Is It Possible to Purchase John West Salmon Bowls in Bulk for Cheaper?

Looking at these items:……

Very yummy and easy! They are $4.80 each. I have found them at the Sunday market (5 for $10), but does anyone know of any other places or websites you can purchase food items like this in bulk?



  • +6

    5 for $10 assuming not short dated sounds like a great price already, like almost too cheap lol

    • +4

      Contains 100% Fresh Sarmon™

      • +4

        May contain items John West rejected

        • It's actually the parts of the salmon that the bears reject.

  • +4

    Bet you could make a giant pot of it yourself and freeze portions.

    • +3

      Prob - but if he can get 5 for $10 , I think would be hard pressed to beat the price at a meaningful margin , and have it nearly portioned and packed and I would imagine cooking a frozen portion nowhere near as nice as the salmon bowl commercial option.

      I noticed there is a few independent resellers of the product, could maybe approach them to ask for best price for a few cartons, but I’d say because they have to pay tax etc I can’t imagine they could beat 5 for $10

  • which markets did you see these at? at 5 for $10 i wouldnt mind giving them a try

    • Trash and Treasure

      • +4

        Second hand?

  • +5

    OP found these at 5 for $10, an over 50% discount and still wants cheaper. Flying too close to the sun.

    • +1

      5 for 9.99 and i would buy
      10 bucks jist not worth it

    • I think they just want a place to source them at that price reliably.

  • I'm noticing they do not say what kind of salmon.
    Nobody seems to sell that cheap tinned "Australian Salmon" any more. Did regulators clamp down on that?

    The serving of these is tiny. Makes a good snack, but not a lunch.

    • +1

      Kitty Kat Salmon

    • What was the story with "Australian salmon"?

      • +1

        Its not the "salmon" you want.
        If you get wild caught Australian Salmon, its a lesser fish sold under misleading terms. The fish they're catching is called salmon, because it looks like one, but its not related to Atlantic salmon (I think its closer to herring and perch?), and has a flavour more like trout.
        Commercially it is a bycatch of other fish, and commonly used as bait/pet food.

        Atlantic Salmon from Australia is all farmed, usually from South Australia or Tasmania.

        • Is there any where you can buy non-farmed good quality salmon?

    • Probably just found a market for it with a higher margin. Either exports or incorporated into other meals/food.

  • 5 for $10 pretty good there no way i can justify to myself the full price.

  • Amazing what the Chinese can do with knock offs of tinned well pretend salmon.

    • +1

      Made in Thailand, but ok.

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