Best Method to Pay ATO

What's the best way to pay ATO to maximise benefits, e.g. discounts, accumulate points etc with minimal or no surcharge fees?

It seems that it does not allow paying via Bpay using credit card (NAB credit card is my card).

Is it worth using or sniip service which charge fees to accumulate points?

EDIT: by discounts, I meant discounted gift cards, not discount code lol


  • +28

    Apple gift cards.

    • -6

      Here is the best advice…….

      ON TIME!

      • -1

        Stop replying to the first comment.

        • Best advice is to always pay in time

          • -2

            @Dr Phil: Best advice is to stop replying to the first comment in a thread.

            • @brendanm: Best advice is to stay on topic instead of telling other contributors what to do.

              Now lets get back to the BEST reply to the topic which is

              PAY ON TIME to avoid penalties.

              • -2

                @Dr Phil: Best advice is to make your own comments, rather than reply to the first comment, which has nothing to do with yours.

                • @brendanm: You add no value whatsoever

                  Suggest you move on o another plage and stop telling people what to do.

                  • -1

                    @Dr Phil: That's the pot calling the kettle black. If you want to make a comment, make it like everyone else does. Instead, you comment unrelated garbage on the first post of everything you comment on.

  • +3

    e.g. discounts

    lmk if you find a discount code for ATO.

    • +18

      "UNEMPLOYED" worked for me.

  • +1

    Discounts for paying ATO??

    • Guessing they're referring to discounted gift cards…

    • Like 87% discount?

  • Discounted Coles mastercard / Visa

    Else use snip for the credit card points

  • Bag of cash

  • -1


  • +3

    Just wait till they call you randomly asking for money

  • +1

    itunes gift cards

  • +1

    Just think about how well all that money is spent, why would you want to get a discount on that?

    • -7

      The money helped pay for a system that lets us call out rapists like Bruce Lehhrman. He lost his own civil cace and everyone is allowed to call him a rapist now. A little faith restored in the system and how our tax dollars are used. If that grub got away with it using our own court system to do it, now that would be a shameful use of our tax dollars. I might even slip the ATO a little extra this year, as a reward.

      • +5

        Yeah righto, even though it wasn't a criminal publicly funded prosecution that did it but rather a label placed on him in a privately funded civil manner. So what on Earth are you on about?

        • -3

          The system of laws and governance that is paid for through tax produced that outcome. Bruce will have to pay court costs, but even if he didn't or couldn't the state still paid for the whole thing in the first place and it exists through billions of ongoing money over the decades.

          • +2

            @AustriaBargain: Great, so something that you like completely negates the huge amounts of largesse and waste that is a huge amount of government spending? Way to cram your hot topic into a totally different discussion.

            • @LanceVance: Exactly. I didn't start the hot topic of whether taxes aren't well spent, I think broadly they are well spent. The system is crummy but it still works, a lot of the time.

            • +1

              @LanceVance: You uh, might want to click on AustriaBargain's profile and see the quality of argument they normally bring in the comment section (e.g. pick something with 5+ responses by them, see what happens)

              Edit: No, you don't. No one should be invited to read that sort of thing.

      • We also gave $2.4m to Brittney Higgins for unknown reasons.

        • Well she was raped in Parliament House and the party did try to ruin her for blowing the whistle on it. It's a real shame it was even possible to be raped there in the first place, like it was Weinstein's private funhouse or something.

          • +1

            @AustriaBargain: Allegedly. Still unsure what that has to do with the taxpayer giving her $2.4m.

            • @brendanm: Would you be willing to be raped by Bruce in exchange for 2.4m? Would you let your mother be raped by him for 2.4m? It's a big deal if you ask me.

              • +1

                @AustriaBargain: A) she was given the money without there having been a judgement against him.

                B) do any other victims of rape get $2.4m?

                C) why should the taxpayer fund this random amount?

                D) everything surrounding this incident is dodgy, her, him, her boyfriend, lots of politicians involved, and Lisa Wilkinson. None of it passes the sniff test.

                • @brendanm: C'mon, she was raped. By Bruce. And exactly what you think would happen in terms of corruption happened. But the system pulled through for her, Bruce got overconfident and finally got what he deserved. Which is to be branded a bonafide rapist. Every newspaper can call him a rapist. He can't sue anyone into retracting it now, hoisted with his own petard.

                  It doesn't matter if she did things dodgy or failed your sniff test. She was raped and put into a situation no sane person in the planet would choose to be in. The taxpayer should pay because it was our system that put her in that position in the first place. Really shameful that our system allowed it to happen and play out like it did after.

                  • @AustriaBargain: Allegedly raped. I don't know many people who believe her. He was never convicted. The whole thing is dodgy.

                    It's not our system, it's dodgy (profanity) politicians, even her rape allegations were political, with her super dodgy boyfriend getting involved how he did, and she did not deserve to get $2.4m, no one else gets that.

  • +6

    I just bend over and pull my pants down

    • Do you pay the optional lubricant levy?

      • +1

        I could only dream.

  • -1

    Do you have any gold fillings?

    Regrettably, there is no real way other than to maximise your dedications. A tax agent can help you there.
    Educational books/training
    Work related travel

    • -2

      Haha this guy is clueless. What in the world is dedication? Maybe try deductions.
      Sometimes it's best to shut up if you are clueless. At least then you won't get found out

      • +1

        Toxic much 🤷‍♂️

        Deductions reduce your taxable income…dedications are the tributes you pay to the ATO on the reduced income 🤔

  • A wheelbarrow full of 5 cent coins…

    • Sadly not legal.

  • itunes cards
    thoughts and prayers
    mother's love
    boss's respect

  • +3

    Been raised and replied to a few times now, but I accumulate Qantas points via credit card.

    I use ZIP Pay to Bpay the ATO/SRO/Council Rates which for me has no additional charges or service fees. I then use the applicable credit card to pay off the ZIP balance.

    Only issue with ZIP Pay is that the maximum amount for each transaction is $1000 - $1500 depending on your account. So large payments have taken me a few weeks to pay off, but I've got that many more points that I didn't previously accumulate.

    • Is there any charge for paying zip with the CC?

      • +1

        T&C say that fee of $2.50 may apply… again, may…

        But I've never had to pay the fee. Probably close to 50 transactions now and never had to pay fee.

        • bizarre that its free but I'll give it a shot

    • I never have zip pay or any BNPL before. If max 1000, can I pay it off right away and then do another bpay and repeat until the big bill is paid off on the same day?

      • Yes, pay off straight away and repeat.

        However, your zip account may get locked due to suspicious activity. But simply contact zip to unlock and repeat.

        I found using different amounts works, where performing $1000 payments flags.

        • only got approved for $500 :(
          Also, it says $2.50 payment fee may apply when paying Bpay. Do you get charged this fee when paying ATO via Zippay?

          • +1

            @OzFrugie: I've never been charged the $2.50 when using BPay for:

            ATO, Land Tax, Council Rate, Water Rates

            I believe ZIP list the charge prior to confirming the payment, eg. $500 + $2.50 - Total $502.50

            Again, I've never been charged.

            With regard to zip limit, I started out at $500 then offered $1000, then now can increase limit to $1500. I think they just start small to see your spending habits/ability.

            • @Porker: Thanks for the insights mate.
              How long did u get offered to get ur limit increased?

    • Do you know if you can set up SRO autopay and BPay at same time? I tried a paying $10 and it didn’t work.

    • I tried signing up . There’s two options

      1. Zip pay vs Zip money - any benefits not going with Zip money instead given the higher limit ?

      2. There’s a $10 monthly charge - is that right?

      • Zip pay has no setup cost. Zip Money is $99. Both charge if you don't pay off the balance.

        • Just read the product disclosure and/or information.

          Zip Money is basically a credit card service which charges interest on balances etc. Zip Pay is 'pay as you go' service in that you only pay a fixed fee for any balance you still owe per month. Both differ by how much money you can access.

          • @Porker: Does zippay show up in ur credit history? And may affect if u want to apply for loans?

            • +1

              @OzFrugie: No it doesn't, but if banks might trawl through your transaction and ask about it if found. But usually bank only look through 2 months worth of transactions.

      • Thought I'd also mention ZipMoney can't be paid from a credit card, only from a bank account. So not useful for points accumulation.

    • Hi, have you tried zip to pay ATO recently? I’m having issues it says it’s error when paying ATO.

      • Made SRO payments yesterday and ATO payments today without issue.

        Might have been a temporary ATO glitch?

  • Have anybody tried to use Zip to pay ATO today?
    Used it the first time yesterday it went through, but today it says "oops, something went wrong".
    Called them and their CS also don't know why it's showing error, they have escalated it to their accounts team. Just wanting to know if it's just me or zip-wide.

    • Made SRO payments yesterday and ATO payments today without issue.

      Might have been a temporary ATO glitch?

    • I have the same error. Have you found out why or. A resolution ?

      • Did you ever find a solution? Can you confirm Zip now blocks BPAY to ATO?

    • My ATO payment also didnt go through. Called zip, rep and his supervisor confirmed that ATO payments no longer work. RIP.

      • Also for those using Zip, Stratapay payments are also now blocked.

      • I just made an ATO payment using BPAY, it went through.

  • Anyone having issues paying the bills? I am getting an error message

  • Long time lurker but first time poster. Could i check what the latest tried and tested ways to pay the ato are? The intent is to use the credit card to either buy gift cards or use a payment service… Just wasn't sure which products were reliable with the least fees..thank you

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