• out of stock

Manual Paper Shredder, Assorted Colours $3 (RRP $10) + Delivery ($0 with OnePass/ $65 Spend/ C&C/ In-Store) @ Kmart


Batteries not included because it doesn't use batteries. I couldn't find any stock in Brisbane, but found some stock in Melbourne and Sydney.

Mod: Removed non-deal related info

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closed Comments

        • +7

          Exactly…. how dare a people under 70 years of brutal murderous occupation by israel express their "dissatisfaction".

          Those 500,000 french people that resisted the german occupation in WW2 should all have been shot, shouldn't they! I mean only about 25,000 of those sub human animals were shot by the brave germans!

          Considering the french resistance is believed to have killed about 2000 germans in WW2 france, it's despicable that only about 10 times that number of french were terminated. Adolph decreed a ratio of 100/1, so the reprisals ratio was a failure.

          Israel has a lot to learn from WW2 germany and adolf's reprisals. They really need more bombs to get to that 100/1 figure of executed civilians.

          It's illuminating to see that in your short ozbargaining post history, the dominant topic is supporting those brave israelis battling the undermensch. Are you a zionist jew… a zionist non jew… or are you such a rational moral person that you can more clearly see the big picture surrounding the unfairness of israel's expansion into more lands (lebensraum) being resisted and criticised?

          • -3

            @rooster7777: Ignorance is not bliss. Please read history - not blogs. In Nov. 2005 Israel left Gaza, forcibly removed its citizens and then handed over industry and infrastructure. On Day one all this was dismantled as Jewish stuff.

            By Feb 2006 Hamas had been voted by Gazans in and they systematically killed their opposition – the PLO.
            Hamas since then has waged war on Israel. If your neighbour came into your home and raped your wife in front of you and then violated her while you watched with metal rods, then removed her breasts while alive and shot her – how would you feel?

            But wait - they then take your children and parents, parade them in Gaza as prizes to cheering crowds, hide them in basements while raping and murdering them and using them as human shields.

            I’m certain you would be protesting in the streets for the rights of the ‘oppressed’ in Gaza! These same people in Gaza that have said they would vote in Hamas to lead them if elections were held tomorrow. The same Hamas that has promised to kill every Jew on planet earth and wipe Israel from the map - i.e. kill 10,000,000. THIS is genocide.

            Note - insulting people rather than addressing views is really poor conduct. If this is all you have - personal abuse rather than facts and logic - shame on you.

            • +2

              @noinfo: On one side there is a state with one of the most high tech army in the world, the best funded, the most diplomatically defended.
              On the other side there is a group of people that are denied a state, any form of resistance from them is deemed terrorism anything that enters and leave their borders are controlled by the other party, to the point that even calories are counted… at the extent that at one point spices and chocolate were denied entry.
              You'll have to come to terms that communications has evolved. For people who want to see, it is clear as daylight who is the oppressor and who is the victim. Making it look vice-versa, nowadays, is like a desperate attempt to shroud the sun.

              • -4

                @ThePasserby: Maybe those in Gaza should have invested in developing a wonderful country instead of a tunnel network larger than that in London - built only for the purpose of war and to kill Jews. Maybe those in Gaza need to love their children more than they hate Jews. Maybe there would be no wall if only Hamas and Gazans were not so willing to attack their Jewish neighbours – because there was no wall in Nov. 2005 . It was built because of an intifada declared by Hamas.

                Maybe the oppressor is Hamas and the oppressed are Gazans. What we know is that Israel went into the Oslo Peace Agreement with an open boarder and a willingness to accept peace. It had no willing partner then and it has no willing partner now. Israelis and Gazan's deserve better. BOTH have been let down by Hamas and it is them that have let that has let down the Palestinians by programming into a blind hate and by telling them that Israel will (by some magic) just disappear.

                Israel is going nowhere. It built up defences because it is surrounded by nations that have, since its inception, declared it should be erased from the map. The extension of logic dictates that the world would be happier if Israel lost tens of thousands for a war it did not start. Do not expect this. After WW2 Jews tell me they have an expression called “Never Again” – will they be left to be slaughtered.

  • Q: Will Israel find ‘white powder' in Palestine, like in Iraq?

    • I saw a meme the other day,
      that showed how "peaceful" the middle east was,
      before the neighbour moved into the street,
      and every household around the neighbour
      has been in strife and is a broken household,
      for like 50 years now.

    • +6

      What's white powder. Are you talking about the phosphorus the Israelis drop on children so they burn to death alive?

      • -5

        That's just silly when they can use the jewish space lasers instead, it's more environmentally friendly and better documented than what you're suggesting. One might call it a blood libel

    • no powder. Israel found rich oil gas reserve instead off the coast. long wait excuse takeover gaza require a complete systematic cleansing to kickoff the project benefit long long term. uncle sam approves

  • +8

    Ozbargain is slowly turning to Ozpolitics with this deal.

    • +8

      The bargain are still there;
      the opinions are a bonus.

      People made fun of Abbott eating onions
      or calling Dutton a "potato head",
      or talk about taxes or tolls on roads,
      so these comments about politics were always here.

    • -7

      ha this place has always had its flair of politics.

      The sites owner has always been on the conservative side and didnt allow ads for adult products (like condoms) for a long time because it.

      They pushed through that some anti-trans documentary on twitter video as a "deal" because it was from a right wing source.

      • -1

        Allowing people to share an opinion without excessive censorship is not 'conservative'. You might be more comfortable on a sanitised forum like r/Australia where only 'correct' opinions are allowed

        • +1

          good deflection.

          Scotty said "As a Christian and the owner of this site, the first thing I usually wanted to do is to delete those "bargains" — although I have let most slip through. "

    • +2

      I just came here to find out how well it shreds

    • +1

      It is offensive to many that come to Ozbargain for baragins - not geo-political lectures with an overtone of racism and abuse.

      • -1

        It was only suggested that you are a zionist, the new derogatory (?) PC/DEI term for Jew. It wasn't stated outright, not on this occasion anyway

        • Any name calling is derogatory and unnecssary. We live in a civil society where we should all be respectful of others and divergent opninions. Intollerence of others is how wars start - it is never the way to respecfully solve a problem or have discourse.

        • -3

          I stand corrected, there is nothing new in using anti-zionism as a substitute for antisemitism. The soviet union had quite the propaganda machine from which today's pro-hamas, pro-terrorist, anti-west movement draw their inspiration from

  • OP / @Sye ,

    Like 'method acting', … this is the
    'method posting' way to get
    your inaugural FPW badge on OzB !

  • Sold out online? In store only now it looks like

  • FFS can we all just keep our political opinions of this site and talk about the deal please. Sheesh so sick of this crap.

    • +1

      I don’t see any opinion here ngl. Just referencing of a very real event?

    • +7

      So depressing to talk about the dead, and not the deal. Considering human morality and genocidal barbarity is so stressing isn't it! I mean, if they can't get out of the way of the bombs, can't they just eat cake instead?

      • -3

        Read the room…. Maybe find another street corner?

  • Can i mince meat with this?

    • Most use it to mince ‘words’


      Some say words are produced by ‘meat.’

      Interpretation galore.

  • +9

    Israel used AI to auto select the targets.
    What could have possibly gone wrong?

    • Silence human!

      • That’s ‘AI’

        All Is-real’

        • +2

          All Isn'treal

  • +2

    The Israeli ambassador shreds and then blames others for the shredding

  • +2

    At this price it almost converted me from my usual process:
    1. Fill container with some water.
    2. Place papers to be disposed of.
    3. Once theyre soaked remove and squeeze into a small ball.
    4. Once dried either place directly into compost bin, or pull apart and add to the garden as compost.
    5. Or Simply throw into the bin (as have you even tried to pull apart a piece of paper you left in your pocket that you left in your pocket and accidentally washed.. Hard to do.)

  • +4

    Gilad and Benjamin reported this deal for "Title and description" 😂

  • Out of stock almost everywhere, surprise surprise.

  • +1

    I bought one of these form rejected shop a long time ago. Just want to let everyone know to be careful with the handle. It is not strong and broke… Also too much paper was being fed at the time. So one paper at a time and try to hold the half closer to where it plugs into the shredder

  • +4

    Mods have shredded the humour from this post.

  • Sold out online !

  • +2

    Bought! Didn’t realise it was a cute little toy when I picked it up 😂. It was quite useful despite only being able to do one folded paper at a time!

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