ELI5: Tourist Refund Scheme

Can someone explain it like I’m 5, the Tourist Refund Scheme?
I apologise, I know there is a lot of threads on this topic and I’ve tried reading many of them but I think it made me more confused. I looked at all the pages in the website https://www.abf.gov.au/entering-and-leaving-australia/touris… and I’m struggling to absorb it. I have contacted them to request an easy-read guide but the chances of them having one is likely slim.

I’m leaving the country on Halloween, and I will be taking gifts for friends and family. But I got the impression from the ozbargain threads that people can use it for their own personal items but this was really confusing. Is anyone able to help me understand?

Thank you in advance.
P.S. I’d appreciate only serious responses, which I know is difficult for ozbargainers, but I’m already feeling quite stupid and will only be hurt by sarcastic and smart ass comments right now.


  • +5

    appreciate only serious responses, which I know is difficult for ozbargainers

    me, holding back

    To answer the question can you clarify What part don’t you get though?

    The gist of it is You can take whatever you want out of the country and claim the gst amount (assuming you hit the prereq’s such as invoice amount and having a legit invoice to cover the item/s / travel within 60 days etc as outlined on the link you had) . If you bring it back, by honor you are supposed to declare. Many don’t. You may run the risk of getting smacked with both the gst and fees if you get caught out. You have a threshold that can be combined with family members you are travelling with.

    • I appreciate you holding back. Thank you 😊
      I could write a list of specific questions but I feel like that would make things worse. But to start, I can see which items are excluded (such as GST-exempt items, tobacco products, flammable goods, etc) but are some examples of what I can claim? Some of the gifts I’m taking are food and drink gifts (koko black, Tim tams, etc), beauty products, toys and home wares. Are those things eligible? And the only claimable things are what costs me over $300 - is that right?

      • +1

        Anything not excluded can be claimed.

        Your receipt(s) for each store needs to be over $300.

      • +1

        The $300 is a combined total of items from the same shop. For example, you buy $3 tim tam x 100 from Coles, that is eligible. As to what items are excluded just use your common sense. In general, you can use the GST amount written in the tax invoice as the indicator. I.E, gst exempt items will be shown there.

        I could write a list of specific questions but I feel like that would make things worse.

        Please do, it won't make things worse.

        • Thank you. That does help. I know about GST exempt items, I’m always holding local stores to account on this, I just had trouble with some of the other stuff.

          • @Buyer0fBargains: The types of items (GST-free or otherwise) that are not eligible for TRS are clearly listed in the link you posted.

      • +1

        If you bring goods back into Australia for which a GST refund via the TRS has been claimed, the goods must be declared, and if the value of those goods (combined with any other overseas/duty free purchases) exceeds the passenger concession allowance, any applicable GST and/or duty may need to be paid unless another concession (example, all personal clothing – except furs) is available.

        • +1

          So this means even if you bring it back and delcare, as long as you under this allowance you don't legally have to pay right?

  • +3

    Step 1 : Buy at least $300 from the same store (or chain, I believe) 60days prior to leaving the country with valid tax invoice

    Step 2 : take the goods with you to the airport (don't check them in… If u have to, Its still possible to claim but different process). Go to trs counter at the airport after security/immigration

    Step 3 : fill in the required forms there or via the app, and show them the goods you're bringing out. They'll refund the gst

    The intent is you're not supposed to bring them back. But in my experience I've never been asked when coming back.

    Obviously dyor, but hopefully the website will make more sense once u understand the general gist of the process

    • Thank you, that does actually help me a lot. I really appreciate it.

  • +3

    If this official guide(abf.gov.au) doesn't make sense, then I'm sorry, but no on here can help you.

    • Not even jv??

      • +1

        Can't even help himself

    • I did just say it didn’t help me, and to be kind. If you couldn’t help me you didn’t need to comment. Not everyone can learn and absorb information in the exact same way. There is no need to boost yourself up by confirming that you understood something I didn’t. I wonder if you do that to your children or other people in real life.

      • That makes sense. Cheers

  • The app is easy to use and tells you what you need to provide. Use it to pre-fill everything.

    Those who don't use the app take a lot longer to process at the counter and get rage from all the people queuing behind who took the time to use the app.

  • +1

    If the receipt is more than $1000, make sure the store has your name printed in the receipt.

    Also, the process at the airport, queuing inclusive, takes an easy 30mins. It's the best to checkin as early as you can and head to the TRS counter. Once I had to run to the gate after completing the TRS even I arrived to the airport 3hrs before the departure because the check in counter was understaffed.

  • +3

    Even better, buy from eBay with a promo code. They will give you an invoice for the pre-discount price.
    So refurb laptop is $300 with MAY20 code for 20% off. You pay $240.
    TRS refunds you on the full $300/11 = $27. Profit!

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