Harrison Ford returns as Indiana Jones, in a much better movie than Crystal Skull.
6.5 on IMDB, slightly low for mine.
Best price according to the Camels, this has been hovering around $45-$55
Harrison Ford returns as Indiana Jones, in a much better movie than Crystal Skull.
6.5 on IMDB, slightly low for mine.
Best price according to the Camels, this has been hovering around $45-$55
The Temple of Doom is a bad film. Even Spielberg thinks that it is a lesser Indiana Jones film. It had a good opening and then it just tanks. The acting is woeful and it is just Speilberg’s missus screaming at everything. Give me Marion from the first film any day.
Raiders of the Lost Ark has one of the best openings I’ve seen in a film. The suspense and horror just keep building. This and the Holy Grail were certainly the better films.
Agree. The Temple of Doom was horrible. Even as a kid I hated it and was extremely confused after watching it. How could the sequel to Raiders of the Lost Ark be so bad? Ridiculous story, unbelievable characters, bizarrely unrealistic settings, over-acting, mostly uninteresting action.
It's partly why The Last Crusade was such a breath of fresh air. It's the real sequel to Raiders of the Lost Ark. Excellent casting, mostly good storyline. Extremely funny, with some thrilling action scenes and awe-inspiring settings. Temple of Doom seems like some low-budget off-spin in comparison.
Great price for another Disney movie that hasn't had an Australian release, I also noticed The Marvels (UK) (which I enjoyed) is $36.71
F*****g Disney.
Crystal Skull weakened the franchise to the point of irrelevance.
The Dial of Destiny buried it, for the same reasons that Terminator: Dark Fate buried the Terminator franchise.
It’s great Disney doesn’t release discs in Australia anymore so I don’t need to collect them anymore…😅
I was watching this on Disney + but slept halfway :/ I don't have Disney + any more and couldn't finish the film lol
Me too, couldn’t get past the train ride
lol me too
Im going to be the lone discenting voice here and say whilst its not perfect, Crystal Skull is under rated imo.
I watched it before seeing Dial, thinking outside of the original discourse, it would be enjoyable, or better than I remembered.
It wasn’t, for me.
I liked the scene with the fridge.
Originals were all classics. 7 or 8 out of 10. There is a school of thought that "The temple of doom" is a bad movie, and that "Raiders of the lost ark" is some kind of masterpiece. If you subscribe to that line of thinking…. You lead a very sad life.
Onto the "crystal skull" (1 out of 10) and then "dial of Destiny" (5/6 out of 10).
Dial of destiny was a fitting end to the series… I'll happily watch it again!