Anyone know how to print passport size photos at Kmart? I have downloaded the Kmart Photos app but not sure how to.
Don't want to pay $20 every time at Australia Post.
Anyone know how to print passport size photos at Kmart? I have downloaded the Kmart Photos app but not sure how to.
Don't want to pay $20 every time at Australia Post.
Yes, ouch!
I thought we had the world's most expensive passports, but apparently we are second behind Liechtenstein at $444.
Liechtenstein at $444.
That would be a killer…
Thanks Labor!
Labor increased it by another 15%. Price going up next week…
Why so emotional? I do this all the time. They even have apps to do it effortlessly. Don’t be so afraid of a little DIY.
Here we go again
neg voting the obvious.
That is not helpful to OP.
If someone buys a $2000 Samsung phone and does not want to buy a $300 Samsung earphone and is asking for a budget friendly earphone, are you going to tell him you spend $2000 on Samsung phone and you can't spend $300 on an earphone. I thought this place is where you get suggestions, and not being judged. Also I don't think you can compare a Passport's worth with that of a Picture. Passport has a fixed price, there is no bargain, but $20 for a picture every single time is a scam. If a family of four has to get passport size pictures, you will be paying $80 for passport pictures at Auspost.
Totaly makes sense. Not sure why you got negged.
That's my dilemma at the moment, it's not just for one person, but I need to do 3 people's passports ~ $60, I'm aiming to do Kmart photo prints, hopefully it cost me less than $10 for all. Probably I do one first to see how I go, I'm not in hurry.
Mate, just give it a rest.
You speak the truth but we are dealing with people here with either no logic nor common sense and possibly no international travel experience
Propably most of those neg voters have never had a passport photo taken because they have never travelled overseas. .
And they suddenly they become self-appointed X-spirts.
You try these cheap tricks once, have your passport photos rejected, then learn your lesson and dont do it again.
Obviously the neg voters havent been through this learning curve.
Why stop there, you could save more by not getting travel insurance,
Someone asking for a cheaper method of passport photos isn't the same as opting to not get travel insurance. Someone asking for recommendations on cheapest travel insurance deals is similar to asking for cheaper passport photo.
but $20 for a picture every single time is a scam.
How often are you getting passports that this is even a concern?
Did you know passport size pictures are used in other legal identity documents other than just Passports?
Hand back your ozbargain badge.
precisely my thoughts. i for one insist on nothing less than a $199 one-hour private photography session for my passport renewals.
Salespeople start drooling when they see you walking into their store
Cause it's a rip off? I think you can print your own passport size photo at officeworks for $6?
OW will take and print your passport sized photo for $17.95 -…
but yeah if you already have one you just want to copy, then you can probably jiggery-pokery print copies using OW photocopier for 49c a copy of somesuch
You can tell from the neg votes you and I got how many fools we have on this forum.
The thing about Australia Post is you're protected against photos being unacceptable. The one time I tried Kmart I had to pay for do overs.
This! T too many people get their photos been knocked back because they are inappropriate. Just get it done at AP and you save yourself a lot of time (and potentially money) going between places to ensure you have the correct photo
because they are inappropriate.
You need to keep your clothes on in the photo.
I did not. Only my face was used for the passport photo. The guy at Auspost said a full nude photo is used for further identification checks when needed.
The poses requested are a bit weird though..
Much cheaper to flash a policeman and just ask for a copy of your mug shot.
My wife does passport photos for family and friends and has never been rejected. Even though when she handed in to Auspost, they said it might be rejected. She's tried Kmart and Officeworks but didn't like their quality and software, uses Harvey Norman as it has software that helps adjust the size to comply.
My wife has never been rejected.
@42: My English teacher is responsible for that….
Maybe rephrase your first sentence, because that is what the meaning is…
If you follow these guidelines then you 100% will should not be rejected provided it is a good quality photograph.…
The LPO's want to make money so they try their best to find excuses to reject. Proper AusPost offices are more relaxed about it but it depends on the managers. Them rejecting passport photos is borderline unlawful (as these things are difficult to deterministically prove) just like many other things AusPost does. You can always lie that you took the photo from another post office, then they are more willing to accept.
Edit: first sentence
Yeah, a mere shadow on your face in the wrong spot can get the photo rejected. For $20 I'd pay Aus post.
Last time aus post took my photo it had shadows and a green glare from a "V" branded drinks fridge. Just sayin don't blindly rely on them to get it right - or assume that we can't also work it out ourselves with photoshop and a trip to kmart or two!
The thing about Australia Post is you're protected against photos being unacceptable
I've had auspost photos rejected before, went back and they did them again for free. So while you pay more, you only pay once.
(plus your time…)
Yeah same happened to me recently. OP just go AusPost.
I spent hours and hours taking what I thought was a great photo that met the guidelines, went to kmart 3 times to print photos scaled to the right size, spent ages cutting them out too. Passport office called me needing new photos lol. Had to go to auspost, took 5 minutes, well worth the $20
In my experience, if you get your photos done anywhere else Auspost will say they are non compliant and refuse to lodge the application. Total scam on their part. Probably not all, but the ones I’ve been to are like that.
Don't bother, they won't accept them for passports.
The will. I've used my own inkjet printer before. But it's a lot of bother. Aus post will do it for $20 and they will witness it, so you don't need to rope someone into that.
They do. Wife and kids photos were taken with a s22+, printed at KMart and accepted by post office and passport issued with no issues last year. Total cost for photos was 10c each.
This, I've shot at home & printed at kmart several times w no probs.
I printed ours at kmart too. Brought all forms to auspost to send them off, asked the staff if our passport photos are acceptable since i took them on my s23+ then printed at kmart. He looked at them carefully with our application forms and told me they are good, except one with a defective fuzzy dot on my white wall. He just picked a defective free one and swap it for me.
FYI - all passed with no issue, two are for an 8YO and a 5YO. I don't have pure white wall at home.
Getting negged a lot here. But this is 100% my experience with Auspost too.
Pay $20 at Auspost first go, or
Pay $10 at Kmart plus $20 at Auspost when they reject your Kmart photos.
its 10c for a 4x6 a Kmart….. CHEAP
Your wasted time getting them done at Kmart and then reapplying for your passport again later….. CHEAP
Your wasted time getting them done at Kmart and then reapplying for your passport again later….. CHEAP
only if you're incompetent jv, not everyone is like that….
Also see my other comment, my $20 auspost photos got rejected…. So I had to waste time again getting them redone and then reapplying for your passport. Thanks Auspost!! Oh and I paid $20 for that too!
Also see my other comment, my $20 auspost photos got rejected…
They'll re-do them again for free and resubmit your application for free… Less inconvenience.
They'll re-do them again for free and resubmit your application for free… Less inconvenience.
LOL Less inconvenience? Still had to waste time getting them redone and then resubmiting my passport.
Was your English teacher responsible for that too?
I didn't have one! English is my third language
You're hardly in a position then to express your grammatical prowess..
This process happened to me days ago.
Spent an hour screwing around taking/ editing/ printing photos at kmart, auspost rejects it due to small shadow in background. Then pay aupost anyway.
Ignore Auspost, it is not up those scammers.
$20 for Passport photo is another scam.
Just get it from AusPost or Officeworks or else your photo will be rejected.
I am confuse, $20 is the cost for passport photo in Auspost.
The truth is out there
I want to believe
I downloaded an app for my phone that takes passport sized/framed photos.
Simply print the photo for $0.10.
I have used the app for passport renewal and other documents.
App name?
I've used this app export to 6x4 print at officeworks at 15c/print.
Never had any issues getting the photos accepted. Just make sure you have good lighting and follow the guidelines, take the photo directly with your camera app, edit lighting etc with the default editor and upload to that app to trim it to the country's size.
The passport photo requirements is easily found and very clearly listed. I took and printed my own passport photo. It was rejected at the AP branch when they heard I took the photo on my own. This branch was directly operated by AP, not by third party agent. Person at AP counter could not give any reason for photo rejection other than I took it on my own.
Not happy but nothing much I could do so I left. I called AP customer service and lodged a complaint. AP customer service told me AP branch cannot lawfully reject passport applications, only the passport office can do so. AP branch can only screen and advise if the application/passport photo does not meet requirements but as the applicant, I can insist that the application be sent through. They called the AP branch that I went to and insisted that they accept my application then called me back to ask me to return to re-submit my application. When I got there, it was a different person manning the counter as the original person was "taking a break". Best feeling ever when I could finally lodge my application. Application went through successfully without any issues with my photo and I received my passport.
You can definitely print your own photos. Do read through the requirements thoroughly and make sure to meet it. You will need special software to produce a photo to meet the requirements. Try formatting your photo to be printed on 4" x 6" which you then cut it out from. Good luck!
I too take my own photos. Have done it 5 times. All approved. Just read the requirements. Easy.
Do you just get a 12 month passport?
Quik maf, 10 X 5 = 50. He could just be over 50 years old? or a broken tv and 4 kids?
Thanks for sharing, another story of a staff who makes his or her own way of doing things.
Yeah, good on your mate for not accepting that rejection, too true, AP has no rights and it depends on the person serving, some have different views of what looks right and wrong so they shouldn't be doing it at all. I have always done my own photo, and was told multiple times that didn't meet requirement, etc by the AP CS but I still said to put it through and never got rejected. Like you said, just make sure you get the requirements right, including dimensions of face, etc.
I had that but just wore it. The stupid thing is the passport office rejected the crappy AP photo so I had to go back again too.
I've done photos for other relos no prob too.
Don't tell them you produced the photos yourself and don't take shit from somebody behind the counter who just wants to pull in the business for themselves.
Australia post photos guarantees you that your photo will be accepted, if it doesn't they will retake it for free (from one rep that said it to me).
Easy guarantee to make given it costs them practically nothing to retake… I’ve found they won’t accept photos from anywhere else anyway. Seems from other comments that this practice is not allowed, but lpo owners aren’t exactly the brightest or most conscientious bunch.
Per photo guidelines the size requirements are:
Photos have to be 35mm to 40mm wide and 45mm to 50mm high. The size of the face from chin to crown can be up to a maximum of 36mm, with a minimum of 32mm.
Please do take note of everything else as suggested on that page. Resize your photos from pixels to mm and to the required spec, bog standard dpi is 300 though realistically 200+ would do just fine. Go to Kmart/Officeworks/etc and print, make sure to uncheck any "stretch to fit ratio" or anything else that auto manipulates the output size, and print.
I come across too many people at AP trying to do it themselves and get turned away. It's not difficult but evidently a lot of people botch it up. Check and recheck everything to save yourself the potential return trips. If you don't get it right on the first go your time/effort is most probably gonna cost more than $20.
This. The size requirements are clearly listed. I created my own template in Affinity so the mini 4x4 at Kmart had a white border so the printed photo met the 40mmx50mm max size
To add to this, take multiple photos when you start off so you can sort through the minute differences in facial expression and focus.
I've had 2 rejected before - one because the facial profile and eye direction was like 2 degrees off and not dead on, and another because the focus was slightly too blurry.
I've also had 4 other ones approved for myself/family - it's definitely easier if you have a setup for the chin:crown sizing and so on ready in Photoshop/Illustrator.
One 6" x 4" photo from Kmart (make sure to pick Gloss) can hold 6 passport photos.
AP once rejected my passport photo for being "too smiley" even though I wasn't really smiling in my photo. They will find any reason to reject your photo and get you to pay them to do it so save yourself the hassle and just get it done at AP.
I heard an AP branch is measured on Passport Office rejected passport applications as a KPI. That’s why they can be reluctant to accept what they think are borderline applications.
What happens if you smile while they take your photo at AP :)
I grinned. Well, it came out as more of a grimace, because, my face. Guy told me not to smile twice and I just kept my face the same. Got my passport.
Before I gave in to AusPost I’d taken my own pics and tried to work out how to print them myself like OP but couldn’t find a decent answer online and found heaps of warnings about using the websites and apps that come up in searches.
AusPost photo was shadowy and dark, my own pic was clear, you could actually see my eye colour, and the background was better than AusPost. They really don’t want you to work out how to do it yourself. So much so the Kmart website has nothing about printing passport-sized pics.
It’s a conspiracy, I tells ya!
Actually I found a guide how to print your own passport photos here on OzB. Someone shared a very informative comment.
I spent some time to produce some photos. But just couldn't get the right angle or my face looked weird..etc. So, I decided to give up and pay AusPost… Turned out, the photo they took for me is much better.
They are only screening applications. Remind them that and insist that you wish to use that photograph and they can make a note that you insisted with the photo. They are there to advice and rejecting applications is them just power tripping. If the passport office rejects it though then you bear the cost(if any) of fixing the issue. The Post Offices have a quota based on percentages on how many applications they get accurately processed and get rewarded for that by the Passport Office which is why they are more than happy to inconvenience you to get the application right on the first go.
Took it at officework solely for passsport, got rejected anyway. Save yourself time and money and just do it at AP
Got the kids ones taken by Officeworks last year as couldn't be bothered and easier to get the kids there as they were open till 9pm (plus a little cheaper than AP).
I actually thought they'd get rejected because they looked too overexposed to me but AP said they were fine and apps got processed no problem (one of them seemingly got free priority processing as arrived in less than a week, other took weeks)
Funny enough years ago the AP we submit our passport apps at when I asked about photos, the owner told me to just print them myself at Kmart/Big W rather than get them done at AP.
The biggest problem I found at the kiosks is that you spend all the time setting up the sizing to fit multiples on a 6x4 and then the machine enlarges and crops the edges. So is a good idea to spend the extra 10 or 20c for a few with slightly different resizing. Not sure if they have a template for passport photos on the kiosks but I seem to remember at the time it wasn't suitable to Aus ones (was many years ago)
Just be aware that the Kmart Photo Booth will detect if you have a small size canvas, and will then charge you more for duplicating your passport photo to fit in a photo dimension. This is highway robbery, as from memory it goes from 10c to something like $6. Ridiculous. To get around this, duplicate your passport photo within the dimensions of a normal photo.
Sometimes it helps not to being stingy