Does anyone know the warranty length for 365+ Pan before the rebranding/downgrade? Tried to claim warranty at Ikea and was refused because they says it's only 1 year. I'm sure when I bought it said 5 year. I tried googling all I could find is Ikea overseas warranty terms which is 5 year and old Ikea brochure from 2011 that says 5 year as well. Found it, and yes it's used to be 5 year warranty
Looks like Ikea is removing their warranty on lot of items.
This 2021 post for 365+ knife and Web archive from 2021 says 15 years warranty. Now none of them have 15 year warranty.
Some smart home products warranty was reduced to 2 years in US
Not sure mate! Are the one you’ve been using the non-stick pans or stainless steel? But come on mate, it’s $10-$55 dollar pan. And the $55 is for 3 saucepan. Many people would probably abuse the pans with metal spoon, spatula and harsh washing, and not maintaining it with care knowledge.
Get good quality ones and healthier pans like cast iron stainless steel carbon steel. And learn to maintain and care, it’ll last a lifetime. Good luck.