This was posted 5 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

½ Price Weet-Bix (575g) $2.20 @ Coles


Love these with a coating of honey dipped in milk. Stay safe, and enjoy :)

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closed Comments

  • +12

    How many does TA do?????

    • +7

      lol, 3 or 4.

      • +14

        Just had 7 for dinner, couldn't be bothered cooking anything.

        I only have honey over my oats never thought to add to Weetbix 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

        • +2

          Wow, so plain. Also 6 was my max. Impressive!

          • +1

            @WhyAmICommenting: 6 was my usual go to in school back in the day.

            Two on the bottom and four crushed on top. Sometimes would add oat bran as well.

            My issue was I'd have six for breakfast, then six after school. So was having easily 12 weetbix a day.

            No wonder I was always regular with all the fibre.

          • +5

            @WhyAmICommenting: It was always around 5-6.. It's taking me nearly 58 years to get to 7 mate and that only started last week.😂😂


            • +3

              @lost in transit: You're going up?

              I used to do 7 as a teenager. 5 in Uni. Now 2 and a sprinkle of Muesli on top as an adult.

              • @tunzafun001: Lol yeah mate, been walking a lot over the last 3 years….
                So feel hungry a fair bit.😁😉

        • +1

          Your world has changed, for the better.

    • +17

      How many would I need to do to become loosearse

      • J Lo may be asking how many she needs to 'losearse'.

  • +11

    coating of honey

    The best honey is Thai Honey

    • +3

      About 5 table spoons of sugar on each one and they taste ok

    • +2

      Next time I have a bowl I'll be reading that.

    • +1

      Can’t agree more. Thai honnnnney is the best
      Better than anything else in Thailand and I mean anything… any… thing…. ;)

      • why is it so good?

  • +2

    Love these with a coating of honey dipped in milk.

    Me drooling at this knowing damn well I am lactose intolerant. I still eat it anyway and deal with the suffering after.

    • +4

      Bro, so many alternatives to milk these days: soy, oat, almond. Get on it!

      • +3

        Yeah I love them all. But sometimes I just crave the good ol' milk!

        • +7

          Milk tastes wrong to me after drinking the alternatives for a while

    • +3

      Have you tried taking lactase when you eat dairy?

      Best Naturals Fast Acting Lactase Enzyme Tablet, 3000 Fcc Alu, 180 Count (859375002900)

      • +4

        It's a shield only. Arrows can still hit you at odd angles.

        • +1

          Not really, this is the same as your body releasing enzymes. Just need to take in sufficient quantities depending on how much is the milk consumptions. If you are still gazzy, its either the milk protein or fats you are unable to digest - then try now dairy digest complete (which has very less lactose).

          • @[Deactivated]: Sure, if you want to take 18 odd tablets every single time.

            Maybe you need 1 shield, 12 shields, 18 shields to counter the arrows. There's no way to know how much to take based on the food. Only a guess. Only a shield.

            • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Generally I take 3000 FCC Units with 200 ml milk as I am not fully intolerant. Ideally you need 4500FCC units for 200 ml milk. But assuming it wont get mixed well in the tummy, you take a standard 9000FCC cap with 200 ml milk. Take a little more than you need if you have to spend more time with friends and relatives and having party foods ;)

              If you do it everyday, you will know how many shields you would need haha.

              • @[Deactivated]: Restaurants don't tend to disclose the exact type and amount of each diary product in their dishes…

                • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Thats when you take more than you think you need. It aint harmful and lactase is now pretty cheap. 180 caps for 30 bux is OK price to pay than inhaling toxic gases ;) I know sometimes you tend to miss, thats alright. we are humans afterall.

      • Thanks for the pointer, those are cheaper than the Lacteeze brand. But not sure I am keen on the "Flavour: Fish" in the description!

    • Just buy lactase bro, dont live in 1900s. Buy the 9000 ALU ones.

  • +1

    Ffs just bought a 1.2kg box yesterday!

    • +1

      I just buy the Aldi ones.

      • +1

        Best alternative.
        Price used to work out the same as this @ $4.40.
        But I still load up with a few boxes with these deals.
        Down to our last 2, so timing is good.

        P.S. - Check your local IGA etc, normally $2 when $2.20 at Colesworths.

        • Minor note, but the only difference between these and the Aldi ones is that official Weet-bix has Iron added, Aldi's do not.

          • @MagpieSilver: Sugar content the same?

            Choice completely missed the point of sugar content in their article relying on manufacturer claims wrt "added sugar". Ww for example is 1.7% while WeetBix is nearly double at 3%.

            • +2

              @Igaf: Milk type will make more difference than 1.3% sugar.

              • @tunzafun001: Agree, so will cutting down elsewhere or adding fruit but that's hardly the point. Alternatively your milk choice will compound the problem - if in fact you deem it to be a problem. It took years - and still wasn't the case for soft drinks here when I looked - but manufacturers are finally making some effort to reduce the amounts of sugar and salt in their products. At least we can see ingredient % on most products.

                • @Igaf: Manufacturers shouldn't frak with their recipes for the sake of a futile effort to make foods marginally healthier!

                  If they want to make a healthier version, fine. But so many good foods, junk or otherwise, have been ruined by that typeof thinking. Imagine ruining classic coke for health reasons when the coke Zero is right there for the customer to take instead!

                  • +1

                    @Grazz989: Understand the sentiment but I'm sure you could learn to cope. Problem is moderating intake - some people can't do it.

                    Australian soft drinks have on average 22% more sugar than their American counterparts (cancelled out somewhat by their 2.5X per capita consumption). In the face of already huge obesity and diabetes problems something needs to be done. Good news is that Aussies have moved away from sugar sweetened drinks in recent years, which is a good start. Meanwhile the cost to the national health spend (your taxes) is enormous and growing.

                    • @Igaf:

                      something needs to be done

                      Yeah. I'll tell you exactly what needs to be done. With the products? Nothing. Zilch, nada, nil. With the people? A loooooooooot of education. Not any of that useless 'eat less sugar please :)' crap, but rather education about artificial sweeteners and such. There are people out there that are so astronomically 'tarded that they actually believe artificial sweeteners are worse for you than sugar. Sugar! You wave the word 'chemical' in front of someone - nay, even just the chemical name for any substance, naturally derived or not e.g. sodium chloride - and all of a sudden caveman level stupidity and superstitious fear kicks in.

                      And if anyone reading this is guilty of such thinking - understand this: Artificial sweeteners are one of, if not THE, most researched food substances on the planet. Under megadoses given to rats or rabbits, the results are that some of them MAYBE can POSSIBLY cause problems. As opposed to sugar? Which we KNOW definitely causes huge problems of all types. You're comparing panadol to cyanide here. The former might be artificial, but the latter is literally a (natural) poison. The fact that anything is natural is completely irrelevant, it doesn't matter one iota. It's ignorance of the highest order, and people spout it as if they're some sort of authority. Does my head in.

                      PS: The best way to deal with national spending on health is to clamp down on waste and rorting. And, counterintuitively, to expand capacity so that we can deal with people's problems before they grow.

  • would this be good for an adult man for lunch? or nah

    • +8

      Yes, and brekkie, and dinner. Get on it

    • it's girl dinner

  • -3

    Better to buy homebrand as no added sugar. These things are loaded with sweeteners.

    • +14

      At 0.45g of raw sugar per biscuit is hardly loaded. You can always get the kids version as it has less sugar and less salt.

      • the kids version also has additional ingredients, like seaweed, and tastes a bit different

        source: I've tried my kid's kids weet bix

      • +1

        Absolutely drenched in sugar. Why risk it, just for a biscuit?

    • +1

      Weetabix is about as good as a cereal gets in terms of sweeteners.

      It's the sodium that differs. Vitabrits has a different level of sodium (salt). So some homebrands copy Weetabix and some copy Vitabrits.

      • +4

        The only problem with Vitabrits now is that Uncle Toby's is 100% owned by Nestle and (profanity) Nestle.

    • +1

      Ah yes the cardboard taste of Weetbix

    • +1

      Gluten Free version has no added sugar

  • +3

    As a kid I used to put a little milk in the bowl, pop my two Weetbix in, flip them over and put a generous amount of sugar that dissolves in the soggy Weetbix. Then eat them while it's still crunchy in the middle but soggy on both sides.

    • +1

      Same for me minus the sugar.

  • +1

    Vita Brits veteran here - varied between 2 and a half, 3 or 4 per serving.
    However this is where I will lose the coolness factor, I never had it in cold milk - it was always microwaved :( :P

    • Another microwaver here. 40 seconds, just enough to take off the chill

  • Was at Cokes this arvo looking for this… empty!
    After TA posted this here, there's no chance of me finding any stock for the rest of the week now.

    • No problem. At Coles if an item on special is out of stock you can just ask for a raincheck, and then you can come back and get it at the special price any time within 30 days.

      Sadly Woolworths stopped doing rainchecks in early 2020 and never resumed.

  • +3

    Warm milk is always best but if you're on a budget I recommend pouring boiling water over them before adding the milk, similar results but saves you milk.

    I'm trying to cut back on sugar so honey is a good substitute, I also like to slice up a banana over the top and sprinkle honey or sugar over the top before adding milk!

    • +1

      Beat me to it re the boiling water.

    • +2

      Boiled water on my 'bix, brings back memories. Well my black and gold wheat bricks or whatever.

    • +4

      I like the irony in cutting back on sugar by adding sugary things hehe

  • +1

    I put a couple in a bowl and cover with boiling water and then sugar then put a couple on top then the milk and sugar on top, crunchy and soft, cold and hot combo.

  • +2

    Vegemite spread on dry Weetbix is a good poor man's snack in the 60s and still good today.

  • I love these with butter and jam

  • mainly add bananas but occasionally strawberries to my weetbix, milk and sprinkle of sugar

    • +2

      Woah fancypants

  • +4

    Another vote for bananas and honey.

  • Would weetbix be a good remedy for a bloated gut?

    • What’s causing the bloated gut?
      Wheat based food can sometimes cause temporary bloat, especially if you’re got celiac disease.

  • Woah you lot can afford Weetbix? In this economy?

    • <$5 for 18 meals, I can't afford to not eat Weetbix (I actually don't eat them and only ate them as a kid because I had to).

  • How do you dip honey in milk?

  • +1

    God yes, i can eat for the week :D

  • -2

    +1 just because post by TA after a long time

  • 2 Weet-Bix with pinch of sugar in hot milk topped with any Uncle Toby's cereal for crunchiness.

    Will replace sugar with honey next time…

  • Hmm had these 3 piece’s consecutive days, my tummy feels like going toilet more than 5 times a day. Things come out in good shape but issue is is 5 times or more.

    • You should avoid Sultana Bran or All Bran then!

  • I love to add protein powder to mine, 6 weet-bix, honey, two bananas and normally cinnamon or vanilla protein powder.
    Easy and filling meal.

  • It says Aussie kids on the box. Can adults eat these?

    • Yes and foreigners like me.

      • +3


        reported to immigration

  • +6

    Reminder that Sanitarium is owned by the seventh-day adventist church and doesn't pay tax…

    • +1

      So a company that doesn’t pay tax? Gotcha.


    • +2

      However you feel about the religion and the tax status, the Adventists have a religious commitment to improving and maintaining health, so I'd trust their food offerings a bit more than a purely commerical enterprise.

  • As someone who prefers savoury to sweet I often have them as savoury - with milk but then also adding

    • mayo (keypie or regular) and sriracha hot sauce
    • chili oil
    • leftover Hungry Jacks hot sauce
    • pesto and hot sauce of some sort

    Rest of the family think I'm nuts but hey … live and let live

  • dont they call this cow feed?

  • -1

    Give the stay safes a rest.

  • This is the stuff I miss on Keto

  • +3

    Date night sorted! ;)

  • Rather uncle Toby's vita Brits… Weetbix gives me heartburn afterwards.

    • It shouldn't go in your heart, maybe look into that?

  • I suppose it's an option for anyone that doesn't have Aldi nearby…. Aldi branded weetbix are $4/kg

    • Germans don't know how to make weetbix!

      • +3

        True, which is why they pay Sanitarium to put them in a box instead

    • Why pay $4/kg at Aldi when you can pay $3.83/kg for these at Coles? And you can effectively pay significantly less than this by paying with discounted Coles gift cards and using Flybuys points offers such as this current one.

    • Are the Aldi ones actually from the same factory/line as the Sanitarium ones?

      I actually tend to slightly prefer Vita Brits but the missus and bub prefer Weet Bix so I am outnumbered. Might have to try a box of the Aldi ones to see if they do stack up.

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