0 used time,
Factory Recertified Product,
Zero Bad Sectors,
3YR WR From Seller!!!
ST14000NM001G Seagate Exos 14TB 3.5 X16 512e Enterprise Internal SATA Hard Drive
0 used time,
Factory Recertified Product,
Zero Bad Sectors,
3YR WR From Seller!!!
ST14000NM001G Seagate Exos 14TB 3.5 X16 512e Enterprise Internal SATA Hard Drive
The neggers are CCP spies, lets report them to ASIO.
Yea and I made a china reference coz it says HK on it. Probs HK purists seething over eventually having to properly return to China lmao
@donman92: Just general China apologists negging anything bad about the country imo. China has had more of a presence in internet psyops going by recent news. Still pales in comparison to Russia.
I bought the 14TB , its loud! when seeking
Yep, I have a bunch of the 18's and they are loud
Enterprise noisy bois
Seagates are indeed a bit louder than WDs, especially non-He ones.
I have bought 4 drives from that site about 3 months ago, they were legit and when 1 drive wasn't delivered they fixed the problem quickly and without fuss.
is this their official wesbite? Seems half baked, the shipping section is full of filler text :/
Yeah looks a bit dodge…
like cant tell if it is lousy web design or geuniely scam :/ (personally never purchased from east digital via shopify, seen their ebay store though)
Just a crappy website btw
What are they trying to dodge?
Yep, ordered multiple times.
It's just a quick shopify template because their Aussie sales climbed, and they got sick of people emailing them manually :p
Perfect! Thanks for the reassurance! Will order a couple!
Good to know. Seen them linked on here before but wasn't sure about their site/them being legit
You shoulda seen MSY's website back in the day…
It was great. Easy to see what u needed and not crap
The PDF product list full of typos was the best!
Unbelievably, they still publish parts.pdf…
Its lot better than browsing through endless number of webpages. All in 1 page and grouped into categories đź’Ş
GameDude was worse IMO.
Meh, I liked GameDude.
There is/was not a single company in Australia worse than GameDud. I know multiple people scammed by them, myself included.
Bought a product that had one very specific feature that I needed for client site install the next day and was listed in the product specs on their website.
Get the product and said feature doesn’t work.
Call the manufacturers support team and they’re like “Ah, yeah, sorry about that. That feature is supported in the hardware but we didn’t have the time to implement it in the firmware before it shipped. We probably shouldn’t have told our retailers to advertise that feature. It might be added at some point in a future firmware update. You should definitely take that back for a full refund”.
I get this in writing to be sure I can get a refund.
I take it back to GameDud and politely explain the situation and kindly ask for a refund and get yelled at by the store manager and told to “get the f out of my store”. Threw the product in the bin after the credit card charge back went through.
That spreadsheet was brutal.
Old posts redirect to/Are the same URL so should be fine?
I bought 3 of these last time they sent on sale, really well packed. Got them in 5 days, been using 2 in my Synology nas and 1 more in my backup truenas.
Would recommend.
Any comments, on noise and did you do any benchmarks / check any of the drives stats?
I have 5x in a NAS, bought two months ago from them. They are noisy but as they sit in a server with 5 other drives in a different room it's not an issue for me. I wouldn't keep this in the same room as the big screen or projector unless it's in a closet. They run about 40-45C in temps with just the normal case fans, however I've got an additional cheapie fan zip tied across the stack and got the temps down to 32-38C in normal usage. Ambient temp is about 24C.
Didn't do any benchmarks but they're normal SATA speeds. When doing large transfers the cache on the drive sometimes fills up so it' pauses till the cache clears and then continues copying/transferring.
Thanks for the review, sounds like you're pretty happy I might jump on this deal
Same experience as the guy below, when I'm copying drive to drive (running raid) it gets noisy but only for a little while. When it's idle or people are reading from it using plex, no issues. It's in the same room as my study and doesn't bother me.
No benchmarks, did do a extensive test on the drive and no bad sectors and sits at 40 degrees.
Does anyone know if they provide a invoice with ABN and GST etc? looking to claim as a business expense
can still claim as an expense. just dont claim the GST input credit.
they refused to send me an invoice a few months ago, after i emailed asking for one.
they said they have too many sales to send invoices.
their exact wording was "We do not provide invoices for orders placed on the website because there are too many orders. Generally based on orders"
'Cash in hand' chinese sellers hiding from their own governments proffit grabbing dont usually like to do that, haha.
Thats why they give you further discount if you email them and agree to pay using the 'Gift to Family' type payment options.
Surely it gets auto-generated by shopify?
Do they at least give some sort of order summary with the prices?
Possibly, but then they'd have to track and catalogue all the invoices.
They're the cheapest source for HDDs, so I wouldn't be surprised if they fudge their numbers for tax purposes.
you get a numbered order summary with your billing address from the site and you will also get a paypal receipt paying via paypal.
"East Digital
ORDER #2- - -
Thank you for your purchase!
We're getting your order ready to be shipped. We will notify you when it has been sent.
View your order
or Visit our store
Order summary
Seagate Barracuda Pro ST14000DM001 14TB 3.5 256M 6Gb/s Internal SATA Hard Drive Ă— 1
$197.00 AUD"
0 used time
or reset smart data??
They're green-labelled recertified drives. Reinitialised and low-level formatted with a new firmware, so practically new software-wise. Hardware of course are old either from defective producs or RMAs, then refurbished to meet their standard for recertified products.
For the price point it's not that bad really. I got one of these green-labelled drive from an early RMA (the original drive, SMR btw, got pending sectors only a few weeks in) and now it's been over 5 years and still running strong.
Quite a few of these sorts of deals may have reflashed SMART data, to reset the hours to zero. They've probably also wiped the bad sector map.
It's like winding back the odometer on a used car. Not saying these ones are, but I'd get two so you can at least RAID0 them if you value your data.
Umm you might want to reconsider Raid 0 if you actually value your data.
Raid0 rocks.
Just buy 2 of everything.
Hot redundancy.
@MasterScythe: I mean buy 2 of EVERYTHING.
2 x compute and 2 x storage. Raid0 that.
works great. You can use the standby for gaming etc.
Have some cold spares in case of disk failure. Rebuild time with 16tb disks is about 1 week. recreate raid0 and copy over is <24 hours for about 50tb.
Use cold spares for monthly offline backups. 3-2-1 done.
Costs a little bit more but makes sense and you gain Speed on mass storage. raid5 is slow as f. raid6 is slow as fing f.
@barg99: Parity recalculate can be huge yeah.
Full redundancy isnt silly or that expensive anymore, true.
Personally, im using ZFS 3 way mirrors.
That pool backs up to a btrfs singles pool, covered by snapraid.
I think you mean RAID 1
Yes, I did.
Essentially any Raid that isn't 0. Lol.
Anyone that values their data shouldn't use RAID. It's not a backup.
It's possible; but usually not.
Working in a datacentre; it's quite common for a significant number of spares to be provided.
In Australia, we ususally run HotSpares, but in China, where labour is cheap, and blackouts are rolling, cold spares are more common.
If you notice the age of the drives, they're usually released between 2~4 years ago; which is 'replace' time (even on cold spares, which is stupid, but grease can settle and such, even though it usually doesn't, so 'they' dont risk it).
I prefer to buy 'Pulls' from this company anyway;
All of them have had just shy of 2 years power on; with about 25 power offs; suggesting a monthly reboot. I can vouch that the companyt certainly doesn't sell 'crap'.
the website does indeed looks very dodge
Bought in the last round from these guys (deal was posted here). Extremely well packed. I bought 6 drives and received them super quick.
Would but again but I have no spare drive slots haha
Buy one as cold spare?
Very cheap - "0 Used Time" possibly reset SMART Data or actually a factory seconds?
Factory Recertified
Are these good to store your mp4 movie collection on? So this 16TB drive would hold about 8,000 x 2GB files. The movies will be played occasionally. Is this type of storage suitable for a big movie collection?
the only way i'd be even close to sure would be to raid1 or 5 etc.
like i know you can get that shit again from tpb etc. but losing 16tb really is terrifying
Yeah the larger the drive the more difficulty there is creating parity for data resoration. I would prefer more smaller drives than 1 large one
I recently had a 10tb (out of 40tb) drive die on me for my Linux distro NAS. I lost all the data, but thankfully it was all backed up in magnet links, so I was able to reacquire most of it again - also had a good cleanup of Linux distros that I just never used
Google Drive used to be excellent as a backup source, then they went along and added drive limits to Enterprise accounts last year.
Though, if you've only got about 40tb in total, then something like Raid 5 would be suitable.
Buy two, one for use and one for backup. Keep backup on separate enclosure or server box.
You really don't want to re-DL all that stuff. Even copying back 16TB to a new drive takes a while (1-2 days).
Think of it this way:
Drive = $239 or weeks/months wasted re-dling (if you can find it all again).
With warranty, we need to send it back to HK?
Possibly but recently they have a local return address here in Australia.
I had one go bad and I had to return it to a PO Box in Box Hill.
Replacement drive arrived promptly.
A new one isn't that much more? 🤔
Has anyone had experience with warranty on this mob?
For reference a new one of these is ~$410+ on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.au/Seagate-Enterprise-Hyperscale-7200…
I wonder if these "new" ones this mob are selling are actually new?
According to the image in your link, those new drives are China exclusive versions.
In China they are retailed online for <$240 AUD, so the price actually does make sense I think.
interesting! Do you know if there are any differences? The model numbers appear to be the same.
Yes, warranty and SLA is handled differently, and wont be covered by a western on-site agreement, even if your data center has 'top level' cover. You'd have to handle your own warranty.
Would this be good for storing valuable data? My old hard drive was broken, almost lost my valuable data and photos, am now scared of buying cheap hard drives:(
Buy 2? Mirror it
As with any valuable data, having both an on and off-site backup will be the key
This is the way! 321 backup method
Recently I subscribed to hetzner online backup, I use borg to backup, it requires a little bit of setup, but it accepts data deduplication and local encryption, thus pretty good
Would this be good for storing valuable data?
Yep - any drive is fine for storing valuable data, because you should have made backups.
My old hard drive was broken, almost lost my valuable data and photos,
Was something wrong with your backups ? Make sure to test them regularly !
If you're buying a drive like this, buy two or three so you can keep multiple copies of your data - leave one of them at work for example, so if your house burns down you didn't lose your only backup.
Ordered a couple of the 18TB drives this morning for $283 each.
Now I'm mad!
The x20 is $3 cheaper 🤣 Pls hand in your ozb cert.
I ordered a couple of 18TB drives a few months ago from here, they were 280ish for the brand new ones.
It's a shame that prices have gone up consistently since then.
I read through some of the comments on previous East Digital deals. I ordered 1, I'm rolling the dice. In fact I'm going into this expecting & presuming the drive is used/ex-mining (even though that might not be the case). I only use drives for web cam streams anyway. Nothing important. Will report back in a couple of weeks with my initial experience. I'm optimistic.
Alright. Here's my experience. Ordered Tues April 9. Arrived Mon April 15. (I consider this fast). Came very very well packaged. Boxed, planted in protective foam. Sealed in antistatic bag. The words "recertified" stamped on the edge of drive & on face label. It felt like a brand new drive to me. Plugging it into Windows, nothing happens because you must initialize the drive in Disk Management. I selected GPT instead of MBR. Drive then appears in Windows with its expected capacity.
Drive performed like expected. I'm really happy with it. Scrubbing through videos is as fast as any other large capacity drive I have. I would purchase from East Digital again.
Helium filled?
Yes - note lack of screws on top of the drive
What makes you say that? So based on 2 things to you it is a scam?
Can you explain what you mean by "scam"? Scam, as in, they will disappear with ppl's money and we won't be receiving anything? Or scam, as in, it's a used drive with the SMART Data reset and made to look like the drive has "0 hours"?
If you mean the latter, well I am still willing to give the drive a try.
I'll be sure to tell the 3 drives I have that I ordered from them that they don't exist and are a scam
good for cctv?