My kitchen is old. Bench top is laminated and it bulged due to water leak. Now i am planning ti replace it with xenolith bench top from polytec. Quote was $6250.
Bench top 3500mm x 600mm, 2900mm x 260mm, 2500mm x 600mm are sizes of the stones.
Also got a quote of $8000 for just refacing all kitchen cabinets.
Fellow bargainers, Please let me know if this is a reasonable price or am i being ripped?
Edit 1: i have requested few more quotes.
You need to use more descriptive wording for the responses. Rather than a single word for each (which is highly ambiguous), for a poll you should at least ensure that each response item is a phrase or sentence.
Note that—for example—in your final sentence you ask two questions, which are essentially opposites of each other. Which one of these two 'opposite' questions is 'yes' or 'no' supposed to refer to/answer? There's no way for respondents to be sure.
Try again.
If you leave your original simplistic wording as it is, everyone will just vote 'bikies' … because you have asked an unintelligible question.