Workers Going on Strike - Is This Acceptable?

Title says it all - what do ozb community think about workers going on strike just because they cant reach a deal with the gov on pay rise?

While I understand the employer doing whatever it takes to keep expenses down, but for employees to then say I don't like it and therefore going on strike for me is just silly.
I mean if employees don't like the pay and benefits, then what's stopping them from looking elsewhere?
I don't think I am fairly compensated, but the reality check brings me back down to earth in that there is no better alternative, otherwise I would've gone for the better alternative.
Going on strike is effectively blackmail… and the gov should figure out a longer term solution to get out from this position.…


  • -1

    No, it's not.

  • -1

    At times this protected industrial actions are worth it but Unions are a bunch of flogs. All they care about is the membership within an organisation. The more members, the more $$ for the union. Yes they do represent the members but majority of the times are bloody destructive. It’s not healthy at all. Atleast that my experience with them.
    Just do some numbers. Average membership trend is spike 15-20% of the total workforce per organisation. Membership is around $700 or so. It’s huge $$ we are talking about for the Unions.

  • +1

    How do you get a pay rise at work OP?

    • -1

      Like some / most people, at the mercy of the employers.
      The only tool at our disposal is to keep improving ourself and convince them they should keep us and therefore pay us fairly.
      If in their view we underperform, then they are free to let us go, just as we are free to leave.

      But again, thats not the point of the post.
      I just dislike strikes by public service. And no I am not directly impacted because I don't take trams and this is not against union

      • +2

        "At the mercy of the employer"
        What an awful statement.

        So you know employer don't care about you or your family, they just care about their shareholders/ owner, don't you?
        Why would you want to be at he mercy of your employer? Why would you want others to be like that? It's a race to the bottom, for you and society.

        You might not like public service strikes, but they need to provide for their family.
        So, either support the first EBA requests of the public service or consider 1 day of striking every 3 or 4 years, and the slight inconvenience from it, as the cost to the govt/ tax payer for insisting on trying to screw over the countless underpaid and over- worked public service workers trying to eke out a living while keeping the country running

        • -1

          How do you get a payrise?

  • -2

    It only works for government jobs
    Because the managers are not good enough to hire enough new employees to replace the striking ones

    If strikes works so well
    It would be done in private sector as well but it's much more rare because the managers at non government organisations can work around the strike, limit the impact of strikes and hire new employees

    New idea, if all government workers strike at the same time and ask for 50% raise. Government would come to a standstill and collapse 100%.
    That's why the stikes are so effective against governments

    • -1

      Yep - agreed

  • +4

    The fact you even question unions and their effectiveness shows how cucked you are by rich people. They are the only meaningful way to change working conditions and get better pay. You would never hear a rich person go "Business Council of Australia, is their lobbying acceptable?"

    No class consciousness, no solidarity. You are even being (profanity) in your own job and your just like "welp what are you gonna do"… Not only that but you disparage the only effective tool for it.

    Some people are so foolish.

    • -2

      Sorry I live in a world, where its OK to challenge status quo.
      If thats foolish, plz dont make me smart.

      • +1

        I live in a world, where its OK to challenge status quo.

        Christ, m8. What do you think unions do, let the status quo continue?

        • -2

          where the statement suggests one can't even question unions and their effectiveness, that's definitely not challenging status quo.

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