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I know this is their usual pricing and some of you know about Savvytel but for those that don't they are probably the cheapest around and use the Optus network so are just as good as Optus. $5 minimum spend for never expire credit, if all you want is to receive calls. That's a bargain.
Or use the Savvy Lite with 12c TXT's, 10c pm calls, no flagfall, 90 days before expiry, min spend is $10. I couldn't find better and I thought I'd give them a boost and searchers the benefit of my experience.
Both starters can be found at the link above.
I did have an issue with them early on about a ghost TXT and they credited me and reset my expiry period from that day, their CS was exemplary. I trust this meets OzBr's standards. :)
Sounds excellent for parking…