This was posted 10 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Steam] Starfield (Digital Code in a Box) $47 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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same as last time here in dec-2023, but cheaper
it is available on game pass, for those who want to try it.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Sad, I purchased it for $69.99 on Amazon less than a week ago.

  • +44

    I went from red dead 2 and then played this…

    I probably don't need to say anything else. This game is worth $29 at most.

    • +6

      Starfield isn't that bad. But if you go from a Lamborghini Aventador to a Ford Fiesta…

      • +31

        The difference is that they were pitching starfield AS a lamborghini.

      • +5

        … a ford fiesta which cost more than a Lambo on release.

      • -1

        I'll take a Ford Fiesta and 800k cash over a Lamborghini Aventador all day every day.

    • +28

      Starfield feels like it should have been released 10+ years ago.

    • +4

      RD2 is a snooze fest

      • +3

        nuh uh

      • -5

        Of course it is. It yet another open world game where you’re meant to sink hundreds of hours of time playing.

        I miss when games were short, sweet and polished.

        Back “gaming” was a hobby, not a lifestyle.

        • +5

          If you’re not a complete moron you can simply focus on the main objectives and still have a great time, I don’t think gaming is for you pal maybe check out candy crush

          • -5


            If you’re not a complete moron you can simply focus on the main objectives and still have a great time


            Main Story :23 Hours

            Yeah, nah. I'm not investing that much time on a video game.

            I don’t think gaming is for you pal

            Not modern video games it seems no. Pretty much all retro games now days.

            • +8

              @PainToad: If you’re not used to spending that much time on a video game then fair enough, but it’s become the norm and people appreciate the per dollar value more

              • +4


                If you’re not used to spending that much time on a video game then fair enough, but it’s become the norm and people appreciate the per dollar value more

                I know it's become the norm and I don't like it. Same as all movies now seem to go for 2 hours +.

                old man yells at clouds

                • @PainToad: Truth be told I’m the same, couldn’t finish RD2 but I blame my attention span

                  • @Lebofly: I preferred RDR1, it just didnt seem as grindy.

                    It just annoyed me where you pressed the wrong button and you shot someone, then you had to ride half away across the map to pay your fine before going back to the mission.

                    Or the maintenance on your horse. When I was playing it, my partner got the impression it was more of a job than a game.

                    Couldnt even finish the story as it just took too long.

          • +1

            @Lebofly: how inconsiderate to say "gaming isn't for you" just because we don't like open-world games. the biggest open-world game I could tolerate was the Batman Arkham series; those maps are tiny compared to some. I simply dislike spending hundreds of hours collecting feathers (Assassins Creed).

            My favourite games are Quake 1 2 4, Duke Nukem 3d, Duke Nukem Forever, doom 3, Dead Space 1 and 2 and Evil Within 1/2. oh and the Resident Evil series. IMO most of these games take 10-16 hrs to finish but have a lot of replayability. I'm not about to spend 200 hours in one game.

            My most hated games are recognised classics, GTA, the Red Dead Redemption series, the Witcher series and anything Fallout/Skyrim/Assassins Creed and Far Cry.

            I'm 42 and have been playing games since atari 2600. I'm a gamer, just different to you.

        • +2

          You don't have to put 100s of hours in. Dozens maybe, but you shouldn't be doing radiant quests or optional quests unless you enjoy the gameplay loop. If you just want to finish the story and experience the world as you go along you can do that. RDR isn't as interesting as season 1 of Westworld, but it's still a cool game.

      • +3

        its a horse riding simulator

        • +7

          If my wife enjoyed simulating horse riding more often, I’d play less games.

    • Hated Red Dead 2. Loved the 1st one
      I enjoyed Starfield way more

    • This game is worth $9 max, if you're feeling super generous…

  • +12

    will wait for it to be free on epic games

  • +3

    They’re matching EB Games

    • +3

      But ebay charges shipping, even with plus. I really want to use ebay, but blimey they need to figure stuff out.

      • There should be an option to select C&C at your local store on the EB Games eBay

        Otherwise here’s a direct link to the EB Games website

    • JB still have it at $109. Selling lots of copies? Thought not.

  • +4

    Will it cure my insomnia?

    • +18

      depends - do you get sleepy or irritated when you see a loading screen?

  • Has it improved at all since launch?

    • +8

      It has, but not enough. They're patching the most annoying and broken parts of the game at a pretty steady rate and have made quite a lot of enhancements on the performance front, but running around on the ground is still an awful experience (they fixed the space based bits first, because that was even more awful). 6 months after release and there's still not a good map setup while on a planet, it's pretty poor.

      They're doing massive patches every 6 weeks, I reckon 2-3 more of those and the game might be worth a run through.

      • +7

        I'm still flabbergasted they don't have a decent map. I get for unexplored planets but nothing for the established cities is crazy

        • +7

          Todd Howard… "see those mountains? you can go there!"

          you: 'but there's nothing there'

          Todd "i've done my part"

          • +1

            @tonyjzx: Aaaaaand nothing on the WAY there either! At least a Fallout or Skyrim game you'd come across something interesting on the way to the objective. Side quest, monument, cave, vacant house/building to explore…

            The only people that don't mind the travelling by foot across to those mountains, are sand-lovers and geologists.

    • +4

      Are you asking about bugs or the really poor design choices they made?

    • The main issues were in the game core mechanics, not in the bugs, so - nope

      • So im guessing its still boring AF

  • +15

    It's on Xbox Game Pass PC - $1 for a 14 day trial. I'd HIGHLY recommend going down this path before plodding down anything more than $1 on this.

  • Couldn't hit buy fast enough, thanks OP!

  • +2

    still not worth it at this price?

  • +15

    A digital code that requires delivery in a box…the mind boggles.

    • My bad :-) I'm the guy who keeps buying them.

  • I would prefer if it's on the Xbox store as it's a Xbox Play Anywhere game.

  • +2

    if yall got gamespass, its still on there if you want to give it a whirl - streaming it i felt was a little quicker for the transitions/loading - played it for about 2 hours on release and thought good.

  • +7

    So much potential. Just lazy implementation.

    • -6

      You can either have an open world game or you can have a good short polished game with a coherent story line. Not both.

      Unfortunately “gamers” have decided they want to burn hundreds of hours on an average game instead of 8 hours on a great game.

      Thankfully studios are starting to understand that AAA open world games are a false economy.

      • +2

        That’s funny considering Starfield is neither of those?

        • Sorry, open worlds.

      • @PainToad never played Witcher 3?

  • +4

    Bethesda. Just give the people another Fallout & Elder Scrolls and they’ll be happy again.

    • +3

      Struggling to stay hopeful for those based on recent form

      • +1

        fallout 4 wasnt too bad but its been a downward trend since then

  • +4


  • Xbox version cheaper by any chance?

  • +1

    Good for about 30 hours then gets tiring. Can do the main mission and a few side missions in 30 hours whilst also exploring a little bit, planets are just the same thing copy pasted unfortunately no real life to them other than main mission parts.

  • +3

    Love all the hype that came out about this game and the absolute disaster that it was upon release.

    Almost as bad as Spore back in the day..

    • +4

      I enjoyed Spore much more than Starfield

    • +6

      I can respect Spore though because at least they were taking a chance on trying something new

      • yeah but they did the same thing. Massively oversold the mechanics of the game prior to launch.

  • Hope this comes to playstation

    • +3

      About as much chance as Sonic Adventure coming to the GameCube….oh wait.

    • It will when the DLC is out, the gates are open now.

  • -4

    The game is absolute trash, and not in a "so bad it's good" way. Buy for $5 and not a cent more.

  • This or helldivers 2?

    • +3

      Helldivers 2, IMO.

    • +2

      two completely different games but Helldivers 2 is incredible. Few annoying bugs here and there but the devs are actively patching and the game will constantly evolve.

      Easily the most fun I've had in a game for years.

      • Calling a repetitive game incredible… Pshhh seen better than that

        • +2

          Thanks for letting me know.

  • +1

    Thanks OP.

    Myself, I'll wait until it's under $30. By then maybe will be patched, improved, optimised.

    It's a Trainwreck still according to my research, though I like the concept…

    • +2

      I honestly think I encountered 1 but during my 30 hour gameplay and that was during one mission a big space fight ensues and after the fight Everytime you go to the fight area all the ships are just floating and spinning out of control and they never disappeared for me in my playthrough but that but just made it more interesting. The problem is the base game alone can't hold up and gets boring quickly, unlike Cyberpunk at least they had something good to fix Starfield isn't worth fixing imo

      • Thanks, appreciate your viewpoint. Perhaps I won't buy it at all.

        • +2

          If you want to give it a go try it out on gamepass if you can get the trial or something else interests you on there, I had fun after the first 5 or so hours up until the end of the main mission and side missions but apart from that there's nothing there. Same can be said for Cyberpunk but at least there's a few little crevices with different bosses and enemies you can't find by doing side missions and the combat has a lot more going for it. Starfield overall is pretty bland, it's hard to point out many highlights for the game imo better to save your time and money unless the space combat and ship building interests you, that part was surprisingly good and devs probably spent a bit of time on the systems and not enough on the gameplay.

  • Todd Howard says this game is 16x better than Fallout 76


    Starfield has 16 times the content of RDR2

    • +8

      16 piles of cow dung is still just cow dung.

  • +1

    Not worth it and since the optimization was really
    bad, you'd better have a decent PC to play in stable 60fps.

    • Yeah that's what I've heard, horrible optimization…

      My main desktop, though not too old, would not run it at any decent rate.

      My new laptop with a 4050 might…

      • The game struggles on most NVIDIA cards (at least it did at launch), you won't get too far with a mobile 4050 unfortunately

        • Geez. It really does need better optimisation if it can't run on a current generation midish range card.

  • +5

    i really tried to like this game but god…..its awful

  • +1

    I think its logo looks pretty neat.

    • This is the correct answer. But unfortunately if you're expecting logo appreciation amongst the philistines of OzBargain I have bad news for you…

      I was technically correct four years ago and I'm technically correct now. That's the beauty of being technically correct.

  • +2

    Snorefest of a game

  • I have bought the collector one with the watch at launch.
    It is not as bad as some said, but it is also not a game of the year level like fallout / skyrim.
    If it is launched like 10 years ago before RDR2, maybe it is still really great.

    But ya, maybe it is also limited by some constraints, like
    - it is space travel that you wont have many good encounter like in fallout.
    - the space is too empty in reality, which would require fast travel most of the time in game. Then less things in between.

    The plot itself isnt that bad, at least on the starborn and the main story line.
    But there is still a huge gap comparing to what they were doing before.

    btw, worth to run through the game once, in my opinion.

  • +2

    Terrible game, I played it and it took away the joy of playing videos games. Barely even worth $30. Luckily mine came with a gpu upgrade.

  • Why is this rated R? Also can I buy this to resell on FB/eBay?

    • Aurora?

  • I've weirdly found myself replaying Skyrim, so I may as well play Skyrim in space instead for some updated graphics.
    Surely enough updates are out that it's not as broken now, right?

    • +1

      It's not quite Skyrim in space. Think half-baked content, questionable design decisions, empty worlds relying on repetitive procedural gen that is sub-par, and movement/gunplay that just doesn't feel right but can't put your finger on it.

  • Just wait for it to go epic games freebie at this rate.

  • Still overpriced.

    I risked it all on the pre-order for the premium edition to get 3 day early access at $140+ and lost. I'm going to Macau next.

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