my favourite game of all time.

        • What other games do you normally play? I feel FF7 is successful for the nostalgic gamers who played the OG and fell in love with the world and characters. How many of the ppl that rate this game well are new to the franchise?

          • +1

            @plentifoo: Never played Ff7 and loving Remake atm.

            Don't know if I'd jump straight into rebirth though lol

          • @plentifoo: I play almost all genre's across all platforms. Other games I rate highly are the Mass Effect series, Witcher 3, Halo, Yakuza.

            I think newcomers will enjoy it, there is a tonne of charm and the combat/gameplay/exploration is really fun.

    • -2

      Mmm, different strokes I guess :/

      This felt unbelievably padded and the story seems to be going off the rails crazy, but not in a good way, but a Nomura way.

      A shame cause I enjoyed Remake, but thumbs down this time

  • +1

    Just bought for $69. Plat trophied remake during covid. FFXVI came out and couldn't last more than 2hrs into gameplay, was worried I've gotten over this linear style of gaming. Thought I was going to be a day 1 rebirth player, turns out I wasn't excited about it at all. At this price, ill give it go. 50% chance it's just going to sit on the shelf with the other unplayed ps5 games I own.

    I've been smashing helldivers 2/diablo 4.

  • +3

    They're milking FFVII to death.

    • +1

      The games are actually good though.

      It's not like Nintendo releasing 99.9% the same game as a remaster with worse frame rates and charging full price.

      These are like totally new games.

    • @kml22

      No problem if the milk is good.

      Besides, this is the first remake of the original game since 1997. It is worth it for some - to revisit a fav game in new light.

      I know many can’t wait for the milking a remake of Chrono Trigger and Xenosaga (Hopefully it happens sometime and at a quality similar to FF7R/ RE2R🤞)

      Of course worthwhile sequel would be better than remakes any time of day - but it seems devs are lazy in originating new captivating ideas or IP these days.

      • -3

        But the milk is deteriorating, and I wouldn't trust SE at this stage to leave us with a good final product

  • Played through on PS5 already. Awaiting for PC release to play through all again but in high framerate/resolution. Really appreciated Remake even more once I played on PC, can imagine the difference it will make for Rebirth.

  • +2

    Anyone who has CBA Yello deal spend $75 get $15 off, you can do the PICKUP10OFF code option, brings it down to $69, add something you need with it for an extra $6 or more and you have the game for $54.

  • +1

    I didn't really like FF7 remake gameplay, but I like the FF7 story. Played half way and then let my roommate play the rest while I watch.
    When I pre-order day one FF7 rebirth, I was expecting the same. Turn out I really enjoy it, spend 200+hrs on it (90hrs just to complete the story).

  • The PSN demo seems to have lacked polish in the open world section. (for instance: Cloud jumping animation/ traversal is funny/glitchy over the landscape, and the camera feeling ‘jittery and abrupt’ in its movement rotation (unlike the remake which was 👌)

    Has that improved in the retail game?

  • +1

    I played through Remake and found it pretty good - partly from the nostalgia I'm sure
    Playing through FF XVI atm, and while I enjoyed the opening few hours I'm struggling a bit to stay interested in continuing to play through it. The game seems disjointed and poorly paced, almost as if different teams did different sections of the game without much consistency or oversight as the game as a whole. I got the disjointed feeling a little from Remake a little the way they do their chapters.
    Is Rebirth any better in this regard ?

    • +3

      Nice you are asking about the pace. Rebirth is by far the worst among all modern RPGs I‘ve played in these years.

    • +1

      FFXVI started well and tapered off very quickly for me as well - sadly….. whilst the story is passable - it’s no where near the execution of the ps1-ps2 FF days….the execution and the combat just felt way too shallow and unpolished… (there was even an add on for a one-button combat to speed through it!)

      At some halfway point into the game - I just didn’t care for the side quests and wanted it to end lol :(

  • I've never played a FF game, what games is it similar to?

    I've played a lot of Elden Ring, CSGO and Runescape if that helps.

    • I've played a lot of Elden Ring, CSGO and Runescape if that helps.

      It’s none like those games you’ve mentioned…

      There is a good demo for this and it’s prequel on PSN store. I recommend it’s given a go to experience first hand.

  • +1

    Absolutely outstanding game. GOTY hands down

  • Sorry a little help here please, as I am so confused with this game. I know its a modernised version of the old PS game, but wasn't it out a few years back already? Is this an enhanced version again?

    • +2

      The original FF7 Is modernised and planned to be spilt into 3 parts.

      This here is FF7 ‘Rebirth’ (part 2)
      The one released a few years back is FF7 ‘Remake’ (part 1)

      • Right ok, what about that ninja girl game?

        • +4

          ‘Ninja girl game’ 😅

          That’s paid DLC for part 1 - only on PS5.

          (Available two ways:
          - purchase ps5 version copy at full price or
          - upgrade ps4 copy of remake, download free ps5 upgrade and then buy the dlc after)

          • @YoursTruly: The DLC is also included in the PC release of the game.

    • +1

      The remake is split into three parts- this is the second of the three.

      • The old game was like 3 to 4 CDs, now they are remaking each disc into its own game LOL

  • +2

    The amount of mini games in this was overkill. First one was much better in my opinion, hope they also make part 3 a bit more linear than open world.

  • Aerith120fps on PS5 is amazing!

    And I still dont understand how is this even related to the original ff7, is it a alternate universe? a new timeline? or a continue timeline from the original ff7?

    Still don't understand a lot of it and I am only unto Chapter 5, just got Aerith's really elegant swimwear!

    • +2

      I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoyed this game for 'those' reasons.

      I've actually never gotten "into" an animated character before but man…

      I was more a Tifa fan though tbh.

  • +1

    Price dropped further to $75.95!

    • Updated and linked to the newer post (I’m not sure what the etiquette is)

  • Thanks OP, for those (like me) that already used their $10 off pickup code, I had a CBA Yello offer for $10 off $75 spend at JB, and JB were happy to price match this so have a look if you're a CommBank customer.

  • Amazon has stock Big W nothing near me

    Meanwhile FF7 Remake Intergrade is not discounted.

  • Deal expired its $74 now you better off getting from Big W

    • Still showing at $69 for me sold by/ships from Amazon AU

      • +1

        lol they updated it back to $69 after I commented. Hope magically!? I think AI is helping Amazon reading ozbargain comments

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