Curious whether people that have bought an Alienware QD-OLED monitor went for 4k 32" 240hz or 1440p 27" 360hz?
Which Alienware QD-OLED Monitor Did You Buy? AW3225QF Vs AW2725DF
Last edited 19/04/2024 - 14:40 by 1 other user
Poll Options
- 21AW3225QF
- 7AW2725DF
Haha nice - did you have a preference between either?
32". The additional real estate on a 4k screen (outside of gaming) makes it the winner for me.
What's your use case?
Nice. I also went with the 32". I'd say 60% competitive FPS, 30% excel / word documents / 10% media consumption
@Stingy Student: Is your 30% excel also competitive?
@elgrande: Hahaha, yes need to finish it quickly to get back to more important tasks
@Stingy Student: That's completely understandible. The part I question is the 10% competitive media consumption.
Do you youtube at x2.0 speed?
@Ozbar Gain: Usually 2.5x with 2 videos side by side (one for each eye)
@Stingy Student: You'll get your wires crossed, mate
How much gaming do you do these days? Just looked up the 32" and 240Hz holy moly, I'm still on good ol' 60Hz.
I'm using a 4K 40" Philips presentation display intended for 24/7 business use with excellent colour accuracy, bought it off work eons ago for a great price. 40" was initially a massive upgrade not but now that I've gotten used to it can't imagine anything less.
It's giving off weird artifacts on screen for a while now and I've been thinking to replace it, but all monitors feels too small in comparison and all TVs feels too big, so I'm stuck in this damn limbo 😑
I was also tossing between the 2 with the recent sale and ended up going with the 32”. This is going to replace my good old trusty LG ultrawide that I got years ago and had enough of screen tearing even with vsync. I felt like coming from UW, I’d prefer the bigger screen but not too sure about the curve but we’ll see once they sent it out!
Hey mate, what sales are you talking about? I just decided I need one of these after claiming warranty for another monitor I had. I'm looking at the 27 inch. How much were these reduced by if you can remember? Thanks!
Whats weird is they really don't state they're on sale, just the same black price then it'll randomly go up. Guess I gotta wait.
Thanks mate!
a bit late to the party, but did you get your 32" and what are your thoughts? I have the same LG that you have and am looking at getting either the 32" 4k or another 34" UW 2k unit (the Alienware 34" OLED looks good). I'm mainly using my system for gaming (1440p at the moment but will upgrade to a 4090 or so at the end of the year) as well as spreadsheets and web/content browsing.
I bought both to try out, returned them and bought them again at reduced prices.