Turns out that when my internet drops out, my modem/router stops working as a switch. This happens often enough that it's a problem and whilst the lost internet is annoying, having my work come to a standstill because I can't access my shared files is unforgivable. This just seems to be a known issue with some routers and ss far as I can see there is no way for me to fix this in the settings. I only started to use my old NAS again recently and discovered this issue.
So I need either a new modem/router or I could just keep the modem and get a wifi router/switch, whichever turns out to be the cheaper option
Must have
At least 4 LAN ports
Continue to operate as a switch for local lan traffic regardless of internet connection
Cost less than $250
Actually be in stock somewhere. Most of the recommendations I find end up being dead ends because the model isn't available anymore.
Would like to have
USB port for sharing of files locally (i'd rather replace my old NAS)
Ability to run whatever 3rd party firmware/OS the kids are using these days
Cost less than $200
A built in modem if the price is not significantly higher
Speed is not particularly important, my old router which I've had since the beginning of the NBN is fast enough.
Dirt cheap, including new / never used. The wifi is good, even on the ancient TG799vac .
If you are lucky, you'll get a model with free LTE backup.