This was posted 1 year 2 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PC, Steam] Starfield (Digital Code in a Box) $69 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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The most divisive Bethesda game since Fallout 76 can now be had for a paltry $69, thanks to the good folks over at Amazon. This was the cheapest I could find right now.

I myself bought this at launch for $88 (can't remember the last time I got a PC game at launch), and contrary to several reviews out there, I've actually enjoyed the game (maybe because I was trying to justify the $88). But yeah, if you strip it of the Bethesda-esque hype and expectations, it's a damn fine RPG.

This comes as a code-in-the-box (can't remember the last physical disc I bought for the PC), and an extremely flimsy box at that. If you're brave at heart (and you want a better box), you can also hoard up on the Constellation Edition which is $349 for the PC, or $299 for the Xbox Series X/S. Both have digital download codes for their respective platforms though, but you get some other stuff, including a (Smart?)watch.

This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2023

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closed Comments

  • +4

    My GTX1070 sobbing mathematically

    • +1

      A 4070ti will solve this for you.

    • +4

      Sarah Morgan liked that.

    • +1

      Jokes aside it actually runs decently well on it if you can stand using FSR.

  • +17

    Game pass saved me, I got bored with 2 dozen mods after about 5 hours.

    I rank this with Diablo 4- much hype much disappointment -too many other much better games for the time and money.

    • +1

      baldurs gate?

      i mean won everything worth winning (or not worth winning as it seems)

  • +13

    It costs $69 and 20 hours. And it's not worth either of them.

    • +2

      Only nice thing from this game is the limited edition xbox controller

    • $69 is not a paltry amount

  • -6

    dont give your money todd (profanity) howard

    jesus christ

    • +5

      You need help, mate.

  • +16

    just get a month of game pass

  • +15

    Game Pass it. You’ll be fine to complete it in a week, by that I mean maxed out with all major side quests done and maybe a second run through to get all powers. And you’ll find there’s little reason for replayability.

    • +2

      Yeah it's tragic it's not like Skyrim in space. A lot of us could play Skyrim every month for years. If I'd been paying more than $2 a month for Gamepass Ultimate I'd have been pretty upset tbh.

      • Is it still possible to get it for $2/month?

  • +9

    On Steam:

    Recent Reviews:
    Mostly Negative (7,551 reviews)

    • -2

      what is surprising to me it is took them $200 MILLION to get to this point

      i mean at least Forza won its category…

    • -6

      Probably negative because their computers are too slow to properly enjoy the game.

      • +2

        Because of poor optimisation

  • +4

    I suggest watching nakeyJakeys YouTube video on this game.

    Loadfield. No thanks..

    I mean just look at this

    • +1

      Lol that starfield nightclub music is banging!

    • +3

      Yep can confirm the loading screen stuff …I played it for around 60hrs but it's a decent game.. story which is most important to me was quite average some good stuff but some frustrating stuff…in saying that my suggestion is that its one of those games that needs to be played and I wouldn't say that if a reviewer doesn't like it you won't …

      I'd agree with most of the discourse out there but I still liked playing it and weirdly although there are funny janky stuff i had less issues with it than CP2077 which I'm playing through now with the 2.1 patch, things like 'boss' type character disappearing in the middle of the fight, getting stuck on a wall and other wacky stuff… (In saying that it's a way better game, better story etc)

  • +11

    this gonna end up like fallout 76 for me.. gonna wait till it is under $5 and never gonna get to play it.. unless i make it to the nursing home

  • Great game, have clocked 411 hours so far.
    Have made and continue to make some amazing ships in the builder. Haven't even started making proper outposts yet lol.
    Nice price.

    • Come on… God knows what you've been doing for 400 hours….

      I sunk almost 80 hours in, great looking game, amazing style, shooting feels good, etc etc. But absolutely, you hit a wall pretty fast. I REALLY wanted to like this game, but there just isn't anything to do.

      Ships are fun and well building is well implemented (besides the zoom snapping back to default on each selection of a new part, super anoying). But what is the point of building the ships besides them looking cool? There just isnt any point to this amazing looking universe. Xbox series x had no bugs and looked great.

      It unfortunately has shown how outdated thier game engine is. Dont get me started on inventory management. SINGLE WORSE THING ABOUT STARFIELD! Hasn't changed since fallout 4, in fact its actually gotten worse…

      • Yeah, I have. But more to the point, so what? Why do you care so much about how much others are enjoying a game that you personally do not.
        That is the problem with most if the salty posts about the game. People that cannot fathom others enjoying something they do not. That's not a problem to 'us', it's a 'them' problem. I'm not saying the game doesn't have issues, it certainly does. I'm saying that trying to highlight them to me is not going to change my opinion to match yours.
        I made a simple post about how I am enjoying the game and for some reason and that was enough to cause negative votes from those that hated it. How stupid is that?
        I'm not a sheep, I'll like what I want and say it whenever I want.

        • I didnt negative vote you myself. Tbh, it took me 4 years of OZbargain to even realise there was a voting system.

          For me, I write about this game with a fair bit of bitterness. Not to convince others. If you enjoy it, Im not telling you to stop playing or hate on it.

          I waited YEARS for this to release, i was pretty invested and BGS basically lied to me and everyone else. (if not lied then were massively disingenuous). Lets be honest the game design and mechanics that are objectively worse than Fallout and Skyrim.

          THERE IS NO MAP….NO….MAP…..Just saying (or yelling, sorry).

          Todd said the modders will fix it (instead of his team actually doing the work), and now it turns out most modders have said that the major issues cant be fixed due to the game procedurally generating off the original spawn point and not the player. Meaning the sense of exploration that Todd convinced me we would have, is never going to be a reality.

          Yes, most game studios do this to some degree, but 1. I cared about this game, not all the others that do it (though prerelease footage that misrepresents is a bigger problem that i broadly care about), and 2. This is the second time Todd has done this to his customers and fans recently and me.

          My experience: I booted it up for the first time. I'm so excited, wide eyed. Graphics look amazing, runs great on XBX. On my way to the first star system, I thought, "Hey, I'll stop off on a planet on my way to do some exploring." I land near a "settlement" and walk through the makeshift building and find a person willing to say more than NPC small talk. She says there is a colonists stuck in a cave near by. No worries, I said. "I can help". I locked and loaded my gun and headed off to the cave….

          I run for 10 minutes (stopping for…fresh air, cause thats a thing intergalactic space suits cant manage yet?). I see no animals, no space aliens, no plants….just rocks…. I go into the cave, ("oh boy, get ready gotta be some badies in here"! NOPE, there was a woman though. She follows me back to the settlement, for 10 minutes (we don't talk..). Those stops for suit clearing C02 seemed like an Eternity in the awkward silence.

          As we approach the settlement, the colonist just walks away from me, again saying nothing. To ashamed walk into the marketplace with me i suppose? The mission NPC says "Thanks…blah blah, space is tuff"…. I stop and turn to look out into the valley of rocks. "Beautiful" ( I say).

          It was at that point I think my neighbours heard my sigh of disappointment. Half baked and not even to the recipe.

          People are pissed because they spent money on this after being promised something it wasnt. It missed such a huge opportunity, close but no cigar. I'll be waiting till for Elder Scrolls 6 to hit the bargain bin (or sail the seven seas with my parrot 🦜).

          Because they won't change the engine, or the lazy outdated game design. They will just lie and take our money. Ahh rant over. Thanks for listening. 🚬

          • +1

            @Goremans: I hear you…
            My expectations were just much lower than yours, as I was never really into their previous fantasy games. I guess I just felt so spoit for the games I also played in 2023 (Armoured Core 6, Balders Gate 3, Cyberpunk updates), that I was willing to forgive Starfield for not being perfect at release.
            For me, it just gets tiring everytime I say 'I like Starfield' (not just here, but other forums I also frequent), to have a multitude of people tell me im wrong and why I must be wrong to like the game. I don't mean to defend the game itself of it's shortcomings - your points are all very very valid. I only mean to defend my opinion of the game.
            Admittedly, I enjoy the ship builder more than most. I know the use of making said ships still means releasing them into a world with very limited borders, but it scratches an itch I cannnot seem to get from any other sci-fi game. I have never been able to make a ship to this level of detail and then walk around it on the landing pad to see the results (inside and out). Heading out into space to pick fights with it just scratches another itch I crave.
            My hope is that the game will just be improved in the fullness of time. I keenly await what the Shattered Space DLC will eventually bring. Much like how Cyberpunk has evolved since it's very anticipated release so long ago. All the vitrol for that game seems to be nothing but praise now.
            It was a good rant… I like to think we just enjoyed this chat over a coffee before switching topics to the weather :-)

  • -2

    The only thing nice about this is the price.

    • 69 for that crap is nice?

    • People don't get a joke, it seems.

  • +5

    Not worth buying for this price.

    Play it on Gamepass for $10/month or whatever it costs.

  • +8

    Got this for free via AMD and felt I paid too much.

    • Me too. I havent even claimed it yet and dont know if hte claiming window is over.

  • I got this free via nefarious means and thought it to be quite enjoyable, sure it started glitching out half way through, and causign ships to not display correctly or thr floor on the main planet to disappear, but over all i got my moneys worth

  • +1

    This game is rubbish. I stopped playing the PC version in around 20 hours. Don’t plan on ever going back.

    • +1

      Ikr… one would have to pay me to play this pile of crap. I know ppl that paid $175 to play this on release!!!! Insane.

  • Good game pass game, grab a trial, play it see if you will enjoy it, some will and some won't as with all average games… I wouldn't recommend purchasing it unless you've played and liked it.

  • +1

    Save your money and put it towards Baldurs Gate 3 (my goodness, is it good!).
    The fun is drained as your experience is akin to doing an unpaid job.

  • +3

    Regret buying this at launch. Thought it was space exploration where you can actually travel through space and hijack unsuspecting ships meets FPS but it is just plain FPS with fake space travel

  • +3

    As a huge fan of Fallout 3-4 & Skyrim I really can't recommend anyone play this game, especially in its current state.
    The game has its moments, however, it's also a game that feels extremely out of date, disjointed, and flawed on so many fundamental design levels that I find it difficult to recommend.

    If you're keen to check this out maybe wait a year or two for things to get polished out a little bit along with a major price reduction.
    In the meantime just buy Phantom Liberty or Baldurs Gate 3

  • +1

    this game was a flop. I wouldn't pay any mote than $10 for this game. even then buying a big Mac I strad is better value

  • +2

    IMO this is still too much for this game - it has some good elements, especially if you enjoy space-based RPGs, but on the whole it feels half-baked, and as the reviews say is very much a loading screen simulator.

  • +3

    Wanted to love this game so much. Was a big fan of Fallout and Skyrim and was able to forgive their many (many, many) failings.

    I'm a big sci-fi guy. Fantasy isn't normally my thing. So Space Skyrim sounded perfect.

    But the game was just so boring. Got it for free with Gamepass but still gave up after about 5 hours when I realised I still hadn't had any fun playing the game yet.

  • +2

    I got bored after the first hour already.
    And honestly, Bethesda, how much longer are we going to use the same engine?..

  • +1

    Got it on game pass and put in around 120hrs. The best thing about it is the ship building. Spent probably 40% of my time just creating. Shipbuilding also highlights the worst part of the game and that's the lack of seamlessness. You can't fly to different systems without a cutscene (cool the first few times) nor to different planets within a star system. You also can't land or leave a planet without the cutscene either. There's absolutely no flying while you're in the planet either. It's a glorified fast travel home. So the best part of the game; building sick ships, is neutered by the fact that commandeering your ship is kind of limited to fast travelling then a short flight to a POI or the occasional dogfight which doesn't happen as often as I hoped. The story is fine, some side quests are pretty cool but exploration wasn't really fun and certainly lacked the feel of other BGS games.

    Is it worth it solely because it's kept me in the game for that long…maybe but coming out of it on the other side, I'm glad I only paid $20 for 2mths of game pass

  • +1


    Hardpass; Wouldn't play this game for free either.

  • +1

    I'll probably just wait until it's a lot cheaper or ends up as part of a bundle.

  • -1

    wish it would come to playstation

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