When Is a Mobile Phone Worth Buying Coming?

Lately there has been a lot going on with development in artificial intelligence. I was wondering if there will be any phone coming out soon which will change anything noticeably? I mean my five year old phone with 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of storage can do pretty much everything a 2024 phone can do.

When will we see real innovation? AI is supposedly going to change the world and be the next industrial revolution. So when is a phone coming that will impress people? Like back when the smart phone was invented.


  • +7

    Coming soon.

  • +6

    After 20 or so years, smart phones are reaching the maturity stage of the technology lifecycle. Expect another decade of similar designs before something else amazing appears.

  • +1

    I predict 2037

    • +2

      more like 2036 to me…

      • +4

        You know big phona, always overpromising.

        If they are going ahead with the 2036 release, I wouldn’t expect the bugs to be ironed out until the update in 2037.

        You can be the Guinea pig in 2036, I’d wait until 2037.

  • Mobile processors themselves over the last few years have already been getting dedicated hardware onboard (the "NPU" - neural processing unit) that makes them better suited for running many AI tasks. These will no doubt continue getting better and even more powerful over time, and this will no doubt encourage developers to take advantage of them.

    You'll probably already start seeing TOPS metrics advertised next to processors from Qualcomm, Apple and Intel. That's one such measure of the effective AI performance capabilities of a chip's NPU.

    What phone do you currently have? There's probably many AI/machine learning features that your phone has that you may not have noticed.

    back when the smart phone was invented.

    What do you mean by that? What is the first smartphone in your mind? Are we talking the first Android phone? The first Palm OS Treo phone? The Nokia Communicator 9000?

    • My phone is an Oppo Reno 5g from 2019.

      I was thinking the first iPhone when I was referring to the birth of the smart phone as we know them today.

      • +1

        Your phone does support some AI features and apps already, as the Snapdragon 855 processor has the "4th generation AI Engine" from Qualcomm. It is rated at about 7 TOPS in terms of performance. For reference Microsoft wants 40+ TOPS for a device to be Copilot+ certified on PC.

        E.g. that background blur when you take a portrait photo — that is powered by machine learning / AI technologies. Google Lens also uses it.

  • +4

    Next Thursday at 3pm EST

  • +5

    AI is a scam, don't expect to see anything useful in this space.

    Its powerful as a tool for limiting thought and providing filtered answers on general topics, i.e. ensuring a 'shared concensus', or controlling the narative, but other use cases will fall flat.

    • +4

      AI says your wrong.

      • +1

        nice grandma

    • +1

      The fact that Github Copilot can look over my code, and figure out why it's not working without me having to look through pages and pages of Stack Overflow is great for me. Limiting thought? No, saving me time. It really depends on how you use it, and what you use it for.

      • +2

        Thats the perfect example of thought limiting. You will keep making the same coding errors because you didn't learn how to fix it.

        Frankly, your not a programmer until you go to bed with your code not working and wake up mysteriously with the solution :D

        • +1

          I learned how to fix it, because it explained to me how to fix it. It doesn't just fix it for me.

        • Well… I feel there are pros and cons of Copilot. I'm a boomer (aka old) programmer and have had lots of experience with having "aha" moments when waking up in the morning. However, there is no denying Copilot does make developers more productive:

          On the other hand, sometimes AI is a big fat liar:

          Traffic to Stack Overflow is dropping as the likes of Copilot become more popular. However, there was one study comparing answers from the 2 platforms that found that Stack Overflow gave the correct answer for often than Copilot. Personally, I'm using both.

    • +1

      Bro reckons it's been handy in writing scripts/code whatever it is.

      Elongated Muskrat reckons it'll be great for exploding the planet.

      Do you want to play a game?

    • It is already giving me bespoke porn, so you're completely wrong.

  • Titanic lady: Its been 84 years

  • When Is a Mobile Phone Worth Buying Coming?


  • This article gives a clue…Apple is getting a once-in-a-decade secret weapon in AI-enabled ‘intelliphones.’ Bank of America sees its stock surging 20%


    • +5

      Apple are very good inventing things which are already available elsewhere. Just marketing tricks…

  • +4

    Probably two weeks after your current phone breaka and you buy a new one.

  • i think you wont see a truly revolutionary product coming anytime soon. my theory is that in 2-3 yrs, you have a very powerful ai assistant that you can talk to on your phone and have it like a personal secretary i.e. it can schedule appointments, read out emails and reply back etc… but you still have a phone screen and a large battery to powered it. to have a truly revolutionary product like Jarvis (tony stark ai), you need a leap not only in software but also in hardware, the hardware part is the very hard. humane ai pin is trying to go in this direction.

  • Apple fan boys have been conned year after year into buying new overpriced Apple phones that are no different. I can't understand the cult of Apple. Morons who like going into debt to be hip.

    • The S24u adds 1"
      the IP15PM adds 2.5"
      way cheaper than a black BMW.

  • +1

    Do we really need some great innovation?

    My phone does way more than i need.

    What do you really need your phone to do that it doesnt already?

  • I purchased a phone this year and it updated to the latest android where I have felt it has taken a step backwards with many of my fav games are now magically "not supported by this device". I guess because these apps don't spy on you.

    • Well… no, it's a different Android version. Apps need to be built for newer Android versions, big bad Google isn't making older apps not work just so they can spy on you.

      • It's sarcasm.

        in saying that a 20gb OS should have some backwards compatibility really.

  • Never. Phones are getting worse edgy year (slower, more buggy, more security holes, more energy demanding, etc) , and only camera resolution / quality has improved in any useful way. On top of that the price : utility ratio continues to decline.

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