Changes to ubank Save Account

Just received an email from ubank for changes to the ubank Save Account.


We’re making some changes to our General Terms, which will apply from 1 July 2024.

Here are the main changes:

  1. Bonus Eligibility Criteria: we’re increasing the amount you need to deposit to qualify for bonus interest. Starting from 1 July, you’ll need to deposit $500 or more into either your Spend, Bills or Save account each month from an external bank account (like your salary).
  2. How we calculate interest on your Savings: We’re introducing interest rate tiers to our Save account, which will change how interest is calculated. We’ll be in touch soon with the rates that apply to each tier. For more info visit We’ll be in touch very soon with more on this.
  3. Removing Outbound Payments from Save: You’ll no longer be able to make most external payments directly from your Save account. You'll still be able to receive external payments into Save. It's all about keeping your savings separate. Make sure to update any recurring payments, like Netflix or your phone bill, to come out of your Bills or Spend account(s) or Visa Debit cards. We’ll send reminders about this closer to the time.
  4. Passkeys: We’re introducing an easier and more secure alternative to log in to the app. This won’t be available for everyone yet; we’ll be in touch when it’s available for you.

All of the changes we’re making to the General terms are set out in detail at the start of the new terms. Please make sure you read them, so you understand what’s changing.

For more information about the upcoming changes to the Save click here.

Speak soon,
Team ubank

Update: Bonus interest rate tiers from July 1st (Deal Post):

Tiers Amount Rate
Tier 1 $0 to $100K 5.5%
Tier 2 $100K to $250K 5.0%
Tier 3 Over $250K 0%

Overall an increase (assuming 250k)

  • Current Rate of 5.1% = $12750pa
  • New Tier Rate of up to 5.5% = $13000pa

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    • I just went AMP, was super easy to set up a new account

      • +1

        Did you have any problems verifying online, tried passport and drivers license just says 'We couldn't verify your identity' and to download paper form. Not keen on going through the trouble of having to verify physical documents….

        • Nope, I used a drivers license using the license number and card number

      • a heads up for AMP, giving it a trial at the moment - although you receive the account details immediately on signup, it takes 48 hours (!) to be added to their online/mobile banking systems (lol)

    • +1

      FYI AMP doesn't have outbound payments from savings account

      Not sure yet about Rabobank, anyone knows?

      • +3

        I do outbound transfers from AMP Savings account, and there's an option to do BPay

        • +2

          Good to know, however it doesn't allow to setup direct debits which I really need


          What the product doesn't include
          Access to the bonus interest rate if you save less than $1,000 each month
          The ability to use the account for direct debits
          A cheque book, Bank@Post or the option to use a digital wallet

          • @Bredo: I got one of the free transaction accounts to go with it and just schedule a transfer from the savings to transaction account a few days before the direct debit is drawn from the transaction account. Stuff ubank, going to close everything and split it between Macquarie and AMP

            • +2

              @bdl: If that works for you great, unfortunately you don't always know in advance when a direct Debit it's gonna hit your account meaning still something you have to keep an eye on. This is specially true with some credit cards, for example my Citibank has some weird schedule for direct debit dates and I would have to remember to setup the savings to transaction transfer every month once I know that date, no thanks 🥴
              Edit: another example is my council rates, I'll have to schedule the transfer once I know the 4 installments dates every year, a PITA

          • +1


            What the product doesn't include … Access to the bonus interest rate if you save less than $1,000 each month

            That poorly worded statement appears to be incorrect, unless I misunderstand it. The requirement is a $1000 deposit per month. No need to increase the account balance. Withdrawals (like UBank) are fine. I've been withdrawing back the $1000 deposit along with the interest each month without penalty for a couple of years.

            FYI, I've just changed my direct debits to put $500 into AMP, then transfer it to UBank, transfer it back to AMP, then back to mamma. Should satisfy both banks

            • +1

              @BigBirdy: Yeah my point wasn't that, I just copied and pasted the whole thing. My point was specifically about "The ability to use the account for direct debits"

              • +1

                @Bredo: Yes I know, just the wording of that other point caught my attention.

                Personally, I wouldn't use one of these high interest savings accounts as a transaction account. I've been using such accounts for 4 decades or so, and sometimes they just go bad … crap interest, crap terms, or close down. I transact with a mainstream account in a big bank, and drop spare $ in these

        • BPay does not seem to work directly from the Savings account, I've tried and it just gives a "Something went wrong" error.
          Works from the transaction account

    • Ok, I will sus them out :)

  • +1

    so I can't direct debit my credit card payment or bills from my Save ubank account going forward?

    I assume the next best would be Macquarie Transaction Account ?

    • +7

      That's exactly right, you'll only be able to setup direct debits against the Spend and Bills accounts, which means remembering to top them up before the direct debit hits them

      At the moment, Macquarie it's the best alternative I know if you need Direct Debit support. Hopefully someone else find an even better option 🙏

  • +2

    at least no foreign transaction fee still

  • +4

    Well that sucks. Feels like everything is getting worse because Australia got addicted to low interest rates and the expectation that rates would continually decrease into perpetuity.

  • +1

    does this mean I can no longer BPay bills from Savings account? Will I need to move the amount to Spend account and BPay from there?

      • +10

        So what?
        Some folks prefer the convenience of not having to transfer funds out of their savings account into the transaction account.

          • +9

            @THICKnSLOW: It's not about the 20 seconds needed to transfer the money, it's keeping on top of (or predicting) when you'll need to do this for each bill. No-one is saying that this is impossible, just that not having to worry about it was very convenient. Sure, you can keep a few hundred in the spend account for covering bills but why not earn interest on that if you can?

          • @THICKnSLOW: You don't really seem to understand

            • @nickstar76: You don't really seem to give a valid input

              • @THICKnSLOW: A lot of people have multiple direct debits setup across save accounts. Each of these accounts have money being also used to earn interest. For a lot of people this is a time thing, money goes into accounts and I don't need to worry about when the direct debit comes out - this change screws all of that up. Arguing that "I can take 20 seconds to login to my account and transfer" doesn't really address this issue faced by many

    • +8

      Seems unnecessarily complicated doesn't it. For no apparent reason, no explanation. Ubank's slowly going down the sink.

      • +1

        I think Ubank is trying to throw a spanner into the machinery of compound interest. You'll be forever transfering money out of the highest interest bearing account to the spend account and in doing so will affect negatively the amount of (compounded) interest you will earn the following month.

    • +2

      I also pay bills from my savings account. So much more convenient when you have 10 different accounts for various things like insurances (pets/cars/house), taxes, etc.

      • Exactly what I did. Now it is PITA when they stops paying from saving accounts.

  • +5

    Weird. Never received this email (checked spam/junk etc).
    Am I alone?

    • +2

      Haven’t got yet either.

    • +2

      Same. Last email from them says "Spotted Bills is Here <eyeballs emoji> May Feature Update". Checked spam and sadly it's full of Russian Bride and Nigerian Prince offers but no Ubank.

      • +2

        No Viagra offers ?

    • +1

      You will receive it in a different batch.

    • +6

      Large corporations like banks and telcos will always send these email campaigns out in batches. Otherwise their call centres could get flooded iif tens of thousands of customers all received the same email at the same time. I received mine at 10:50 AEST tonight.

      This is also why they'll send batches out at night. It helps reduce the contact centre load.

      • +1

        Never had to think about this. Makes perfect sense.

    • +1

      Banking threads are the last place I expect to see you, cashless.

  • +2

    What are the interest tiers? you get more interest the less money you have or more money?

    • +2

      I find this announcement very half-arsed. It’s unbelievable people are getting paid to determine what the tiers will be but they haven’t finalised them before sending this email.

      Either way they’ll probably pay out less interest on higher balances, it doesn’t make sense to do it the other way because it’ll cost them more. No doubt like most companies they are trying to optimise costs in a higher interest rate environment.

    • +4

      Yeah. I seriously douche bag move from UBank to announce the change without the rates, and even worse - no detail on whether the bonus increases or decreases with the higher balance tiers.

      It's been fun UBank, but I'll be leaving real soon.

  • +11

    Well this sucks balls. If they are going to remove the ability to debit from the saving account, they should at least bring back the sweep option that original (pre-86400) Ubank had.

  • +11

    Not happy, payments directly from the saver was the key product feature I used, without it ubank offers nothing over the others. There's no point changing payments to bill or spend account, how is that better. Tonight I have been changing them to Macquarie Bank, and my pay too.

  • +12

    Ubank link

    Since the merger Ubank seems to be spending most of their time making it harder for existing customers to stick with them.

    Instead of focusing on competitve interest rates (nowhere near MEB, ING, AMP, Rabo, etc.) they keep introducing rules that conditions that nobody asked for or needs -:)

      • new CEO could stop these changes if he was even aware of them, but they would have been planned, approved and in development for several months before the CEO came onboard.

        • Andrew joined NAB in 2020 as Group Executive, Business and Private Banking. Prior to joining NAB, Andrew was with McKinsey

          Anything McKinsey does is screwing with customers

          • @payless69: sure, but he wasn't running ubank?

            • @Ryk: Sam reckons that he has just developed a bear phobia!

  • +2

    " any recurring payments, like Netflix"

    BAHAHAHAA, no way!

    • +11

      Ha! Amateurs… Little do ubank know - we live in Turkey now.

      • Or on the High Seas!

  • +2

    Disappointed to receive the email as well.
    Just purchased a property so my money is going elsewhere in offset anyway, which happens to be Macquarie.
    Glad to know it is considered a good alternative

  • +12

    Just got the email, we JUST moved from ING to UBANK, and now it feels like we're heading out soon again haiyaaaa

    • Yep

  • Can’t an extra step be put into the process, money in to saver from external, schedule transfer to spend then schedule to external.

    • +3

      Or just transfer into Spend from external, then transfer it back out. No need to put it into Saver

      you’ll need to deposit $500 or more into either your Spend, Bills or Save account each month from an external bank account

  • +22

    'Removing Outbound Payments from Save: You’ll no longer be able to make most external payments directly from your Save account. You'll still be able to receive external payments into Save. It's all about keeping your savings separate. Make sure to update any recurring payments, like Netflix or your phone bill, to come out of your Bills or Spend account(s) or Visa Debit cards.'

    Wait, WHAT !?!?!?!?

    I spent at least 14 HOURS of tear-my-hair-out stress, frustration and irritation last year between April-August 2023 to change my many regular external payments from my 'Spend' account across to come from my 'Save' account after UBank changed our bank account numbers - that was a nightmare I don't want to go through again.

    And NOW they're saying they're gonna shut that down, and require external payments to come from their F'ing no-interest Spend accounts - AGAIN !?!?

    I've just checked my previous records - we have 18 direct debits - for which I guess I would have to contact the external institutions to ask them to change the account number - that may be a signed authority form for each of those - and THEN if there's no sweep function, I'd be expected to chase each of those irregular payments to arrange a transfer from my interest-earning Save account to the no-interest-earning Spend/Bills account ? In other words do TWICE as much work - for EACH bill, EVERY TIME ?

    Sorry UBank - this is a step too far - if this is what it sounds like, I'm not only gonna switch to a completely different bank, but I'm also gonna send UBank a bill for my time - last recorded (I did) at 14 hours - let's say by minimum $50ph - that'll be $700 bill I'll be sending to UBank - for the PREVIOUS BS.

    If I have to do this $#IT again - I'll probably double that bill - say $1400 - and I can probably register an NCAT application to take this to the tribunal - and win.

    • +5

      I'm not only gonna switch to a completely different bank

      100% this is really the logical choice. If you want interest on your savings thats sitting in an account you can have bills direct debit out of, ubank is no longer a valid choice.

      and win

      Narrators voice "but they wouldn't really win"

    • +1

      I'm facing a similar situation and had to spend hours setting up direct debit, only to have this change come along and frustrate me even further! It's really upsetting to have to go through this process again.

  • +2

    Below is the reply I got from Ubank about Removing Outbound Payments from Save

    With the upcoming changes to our Save accounts, we aim to encourage less frequent transactions and promote the accumulation of savings, allowing customers to earn interest on their balances and achieve their financial goals. For day-to-day expenses and transactions, we have introduced the new Bills account, specifically designed to handle regular payments and expenses with ease.

    • +2

      Hard for new billing acount to handle these payments and expenses if there is no money kept in there due to crap interest rate.

    • +6

      Haha, their PR BS is laughable.

      Translation: "We aim to encourage more frequent transactions and more funds held in the Spend account; and discourage the accumulation of savings, forcing customers to earn less interest on their Save balances so they are further from achieving their financial goals"

  • +3

    I am moving to Macquarie. Lower interest but they give interest on there transaction account which also allows outbound.

    uBank was my secondary account for direct debit as l couldn't be bother moving money between accounts.

    • What is the Macquarie app like ?

      • Nice app, if they don’t do anything to make our life difficult or reduce interest rate Macquarie is my first choice bank

  • +2

    Something to keep in mind if closing a Save account.

    Exerpt from email received after closing my account -

    'If your account was a Save account:

    You'll lose any interest accrued this month as per our General Terms.'

    • +4

      Pretty sure I have about 60cents in some old savings account, which was the accrued interest at the time of moving to a new bank.
      And that's been slowly collecting interest for the past 10 years. Score.

  • +4

    Yes, make sure you close account on 1st day of month, otherwise you forfeit interest

  • Confused. I have a saver and saver ultra account. Is this something different?

  • +19

    Such a frustrating change.

    Spoke to customer service today and they are receiving a lot of complaints about this already.

    I would encourage everyone to submit a complaint to Ubank via their official complaints form…

    If you can be bothered consider upvoting this "completed feature" in the Ubank feature roadmap on Trello that might also send them a message.…

    • I've submitted a complaint via link above.

    • They know it’s not popular decision, if they still go ahead with it, I just move all my money, no time doing business with bank that don’t care about you at all.

    • thanks for the link, done

    • +3

      Just sent a complaint below:

      1. Auto Sweep feature between Spend and Saving Account
      2. Outgoing payment from Savings Account
      3. Minimum $500 deposit & and new Tier Rates

      Resolution Expectations
      1. Bring back this feature
      2. Don't break functionality of what is working like you did with number 1
      3. Don't overcomplicate things
      If you didn't realise yet, most of us are with uBank for simplicity and ease of use. If you move towards different direction, what choice do you leave us with?

      Let's see if any changes.
      Newer wannabe management are usually deaf tone!

      • +1

        I also sent a complaint and copy-pasted yours. Hope you don't mind.

  • +6

    [email protected]

    I also emailed

  • +3

    Submitted a complaint too

    [email protected]

  • +2

    Also submitted a complaint to the above email

  • FYI sister account… is 5% (bonus) up to one million dollars [say it like Dr. Evil] for all you guys out there with a spare mil burning a hole in your pocket.

    • +2

      No withdrawal otherwise it will drop 0.35%.

      • True. Also need one deposit (no minimum) per month. Not an issue for me - I use other accounts for withdrawals.

  • +1

    so is rabobank or AMP better? for balances between 100k to 150k?

    • +1

      AMP is better, app is average but it works fine, 5.4 % with deposit $1k which you can withdraw unlimited, that’s good enough for me.

      • no debit card huh? i wish they did have it..

        • +1

          Amp has visa debit card

          • @izkai67: nice! done deal than, when does this change take effect btw? have they announced how much we are getting this month for ubank?

            • @Roe Jogan: Ubank hasn’t said but I bet it won’t be good, I am looking at Australian unity bank, freedom saver interest rate 5.2% 0-50k and 5.1% 50-250k which is better than ubank, and it has no hoop at all! No limit to withdraw, I am hesitant review is not that good.

              • @izkai67: looks like AMP is the best option atm, we still have 1 month, this month is 5.1 percent, it starts 1st of july. i wont close the ubank ill just remove the money from there to the AMP once i open the account. but i heard AMP only pays from second month, is that true?? if yes that sucks and is off putting

                • @Roe Jogan: Open AMP now and transfer $1K into it to get high interest from next month onward

                  • @timhn: just a question, can i transfer $1000 money out of the AMP account into the ubank saver, and back again to AMP every month to unlock that return rate?

                    • @Roe Jogan: Yes.

                      You can deposit into AMP and literally transfer out within minute and still qualify - or vice versa.

  • +1

    I went through all that frustration of setting up the account. Plus working out that you need two savings accounts to qualify plus the $200 deposit every month. Since then it's been working like clock work on the interest. I'm with ING for everyday banking. I forget half the time to check I've increased my savings balance to qualify for the bonus interest the next month (why do I have to wait till next month!). I've enjoyed the set and forget with Ubank. Might be time to hunt for a better option.

    I just got a spending account with UP. I'm liking the app and guilt free spending on coffees :P

  • +2

    Someone mentioned that Macquarie bank allows outbound payments from transaction account, and this account pays high interest rate. I am moving my cash to Macquarie bank . Ubank sucks

    • how much do they pay % and what are the hoops?

      • 5.35% welcome rate, 4.75% ongoing. no hoops.
        + they have a marketplace where you can purchase discounted gift cards. I use it for amazon, woolies, target, kmart, EB games, etc

        • hmm so lower than AMP by 0.60

        • also what benefits does it have besides being more known compared to the AMP account?? imagine the ubank interest drops to 4.75 for the amount over 100k so what is the point of switching

  • +3

    I'm extremely frustrated that I can't make outbound payments from my savings account. This means I'll have to waste several hours setting up direct debit again at another bank. It's really infuriating!

  • +1

    This is such sad news, just received the email tonight :(

    RIP. Good thing I moved to AMP but their app sucks and so does the text notifications for payments instead of push notifications. Also I’m not sure if they fully support NPP.

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