Great deal for all the OzB runners out there!
Payment details are not needed.
Just add the code in via the link in the OP.
Great deal for all the OzB runners out there!
Payment details are not needed.
Just add the code in via the link in the OP.
No eastin promo?
Seems to have worked to extend my existing membership, thanks OP.
Last time I ran was in 2017
Surely the suffering would have ended by now.
Still got bad ankles
Learn to run properly, you’re a heel striker
Get a bike, low impact and more efficient, and remember, if it's not on Strava it didn't happen.
"Annual Plan
Your subscription is set to automatically renew on 11 August 2024."
Careful - remember to cancel if you have any payment details saved from previous lapsed subscriptions to Strava.
I tried to switch to Monthly Plan after applying the above code and get an "There was an error saving your changes. Please try again."
Damn, I have mine paid via mobile subscription and its not working for me.
Same with apple turkey
No longer working, it's coming back with "There has been an error" :(
Thanks worked for me, I literally just signed up for a 60 day free trial yesterday, so now have 5 months free premium!
Anyone who isn't already premium, sign up using one of these free 60 day links, then use this 90 day code and you'll get 5 months free. Payment details required though.
Sweet, knew at least one of them worked, couldn't remember which link it was so just posted them all.
This worked for me, got 5 months thanks!
Thanks mate! Used that link, and now have 5 months free. Appreciate it! :-)
does anyone know if you can get the free 30 days + this 60 days + 90 days from this deal to get half a year premium strava?
No you wouldn't be able to
a bit of googling (after the fact) found which gives a 90-day free signup trial and still looks active.
When you click on start trial it’s only for 30 days. So this seems expired
None of those codes work for me as it wants payment immediately.
I suspect it is because ive previously had a free trial about a month ago.
Yeah probably man, I've had free trials/paid membership before, but it's been more than 12 months. They probably have a 1 free trial per 12 month period timer on your account like a lot of these companies do.
At least you got 3 months for free! :)
That worked, signed up for 60-day trial, then added the code afterwards from your link in the OP. 5 month trial, Cheers
Hate Strava for hiding the basic functions that they had behind the paywall when they introduced this premium membership instead of adding new features to the premium. Double hate them for having a subscription rather than a one-off payment.
Yeah it was an epic rug pull… Built their market share then start charging $10 a month.
The lure of a target market that happily pays $250 more for a part that saves them 50g of weight was too much for them I guess.
They're a commercial enterprise, they have to make money.
There are different ways to make money.
Double hate them for having a subscription rather than a one-off payment.
Seeing as it does continuously cost them money to run the servers, and for staff to maintain and develop the app further, I can understand the subscription.
Nah, it was just a smart strategy. Their strength and the main selling point is the leaderboards and for that you need the users.
Step 1: create a nice app and lure lots of people in.
Step 2: exploit those people data to build leaderboards and nock them over by a paywall.
"The Moor has done his duty, the Moor may depart."
So if it was a one-off payment, what would pay for their monthly IT and staffing costs?
@eug: They did not have to become a huge international corporation with lot's of directors to run a couple of servers. They are all about revenue.
@Musiclover: Aside from the Nike Run Club app, none of those apps are any more free than Strava.
Nike is the only one that only had a free tier, and it's a genuinely huge corporation that earns revenue from overpriced shoes.
You clearly haven't worked in IT based on your comments.
@prhino: I do not think it is in any way relevant but I have worked in IT.
I have not paid a cent to use Garmin Connect which I use daily. Maybe you are implying that it is included in the price of the Garmin hardware? But I use it anyway, and it was a one off payment.
@Musiclover: It is very relevant to question your IT knowledge when you think Strava is running on 'a couple of servers' and that's the extent of their operating costs. Two laughable statements.
And you make incorrect statements about RunwithGPS and MapMyRide.
Great that Garmin Connect works for you (I didn't notice that you listed it as a free option, buy yes hardware accounts for their revenue and pays for the service), but Strava pricing is
reasonable by any measure.
@prhino: A$14.99/month is reasonable when there are similar free services? OK
When they started initially they were providing all of the servcies that are now paid for free and somehow managed to survive for years. Kudos to them for using the users in the way they did, look at this thread, most are even grateful to them for being used.
@Musiclover: $14.99 a month or $99.99 a year.
That's only $20 a year more than RidewithGPS,. Not sure of MapMyRun. Both are single sport apps.
Strava can still be used for free, so its hardly a bait and switch.
Strava only became profitable in 2020. Would you prefer they just went out of business so you can continue to freeload?
@prhino: It can still be used for free, but they hid most basic features behind a paywall after they had enough users to be able to capitlize them.
They were founded in 2009, went 11 years until they became profitable, did not go out of business during that time.
Strava is not a professional tool, it is a tool for enthusiasts. I am not making any profit by using them. By saying that I am "freeloading" you sound a bit like those car users who yell at the cyclists that they need to pay rego before they can use roads. Is that how it makes you feel knowing that you pay $100 for using it each year and I don't?
It is such a surreal picture: you were exploited together with millions of other users and yet you praise and protect the fat cats that are making profit on you and your hobbies.
@Musiclover: Lot of services go from being free to subscription based. And they didn't hide "most basic features behind a paywall". All the basic features are free to use.
I'm well aware of when they started, I've been using them since about 2010. They survived until 2020 without making a profile by burning through venture capital money. I can't stand venture capitalists, but they do enable some pretty cool services to be built. If they didn't start making a profit, Strava wouldn't exist.
The fact that it's for enthusiasts is irrelevant (and debatable). Do you think only services aimed at professionals should cost money? So Netflix should be free. Uber should be free if you're going to the pub.
When they moved to a subscription model, only a certain percentage of users would have taken up the premium subscription. Some would have been happy with the free offering. Others, like yourself, would have moaned, but continued to happily use the free offering. You want something, but you don't want to pay for it - sounds like the definition of a freeloader.
Why would you make a profit from using Strava? Unless you're an elite athlete that's just a bizarre statement.
No, I don't think cyclists should pay registration. Not sure where you got that idea.
I don't feel like I'm being exploited. I got years of use of Strava for free - and have logged 10s of thousands of activities over that period - and have recently had to pay for a subscription.
So you're upset people are getting rich. Welcome to capitalism.
@prhino: You do not see any problems with how strava interacted with its users - great, we will just leave it at that. The fact that I happen to live in the capitalism does not mean that I have to love it, be it's loyal servant and praise it on every corner. Poor Strava, victims of capitalism. They had to eat their users or be eaten.
@Musiclover: How did they eat their users? The continue to offer a free service that includes at least 90% of features.
I don't have a problem with a company moving from a service that offers 100% of its features free of charge to one that offers 90% of its features free of charge. For example, I use Twitter, but if they made me pay to continue using it there's no chance it hell I'd use it.
You keep saying I'm praising Strava. Please point me toward any statements where I've praised them.
Short of me saying it's a useful service that is worth $100/year to me, I haven't praised them at all.
I'm simply pointing out the numerous nonsense statements that you're making, such as x app and y app are free, and that Strava runs on a couple of servers.
@prhino: They had only one uniqie and useful service: leaderboards. That was hidden behind a paywall. Everything else and much more can be used in other apps for free. Currently, free Strava hardly offers anything above the free Garmin Connect. In fact, Connect gives me much more.
@Musiclover: Correction: You mean only one unique and useful service to you.
There are plenty of other useful and unique features, including some that have been added since they went subscription based.
In my opinion leaderboards are not actually useful - they're just a bit of fun, given I have no chance of getting any KOMs since Strava now has so many users who are much better athletes than me.
If Garmin Connect works for you, great. Of course you're now pretty stuck in the Garmin ecosystem, so thankfully they improved the quality control on their hardware over the last 15 years.
I do not think it is in any way relevant but I have worked in IT.
After reading your comments and how you think Strava's infrastructure can just run off a couple of servers, I'm curious as to what role you had in the IT industry.
@eug: Look, forget about my wording. The fact is, they're not just trying to cover costs. They're a full-fledged business with revenue managers and directors – profit maximization and exploiting users are clearly their goals. If that wasn't the case, they could have used crowdfunding and volunteers. All you're doing is attacking me instead of addressing the main point.
@Musiclover: Which part did you consider me "attacking" you?
The fact is, they're not just trying to cover costs.
Of course not. They're a business.
If that wasn't the case, they could have used crowdfunding and volunteers.
Can you point out a crowdfunded, volunteer-run version of Strava that's as successful?
Some things simply require money.
@eug: Instead of focusing on the main idea you discuss my IT experience and how many servers exactly it requires to run the database.
I am bit tired of repeating myself now, if you do not see any dishonesty in how strava interacted with the users over the years, good for you.
Instead of focusing on the main idea you discuss my IT experience and how many servers exactly it requires to run the database.
Well yes, because you literally said it just needs a couple of servers, then later on you said you worked in IT.
I was genuinely curious as to what IT role you had which led you to determine that Strava can be run worldwide just off a couple of servers.
@prhino: Sorry, there's an implied /s there but you'd actually have to bother reading the previous drivel to spot it. :)
@eug: No worries, I'm just enjoying watching the other user dig themselves deeper in a hole with each comment.
They could have just said: "I don't agree with Strava moving from a completely free offering in order to develop a large userbase, to an offering where some of the more advanced features require a paid subscription."
Instead they resorted to spouting stuff that is just plain wrong.
@prhino: They are much bigger than they need to be to just maintain and update the app. They are just big enough to maximize their revenue.
@Musiclover: You should see how much AWS charges. Was on a project and the costs for logging alone was almost 30k a month, let alone the computational costs.
The free version is still perfectly usable for tracking and all your basic stuff.
The only thing I miss is finding out where I am on segment leaderboards.
I've been a free user for over 10 years now, that's not too bad.
What basic stuff? You can track your ride with lots of data in Garmin and lots of other hardware manufactuer's app, they provide very nice detailed advanced, non basic stuff for free. You only need the Strava for the leaderboards.
The community is useful. You get to see how your friends are doing and give them kudos, and receive kudos yourself for motivation. You can join clubs on Strava to get involved with group rides or meet other cyclists. Not everyone uses leaderboards.
@eug: Maybe, I could not understand those kudos. People just give you kudos for every ride, what kind of motivational driver is that? I much prefer PRs and KOMs. In the end I unfriended all people on there, got tired of endless notifications.
@Musiclover: That's where you have to realise that there are many, many different kinds of people in the world. PRs and KOMs drive you (and many other people), but there are plenty of other people who really don't care about winning and just enjoy the social aspect of cycling.
Strava is the one place for all of my activities, across all my devices, including when I have forgotten a device and just use a phone to record.
I can create segments, and look back to see my own historical segment PBs.
That's all pretty good for free.
Another useful feature of premium is the routes database it has. It came particularly handy when my wife and I went to Europe looking for running routes in the morning, in fact, I pay for Alltrails premium but Strava has more routes listed with more recent data because it just has a bigger community.
The community it has built over the years IS the premium feature, and the leader boards are a derivative of the community, so I can see why it's behind the paywall. Kudos to them for staying buoyant over the years to get to critical mass that they can now charge you for essentially community building.
P. S. I've used strava since 2010 and never even bothered with premium even with deals like this. But my wife has used every trial and tree trial there is when we actually need the premium features so I know the above to be true.
@plentifoo: My point exactly. They are selling the community. Just unhappy with the way they "built" it.
@Musiclover: that's fair - i never paid for premium myself because i don't use enough of the features (or care about running that much ha). I got it in the early days because my entire peloton was using it as a social platform, but i don't ride these days and just run twice to thrice a week for health/fitness. Nothing competitive at all. I guess use case determines whether the monthly fee is worth it, so it's difficult to cast a wide blanket to say anything is 'overpriced'. For me, it certainly is ha.
@musiclover what would you be prepared to pay for a one time payment, $1?
It costs a fair bit of money to develop and maintain it, like everything.
Most people still find the free version functional enough, just doesn't have the kom leaderboard (and with friends), depends what else you were used to. Some of the workout analysis would be alright so may try the free trial. plenty of other options as suggested, get a Garmin watch and use Garmin Connect.
Nice one - Great for cyclists as well :)
Not related to strava but on another note zwift is going up to $29.99 a month
Get onto indievelo
saw that and jumped ship to MyWhoosh
has been pretty good - especially as it's free
no as many people using as zwift, but tbh that's not what I use it for - just a bit of training when the weather is crap to ride outdoors
Worked on my existing subscription. Thanks OP
Thanks OP. Strava helped me lose a few kilos before I became PM!
My Premium Strava has continued to be active for 18 months now with no payment. I get a notification to tell me to update my payment details each time I login, but I just ignore it. It started after I tried a promo code (can’t remember details), which didn’t appear to do anything, but seems as though it did.
It’s a good reason for me not to try this code.
Nice!… Had you ever paid for premium? Do they have like an old expired credit card on your file or something?
thanks a lot, much appreciated :)
Great deal for all the OzB runners out there!
cries in cyclist
Can someone confirm that it's still working to extend existing membership? Or was that part pulled earlier?
i did it 5 mins ago it worked (I have an existing sub)
I just did it, working fine. I also have an existing sub.
If you were paying via Google Play it won't work.
Works. Existing Premium Sub.
Thanks OP, got until 11 Aug 24. Now if someone please tells me what is this thing used for ?
lol same, did it but can’t see any real benefit of being premium - why would people pay just to show on leaderboards ?!
To show their efforts to the girls in the group,
not ?
Premium gives you more than that
More detailed analytics than the free version too.
But if you're not a "data person", you likely won't find that to be of much interest.
Yeah, I don't think the value proposition is that high for the vast majority of people, but it's high enough for me for now.
You can do routes on maps…
plus if you are keeping a tab on your fitness, there are more data and analysis tools to do that.
plus training tips and programmes.
haha same, signed up and I guess I'm supposed to exercise now?
Used the 90 free trial link then added the promo code, Premium subscription through to 10th October! Thanks!
Didn't work for me. It's telling me to cancel my current membership first
Cancelling membership won't actually cause you to lose your premium features untill your membership lapses. However, i got the same message and cancelling didn't enable me to actually claim this offer.
then the only way is to wait until the it lapses?
Not sure. I'll try again in a few days.
Thanks. Can confirm signing up to a 60 day trial and then going into your account and applying the code will give you 5 months free total. Also you can cancel immediately after in your account and it stays active for the next 5 months.
My ideal bargain! No details required, just click through a few times and bam, free premium until August sometime. Might kick start me getting back into weekly runs.
I must have previously signed up for a free trial as it had some credit card details already saved. After I clicked through, I simply cancelled the subscription immediately and was then able to remove the card from the account, so no danger of autorenewal :)
Good reason for HBF run