Back on sale again, normally $15. Next day delivery.
Usual complaints is
Micro USB not USB-C interface
Cheaper on Aliexpress
Aliexpress is around 3-4$ USD. add tax and delivery and after conversion will come to around $9-10AUD
Back on sale again, normally $15. Next day delivery.
Usual complaints is
Micro USB not USB-C interface
Cheaper on Aliexpress
Aliexpress is around 3-4$ USD. add tax and delivery and after conversion will come to around $9-10AUD
Thanks, set up a Camel alert.
I bought 2 pack version for $16.99 on 10th April. If you don't need in a hurry, best is to buy on Aliexpress.
@thesab that twin pack is now down to 16.99
Are these nicely built? I ask because on the 1st photo you can see a resistor that's gone rogue, near the EN button.
That's a feature.
Thats a capacitor. But yeah they picked a dodgy one for the photo lol.
I believe that's intentional for that component - I have several and all exhibit the 'feature'
just got one of these in today, one of the pins is incorrectly soldered on. first time from amazon never had any issues with the 2 i've ordered from aliexpress.
Good price if someone need one urgently
If you are buying more than one , AliExpress is cheaper per unit and give you more options c3/s2/s3 etc
I ordered 3 of the USB-C ones from Aliexpress for $20 AUD recently, they came in 8 days
Aliexpress has really lifted their shipping game lately, used to b order and wait 3 weeks to 2 months.
A lot of items say 11 day shipping guarantee now which is awesome.Around 8 days is the norm for me too lately.
The best 'gift' temu has given is to make aliex pull their finger out.
Yes, the "choice" program is great.
$15 minimum spend for free fast shipping, but can be from multiple vendors. A$5 for this board, with tax. Couple of dollars more for USB c.
Tip: pay in USD for best price, assuming no currency fees on your card .
I've been getting some that are like $3-$4 each for micro usb. I can't believe they can even make them that cheaply! I keep going and buying more just because it's so cheap, but now I've got 5 spare ones W not doing anything (though I have plans for them)
Would this be a good start for indoor temperature, humidity and air quality monitoring?
I'd love to do this room-by-room if it doesn't break the bank.
BME280 is about $2 on Ali, that will do humidity/temp/pressure
Just get the 3.3v one
Cheers, appreciate the suggestion
Yes, but it would be cheaper to buy the quantities you would want for that elsewhere.
Take a look at the esphome documentation for examples of use with particular components.
Budget out for the boards, sensors, wiring, power adaptors etc and see how you go. (I'm assuming an already running home assistant instance)
Yes new to Home Assistant but learning as I go and annoying the household while I'm at it.
Power points seem to be the issue which restricts placement, so I may go a cheaper Zigbee sensor like suggested below
Are you ok with exposed wires and being tethered by a usb cable? If not buy a battery operated sensor (eg from xiaomi)
Fyi, I’ve built a battery operated sensor based on one of these boards, the total cost is way more than a off the shelf sensor
Thank you, you're right the logistics are better with a button cell powered sensor.
Wait for the monthly sale on AliExpress; got two last week for $9.
Ok just bought one. Now what is it and what do I do with it?
I use one with a 433Mhz transmitter to control my lights and ceiling fans from my phone using Blynk.
There are hundreds of available Arduino-based "add-ons" for these, that actually make it useful. Like temperature sensors, pir movement sensors, relays (control other devices), LED lights, small OLED screens (custom bedside clock ?), servo and stepper motors (control blinds ?), cameras, water sensors (auto fill coffee machine ?), voltage/current detectors (know if another appliance is running or not - clothes drier). ESPHome as mentioned already makes it easy to use these via a few lines of YAML config.
Great little board - using it to do some autonomous drone stuff. Just for anyone who wants to know, there is no 5v pin on it like a regular ESP32, so you're either supplying a 3v or using micro usb
The picture shows a Vin pin. Are you saying the item doesn't match the picture, or the pin is mislabeled?
And the chip beside it is an AMS1117-33, which is an LDO linear regulator rated for up to 12V input, with 3.3V output. I wouldn't use it above 5V though, as higher voltage means more heat generated, and there isn't any significant heat-sinking that I can see. It could quite easily go into thermal shutdown if operated from higher than 5V.
Aliexpress sometimes has them in their daily deals. 3 items to get free shipping. A lot cheaper than this.
Right now I only see the ESP32 C3s there, but they had the big one before.
Was coming to say this. No one buying just one ESP32, buy bulk of AliExpress.
Amazon previously had a Freenove branded twin-pack available previously for under $25 so I bought several of those. I found Freenove to be of a higher quality than many others I've previously purchased on AliExpress (your experience may be different) and they also featured USB-C rather than Micro USB which suited my needs. Alas, it seems the twin-pack is no longer for sale.
30 pin USB C versions are $9 from eBay
Seed studio esp32C3 are better and cheaper
I am not really following, why is it cheap? 10 days delivery…
Yeah, AliExpress delivery has made vast improvements recently. I used to order stuff and get a surprise when it arrived weeks or months after I'd forgotten about it. These days 2 weeks or less is really common.
How do these compare with Teensy 4.0? Just looking to have similar clock speed but from an ESP board.
Noon here, is this like Raspberry pi?
first, the word is "newbie" (aka newb, noob, noobie, n00b or nub)
and it is like an arduino on steroids. Simpler than a Pi. Intended for embedded tasks like a toaster or dishwasher.
Cannot run a modern OS like the Pi can.
Except the new Raspberry Pi Pico is in this class.
Haha…autocorrect got me.
Hello Noon,
Please see answer to your question above. 👆
There is also a listing for two that can sometimes be cheaper, see below link. I got this for 16.99 around a month ago.…