ALDI Power Tools Sale. When Will Bunnings Put Theirs on Sale

ALDI has some great deals on brushless power tool skins coming up.
I use Bunnings PXC and know from past experience that Bunnings will often drop their prices when Aldi have their power tools on sale.
Does anybody know how long it takes for Bunnings to put their equivalents on sale?
The ALDI Ferrex brushless reciprocating saw is far cheaper ($49.99) than the Bunnings PXC one($169). If Bunnings doesn't put its PXC one on sale where can I get a Ferrex to PXC adaptor from?

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Bunnings Warehouse
Bunnings Warehouse


  • Does anybody know how long it takes for Bunnings to put their equivalents on sale.

    ozbargain will let you know, or at the very least price hipster usually picks up the good drops

    • I just noticed that the current Aldi Ferrex tools are 20V. Could I still use my Ozito PXC 18V battery with an adapter? Or is the 20V vs 18V an issue?

  • +3
  • -2

    I think Dick Smith has too many Wesfarmers shares so fat hopes!

  • -2


  • +4

    These are last year's posts:

    Since the ALDI page just went live this morning, I suspect it would take a few days before Bunnings matches.

    These would be the equivalent if Bunning Match:

    Tool ALDI Bunnings
    Chainsaw $149 $199
    Multi Function Tool $49.99 $149*
    Reciprocating Saw $49.99 $169*
    Angle Grinder $89.99 $119

    *Note: Bunnings matched with their brushed Reciprocating Saw & Multi Function Tool last year.

    • i see they got their double gpo back in the specials list, i wonder if any still have the loose contact issue they just had a recall on:

    • +1

      Bunnings just reduced the grinder

  • Looks like they matched with their Brushed version of the Reciprocating Saw

    • +1

      $64 down to $50, yawn.

  • Really hope they match with the brushless recip saw.

    I use my fatmax brushed one all the time but its bound to die one day. I've used the brushed ozito before and it was a fair bit weaker than the fatmax. I assume the brushless would be much better.

    • Oh, they reduced the brushed…. Booo

  • +1

    @Duff5000 @scottishdave

    Bunnings has matched their brushless variant of the Reciprocating Saw

    • Oh, thats an excellent deal then. Thanks for tagging me.

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