Have not seen laga 16 for this cheap for a very long time.
Still not like the good old days but slightly easier on the pocket.
Use code SAVEMORE across a range of decent whisky deals.
Have not seen laga 16 for this cheap for a very long time.
Still not like the good old days but slightly easier on the pocket.
Use code SAVEMORE across a range of decent whisky deals.
I bought a bottle of Aberlour A’Bunadh tonight, it much prefer it over this.
It's a much more complex taste that's for sure. Laga 16 fairly generic $150 drop. Don't get me wrong though, both are far better than what you'd normally get for the $110 mark.
Not really fair to compare the two
Lagavulin is like being at the beach at night with your friends, sitting around a fire burning driftwood, the breeze is warm and you get the odd misting of warm seawater over you, and everything is alright with the world, the stars overhead, in good company. At least to me.
^ Nick Offerman is in the house
Agreed. That's the way to drink this. One of the best pleasures.
I am only finding Aberlour 12 at Coles - was A'Bunadh somewhere else, and any good deals?
Coles doesn’t sell the A’Bunadh. I bought it from Dan Murphy’s for $140.
20 years I’ve had a bottle of A’Bundah, and I still haven’t managed to het through it. It’s absolutely my least favourite, but I still bring it out for a tasting as a point of comparison and to see if it or I have mellowed enough to make it palatable. Scotch is a funny thing and so, so personal!
What batch # is yours?
It would be "very sherry" if it's a 90's one.
2009 model. , so 15 years. All I can make out of the batch number is L??0123 (or maybe L??0127)
Totally agree - A'Bunadh is my go-to under $200.
yep same here.
damn, would be nice
got it thanks OP
Just ordered from my local Cole’s in Melbourne. Thanks!
Where abouts?
Only order this if you like peat. Not a whisky for everyone.
Does have a nice taste but not a everyday drink for me.
It honestly ruined most whisky's for me, once you develop a taste for the peat everything else tastes like lolly water.
Ron Swanson approves
It’s $155 now…
Apply the code to get it to $110
It worked! Amazing! Thx a lot!
Not working. Oos?
can't get any in SA in my area of West Lakes, St Clair.
Bit BS these offers being limited stock..
I got one in SA
Thanks, retried and changed to later time slots as others have suggested and it works now.
The Coles website is a travesty for online shopping. It should be burned to the ground.
When gift cards :(((
Thanks OP! Very decent price right now. Major retailers are selling for $155 or more. Can confirm the order and code works.
i just bought it and it is still in stock currently. The Coles website is just miserable.
I thought it was out of stock at a few locations, then finally found a location that emphasised out of stock. i realised i was just selecting pickup time slot as too early.
Went back to original location and selected an afternoon timeslot and proceeded to checkout pay area. That took 50 clicks to figure out after.
Got there in the end…
Wow i searched about 8 stores and finally found stock. Thanks for the encouragement!
My yagalulu order just got cancelled… Oh well
Did you get a text or email to say your order was cancelled? I didn't receive a notification for my pickup slot, turned up anyway. Claimed they had no record of my order on their system, despite providing order number and my account being debited. Was told to call Customer service. I called them, they said I "should" receive a refund in 2 business days.
I then tried to log in to my account to see if I could see what my order history showed, but it said my account was inactive. Called them back, they said there is a "technical error" with my account and they can't give me a time frame on how long it will take to fix, but I might not receive my refund until it's fixed. They're an absolute joke!
@gav23: Yeah I got an email with the subject line "Your order ####### has been cancelled" basically bang on the scheduled pick-up time slot.
@gav23: your account probably got banned when Coles did a sweep of my alts. I've been using this bottle as an exploit to get ~$45 worth of free groceries from coles since it shows in stock at my local Coles but never is. The lagavulin is refunded but you keep the $45 discount.
(profanity) you must be a blast to party with mate.
Thanks OP, great deal.
I remember $86 Laga. F covid
I seriously think the cost of producing these have come back down but sellers have absolutely no reason to bring prices back as people are still paying Covid pricing.
Its taxes not covid
At this point, I'd rather them just increase income tax rate by 10%, then increasing all the other taxes (land tax, alcahol tax, stamp duty, fines). We have a population thats too small for any government to sustain developing the country, so just take it out of the income. If one day GST becomes 12.5 or 15%, its gonna give me a headache to try work out how much things need to be.
or just not increase either that'd be great
It'd be great but also unrealistic when public infrastructure that havent been touched in 4 decades all needs to be refreshed, all the while we prioritise building excessively expensive subs, only to cancel them after contract signing and then signing to build them again.
The more I think about the blatant misuse / corruption of public money, the more I reckon even a 10% income tax increase across the board wont be enough.
@Fuzor: Everyone I know have two cars and we still spend billions on public transport. Why do all work locations have to be in CBD ? I guess it only benefits public transport
@Fuzor: There is more than enough money for public infrastructure, the problem is the corrupt politicians give the projects to their corrupt friends who 'need' infinite money for every project. It's all about lining someone else's pockets, never about the benefit to the community who pays for it.
Do you mean then or than? Your comment reads like you want all taxes to be increased, one after the other chronologically.
Can't drink whisky under Albanese
This tax has existed and increased under multiple Liberal governments. Its not Albanese, this was a law introduced long before him.
Well what's he doing to fix it
@Drpepper666: The same as any prior government has, nothing. The tax revenue is too great to stop.
If anything, him signing the UKFTA to remove the 5% import duty has technically reduced tax on alcohol but greedy retailers will never pass it on.
@Drpepper666: Yeah great? It used to be 30 pounds in the UK now its 70 pounds. That cost gets passed onto us too and is the majority of the cost increase.
Incorrect, the tax increase has not been as great from $86 to $155+. It has probably added max $10 over 5+ years realistically. That doesn't include the fact that the 5% duty has been removed last year that previously existed due to the new Free Trade Agreement.
The value of the bottle in the UK has increased substantially because of inflation and shipping etc.
Edit: our poor currency also plays a part and so does retailer gouging. We get certain bottles cheaper than where they are produced in the UK too randomly.
Only works for one bottle. Was looking to buy more but only takes $45 off
Edit - found out the terms of the orignal coupon. $45 off $150 order
I successfully made two separate orders with the discount code. It advised I have reached the maximum when I tried a third order. Dalwhinnie 15yo is another good one that is discounted ($99 and add another cheaper one like Monkey Shoulder for an order of $150-$160). Great deal considering the price of whiskey these days!
Can use it multiple times though…
Got a Talisker 10 for $75 which is decent. Website is horrid.
Got one for $113.50 incl delivery. Thanks OP
Agreed website is awful.
I ended up doing click & collect - delivery just wouldnt work. Fine by me, i save $4 delivery.
Also have this: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/846399 - so saved an additional $5.
$105 - thanks OP!
I remember when this was around $80 a bottle.
Hopeless online shopping site.
A complete waste of time.
Thanks! Picked up a bottle.
Had to change to click and collect to figure out availability.
Spoke too soon. Cancelled just before pickup
Did you get a text or email to say your order was cancelled? I didn't receive a notification for my pickup slot, turned up anyway. Claimed they had no record of my order on their system, despite providing order number and my account being debited. Was told to call Customer service. I called them, they said I "should" receive a refund in 2 business days.
I then tried to log in to my account to see if I could see what my order history showed, but it said my account was inactive. Called them back, they said there is a "technical error" with my account and they can't give me a time frame on how long it will take to fix, but I might not receive my refund until it's fixed. They're an absolute joke!
Got mine in Wodonga - thanks OP have been waiting to stock up again.
Lag16 still my fav
Nice one OP. No stock for me in Sydney but still snagged 4 bottles of other whiskey via 2 separate orders. Code only works for 2 orders max.
Unavailable :(
order just got cancelled this morning as out of stock. ah well.
Did you get a text or email to say your order was cancelled? Have you been refunded?
I didn't receive a notification for my pickup slot, turned up anyway. Claimed they had no record of my order on their system, despite providing order number and my account being debited. Was told to call Customer service. I called them, they said I "should" receive a refund in 2 business days.
I then tried to log in to my account to see if I could see what my order history showed, but it said my account was inactive. Called them back, they said there is a "technical error" with my account and they can't give me a time frame on how long it will take to fix, but I might not receive my refund until it's fixed. They're an absolute joke!
Got about four emails about the cancellation.
Thanks! Got me a Macallan 12YO and some beers for $108!
thanks OP got one for C&C melbourne
In the time it took to sort out my coles account it became unavailable. :-(
JW blue label also comes down to $214
coke on sale?
got one thsanks but will probably be cancelled!
My most hated Slay the Spire elite
Thanks OP I’ve been waiting for a special on this
awesome ! is been a while to see L16 deal
As usual, Coles Online cancelled the order without explanation. Typical from them, I don't know why I even bother.
Did you get a text or email to say your order was cancelled? Have you been refunded?
I didn't receive a notification for my pickup slot, turned up anyway. Claimed they had no record of my order on their system, despite providing order number and my account being debited. Was told to call Customer service. I called them, they said I "should" receive a refund in 2 business days.
I then tried to log in to my account to see if I could see what my order history showed, but it said my account was inactive. Called them back, they said there is a "technical error" with my account and they can't give me a time frame on how long it will take to fix, but I might not receive my refund until it's fixed. They're an absolute joke!
Sorts the men out from the boys. A beautiful drop of scotch; I'd describe it as like drinking an ashtray but in a positive way.
A good way of knowing how good a scotch is is to look at the Dan Murphy's reviews. Anyone whinging about it is usually an indication that it's pretty good. Lots of morons about who want to mix everything with Coke and put ice in it…
Aberlour and roku for $120..sweet deal..thanks OP
Coles disabled my account after placing C+C order, which was then cancelled. Called support and given no option to re-enable account, and they recommend that I try again with a new account & email. Profanity.
Made a new Coles account and see that ShopBack have an upsized 20% cashback (limited time for new Coles customers only, $30 cap) - this is a bargain if it tracks.
Similar experience here. Did you get a text or email to say your order was cancelled? Have you been refunded?
I didn't receive a notification for my pickup slot, turned up anyway. Claimed they had no record of my order on their system, despite providing order number and my account being debited. Was told to call Customer service. I called them, they said I "should" receive a refund in 2 business days.
I then tried to log in to my account to see if I could see what my order history showed, but it said my account was inactive. Called them back, they said there is a "technical error" with my account and they can't give me a time frame on how long it will take to fix, but I might not receive my refund until it's fixed. They're an absolute joke!
Did not receive any notification about cancelled orders or my disabled account. Spoke with a Coles support rep who reckons it should take a couple of business days for the refund to be processed.
Still waiting on the refund. The charge has cleared in my account. Will be contacting Coles Customer support first thing.
Ordered this and $35 worth of other groceries C&C for $145. Got a message that its ready to pick up now but that they couldn't stock the whiskey. I wonder if they'll refund proportionally?
Looks like they didn't charge me for the $35 of groceries because the $45 discount still applied, taking my balance to zero. Nice to get some groceries for free since they didn't have my whiskey.
Hah. So they haven't fixed this issue yet. Profit!
Nope, I have been getting quite a lot of free groceries from Coles. But just today they did a sweep and cancelled all my accounts lol
Shows unavailable, like most of the other good drops