This was posted 11 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Feather AS-D2S Double Edged Razor $194.79 Delivered @ Amazon JP via AU

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An excellent and well regarded high end razor selling for almost $200 cheaper than at local stores. This version comes with a stand which sells for $369 at Beard and Blade who also sells the version without the stand for $289.

Edit: It is now showing as $234.79 which is still a good price.

Edit 2 (11/04/2024): It is now down again to $194.79

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    if it was butterfly action stainless steel, I’d pounce but the design where the top screws down i find tedious for rinsing between shaves.

    • +4

      I tend to occassionally loosen the handle slightly to make rinsing a bit easier and have never had much of an issue. I prefer 3 piece razors as I feel like they are sturdier and more durable.

    • Try the Rockwell T2

    • +1

      I got a cheap one where the top just pops off. Too easy for regular cleaning, and I don't see why you'd need anything more expensive.

  • Wish they sold the stand separately. Great razor.

    • +1

      Not sure if you just wanted the razor, or just wanted the stand - but Aliexpress sell a version of that razor stand for virtually nothing, and it's very solid.

      • +1

        Just the stand. Thanks, will take a look.

  • +1

    Thanks. Bought 3 for the 10% discount

    • Savvy

    • -1


  • +10

    Add two Yamazaki Home Tower Coasters to bring it down to $170.74 total.

    • It says a set of 6 coasters but it's just actually one. Either way a discount

  • +3

    There are good and bad consequences to the double-edged razor design.

    • +2

      Indeed 🤔

      It's a double edged design.

    • Hopefully not a catch-22.

  • +8

    Why is it so expensive?

    • +4

      Stainless steel and kind of "artisan" but feather isn't that artisan imo. Low demand = low volume = high costs. It'll last you and your kids their lifetime though if you don't do anything out of the ordinary to it.

      • -3

        Exactly - one wants it to last. The crappy 3 piece I bought for $1 from Aliexpress gave up after just 5 years - thread where handle screws onto wore out. I felt cheated.

        • +14

          You felt cheated because a $1 product lasted 5 years? Really?

          • @beltdrive: I want to know which one it was so I make sure I don't buy the same one for $1 and have 5 years use out of it.

            Also found the King Gillette one to a bit too mild, didn't get a smooth shave

          • +1

            @beltdrive: Welcome to ozbargain

    • Combination of reasons. Made in Japan. So it's very well designed and made. Labour probably isn't cheap in Japan. The manufacturers can set the price at whatever they want and I assume they want return on R&D as with any other product and even if they've reached this point, their brand and razor are considered prestigious at the normal price point. I prefer my Rockwell which is also stainless steel but I'm tempted to pull the trigger on this.

  • something for people who prefer a more closer and aggressive shave with a lot of weight in the handle compared to hollow alternatives like the merkur 34

  • how does it compare to Muhle R89?

  • +1

    Can anyone recommend a cheap and cheerful razor like this for someone who's never tried one? I've been curious about this style of razor but don't want to drop this kind of coin when I might not get along with it.

    • +8

      King C Gillette, can find it at local stores too. Often has deals at the $15 mark.
      They’re not in the same league by any means, but no point getting something you won’t use.

      • I bought this in a sale after having used some razor from a Wahl bundle and it gave a significantly better shaving experience. An excellent starter option!

        • +2

          This is the 3rd DE razor that I've owned and I've used it for over 2 years now. I had a Parker butterfly thing that was ~$35 which broke, and a $50 one from Shaver Shop, but the King C Gillette is my favourite of the 3. I've considered buying a more expensive razor (Henson?) but after a while I think "Why..?" I have no problems with my KCG, highly recommend it.

          • @Wooluff: I currently have a Merkur 39c which replaced a 34c which lasted about 5 years. I have been eyeing off the Henson Ti22, but can’t justify it when I have at least 4 good years left with my current razor! When it dies maybe 🤔

    • +1

      I started with this one which I got when it was half price at coles.

    • +1

      My thoughts exactly when I started out. How cheap is cheap for you?

      I bought the cheap Feather razor called Feather Double Edge Shaving Razor on Amazon a few years back for $19.

      You've just missed out on for $39 but it might come back. I'm sure there are other cheap razors out there.

      These are plastic razors so they won't anywhere near as good as the stainless steel and pricier razors. But what they will do is allow you to dip your toe before upgrading. Good luck!

      • Thanks for the suggestions (you and the others).

        I guess forty bucks isn't too bad. I wouldn't want to spend too much on entry level then decide I want to get something high quality though. As long as it's good enough to give me an idea of whether safety razors are for me and not total crap that might misrepresent what the better stuff is like.

        • +4

          I'll just chime in on this and say that wet shaving is a highly personal and subjective experience. I would NOT fall into the mindset that spending more will give you a better experience. Always think of buying new gear as spending X for a different experience.

          At the end of the day more expensive razors are usually more expensive because they are niche and created through expensive processes out of more expensive metals, in countries with more expensive labour, and sometimes have brand markup. They will likely (but not always) have better machining and tolerances. Small changes in design and tolerances will affect the shaving experience, and the only way to see what something feels like is to try it. I know someone who's spent thousands on the wet shaving hobby and always comes back to his $80 Rockwell 6C as his favourite shave. Which happens to be my recommended one and done razor.

          Wet shaving is such a personal hobby that even the choice of razor blade, and soap and how much you hydrate the soap, make a big difference to how it feels for you. It's an exciting journey in my opinion, but one that can easily turn from a money saver into a money syphon if you chase that perfect razor.

          Suffice to say this is a fantastic deal of a stainless steel razor which will last many generations if looked after.

          • +1

            @Castcore: Thanks for the advice. After looking into it a bit I might give the Rockwell 6C a go.

            This is the cheapest I've been able to find it —… . It costs ~$88 with shipping there. I don't know how reputable that store is though. The website is a bit cheesy.

            • +1

              @Fappo: Personally I would (and did get) mine from VSHOD. They have free shipping.

              Its the most dodgy looking site you'll come across, doesn't even have an SSL cert, but it's legit and a go to for the wet shaving community in Australia. I think it's run by a passionate old person, not really to be super profitable but just because they love it. Pay with PayPal and you shouldn't have any concerns.

              While you're at it, buy some razor blade sample packs, they will sell individual pucks so you can test out the feel of different ones. You can also browse for other stuff you may want. It's highly likely they'll throw in a bunch of free shit too (blades or soap).

              If you do decide to buy this razor though, make a promise to yourself to try to stick to using it for a few months at least. It will be a difficult scary experience to begin with, but I promise you that after watching videos and getting practice under your belt you'll get very good at it and start getting nice shaves.

              Lemme know if you want some blade suggestions :)

              • +1

                @Castcore: Cheers. I'll definitely give it a decent shake. Trying some different blade brands seems like a good idea. I was looking at grabbing some Feather, Astra SP and Derby Extra but am not sure what else is worth trying.

                It doesn't look like I can get free shipping if I add blades to the cart though unfortunately. The free shipping only seems to work when using that link you posted and only buying the 6C by itself.

              • +1

                @Castcore: "Lemme know if you want some blade suggestions"
                For sure, thanks man.
                It sounds like Feather blades are sharper than most and maybe not great for a total beginner, but are any particular blades better to start with than others?

                • +1

                  @Fappo: So everyone's preference will be different, but some that are worth trying.

                  Gillette 7oclock - I quite like the Yellow in my 6C.
                  Gillette Nacet - Always a good performer.
                  Gillette Silver Blue - I ran out of these a long time ago but remember really liking them in my 6C.
                  Astra Blue and Green - Basically a must try for every beginner.
                  Derby Premium - I gave these a second chance recently and had an absolutely lovely second shave with this on my 6C this morning.
                  BIC - This one is also very sharp much like Feathers, good alternative to try.

                  There are heaps of other blades but these are just ones that I've actually tried and would recommend trying. To be honest, no need to go all out on blades to begin with because at this stage you probably won't be able to tell the difference between the blade, poor technique, or poor slickness in the soap. Well at least I couldn't really at the start. Some felt good and some felt bad and then they'd reverse on me. I did a comprehensive response some time ago about what to do once you're past your honeymoon period with the razor.


                  So my recommendation? The Rockwell 6C.
                  This is my favourite razor and was the second one I purchased (I have purchased many more since). I got it because it comes with different plates and I wanted to experience different levels of aggressiveness at the start of my journey. I recommend the 6C because it is relatively inexpensive for what it is, and significantly cheaper than the 6S. I don't care for the stainless steel version because personally I much prefer the smoothness of the polished chrome finish. Both razors will last my lifetime with good care, and even if the 6S will last longer, this razor is for me not my bloodline. I will always recommend the 6C to someone who knows they want to commit to wet shaving. If it disappoints you take it as a lesson, at least you haven't spent too much and you can extrapolate that feeling out to potentially having spent $200+ on a razor instead…but don't be disheartened, you can use the qualities of the 6C and your current razors to start to determine what it is you do or don't like.

                  My recommendation would be to try to master the 6C on all plates before trying different blades or moving on. During your honeymoon phase feel free to swap around the different plates and blades. But then I'd recommend doing entire shaves on each plate without changing them and sticking to only 1 blade brand. The benefit of this is that you'll learn to hone in your technique (pressure/angle) and figure out what you and your skin/beard likes. You'll know that differences in your shave come from the plate and your technique, not the blade. Expect that on plate 1 you might find yourself doing a lot of buffing to get a closer smoother shave, which might be fine or might irritate your skin. And on setting 6 expect that you might be riding the cap more and having to focus on using less pressure. While this won't give you an indication of all razor qualities it'll give you a strong starting point especially for how you like to shave. Maybe you prefer fewer and more efficient passes, trade off being that it will likely feel more aggressive and you are more prone to nicks. Or perhaps you want something smoother and safer with more passes and buffing. Maybe you'll find that in one setting you get a closer longer lasting shave, or maybe not.
                  For the blade during your testing I'd probably suggest the Astra Green because it is inexpensive and I have no complaints, it is not my personal favourite but my personal favourite doesn't matter to you, you'll figure it out when you master the 6C."

                  • +1

                    @Castcore: Nice write up and thanks again. That sounds like a good call on not messing around with different blades too much before you're familiar and comfortable with the safety razor. I'll be looking forward to jumping in soon — hopefully without having to stick too many pieces of tissue on my bleeding face and neck.

        • +4

          give this one a go… Its adjustable so you can get the right level of 'aggression' (many of the others are fixed). Bought this about 8 years ago (was only $12 or $15 then) and have used it ever since. The handle is a little slippery but I wound some racquet handle tape around it. Not elegant but practical. You can get a sample pack of razor blades and try out the different blades - there isnt a huge difference between them, but enough that you can notice

          The head is fairly large (like many DE) so I find that around my nose and mouth I still use a normal safety razor (like a gillette or whatever); but because you hardly use it the blades last for about 3 months or more so its still a good cost saving.

          You will also probably want shaving cream and a shaving brush. Get a cheap brush to start with (eg… ) and proraso sensitive is a good cheap starting cream… However when you start out perhaps you can just keep using your left over normal shaving gel/cream. Shaving cream lasts forever - you can get 4-6 months out of one tub easily

          So, yes, all up it will cost you around $80 - razor, brush, cream and blades. However thats only about, what, 16 or 20 gillette or Schick blades so the break even point is usually under a year or so.

          • +1

            @dtc: That looks like a clone of the Merkur Futur which is an exceptionally aggressive razor even on the lowest setting. Personally I would not recommend it to a beginner. Your face must be made of steel! Haha

            • @Castcore: I set it on '3' and its totally fine. In fact I still need to do 2 passes. As mentioned I also use a standard razor for 'tidy ups' and dont notice the difference at all.

              Then again, no one ever accused me of being sensitive…

          • @dtc: Have u used that brush?
            I have a boar one, poraso I think with isn't bad and a synthetic but. I find it way too soft

          • @dtc: Just want to give a positive reply to this advice. I own the Merkur Futur which is a fantastic razor and this looks pretty much identical. Don't need to go crazy on soaps/creams etc as Proraso is perfectly adequate. Only suggestion is to eventually buy a Badger Shave Brush.

          • @dtc: Thanks for the advice, and to everyone else too. Appreciate it.

    • +2

      King C Gillette, I would recommend getting some Astra blades off Amazon for it though. The included blades weren't really my thing.

      • +1

        I haven’t really liked the Astra Superior Platinum that I’ve been using recently, I think it depends on your skin/hair/shaving style etc

        I bought a sample pack off of amazon for like $30 - it has 2 blades from each of the 15? most popular high quality razer blade brands to help you find the best one for you

        Expensive but convenient/helpful

        • Fair enough - I went through the same process and settled on Astra. Which blades did you end up with?

          • @AlanHB: Feather blades are much sharper and smoother shave than astro, but can cut yourself easier, if you've been shaving a while it shouldn't be an issue

          • @AlanHB: I only just got the sample pack so I haven’t really made any decisions, but I feel like the standard king c gilette ones that came with the razer were better than the astra superior platinums, for me at least. Maybe that sounds blasphemous to some, and maybe that’s just me being a beginner-ish with this shaving style and not doing that specific blade justice, but I do think it’s true that the “perfect” blade will be different for each person

            I’m keen to try the other brands, but I’d feel bad to go through them faster than required as it’s wasteful, so it’s a slow process hah

      • Interesting I really liked the King C blades actually. Have you tried Gillette Nacet? I wonder what you thought of those, I think they were my favourite pairing with the King C razor.

        • Nah I didn't try those :)

    • +1

      As a trial I got myself this short handle, chrome plated metal Qshave razor for $9.90 in 2019 (now $12.99) and found it so good I’m still happily shaving with it to this day.

      The included pack of five blades were pretty average but enough for me to learn with before settling on these Derby Extras (currently $14 per 100) after trialing a bunch of others.

    • +1

      I started wet shaving about 1 month ago because my son hates my beard. Bought a King C Gillette but it's way too "mild". So far any blade injures me on the second shave.

      But back to the topic I feel Japanese-crafted stuff are always way more expensive than what they're really worth, like Yamazaki or this razor. I'd go for a German product.

  • Personally I’d choose the Karve Overlander over this even though this is a fantastic deal. Discounts like this are rare to come by in the wetshaving hobby. You won’t get any deals on the Karve though :(

  • +1

    Bought 2 + Sailor fountain pen cartridge to get 10% off.
    1 for me and 1 for my brother.

  • +3

    why is a razor $185? I find the $20 ones at coles expensive!!!

    • It has great build quality and it will last you and your kids a lifetime.

      • +1

        So will a considerably cheaper DE razor. There's so little to them and they're almost invariably sturdy bits of kit.

        • Certainly, but I'm willing to spend more to get a bit extra for something that I will use daily for a long time. Many cheaper razors are also chrome plated rather than full stainless steel which this one is and are thus not as durable.

        • +1

          It seems like it’s just marked up for enthusiasts that can justify it to themselves because it’s their hobby.

          • +1

            @alcadive: For sure a bit, but it's honestly mostly just because they're expensive to make. Machining isn't cheap especially in small volumes, neither is stainless, R&D costs, low demand, it all adds up.

            The stainless will last significantly longer than chrome or nickle plated, just look at the vintage gillettes, but if you take care of them all, any should last a lifetime. Maybe the threads are a concern..guess time will tell.

            I agree it's a bit silly to spend absurd amounts on a razor, but at the end of the day it's a functional tool and a piece of art in some ways. There's definitely a lot sillier things that people will spend their money on that won't last a lifetime and be used every day. If you are happy with a cheapie though, that will be a great money saver :)

  • +2

    Thanks OP! I got one, I was thinking about getting one at around $300 so $170 (after adding 2 coasters) was a great deal for me! When I got one the stock stated 'one left' but after I bought it, it still said one left :-)

    • Maybe it really was the last one. Now at $234.79

  • +2

    great deal, but i have a different one. once you factor in that this will last forever, it really isn't that expensive.

    I use derby blades

  • For what its worth, I hear the Edwin Jagger DE89 is a fit-form-functionally identical to the AS-D2S, including the somewhat aggressive slant and non made-in-china origin. I'd give you a personal comparison, but I can't because my 'entry' level DE is great. I think I dropped ~$50 on the DE89 15 years ago, and its still pristine. Why would anyone drop this kind of money on a screw-on SS DE I'll never know.

    Please - don't do the usual OzBargin impulse of buying the good deal. No-one needs a luxury DE. Buy a DE89 or a Merkur 34C. They're gold standard for beginners and veterans.

    • Yeah I mean can’t go wrong with either of the ones you mention. But they aren’t lifetime quality. They are plated and will corrode and break in time.

    • I've been running a DE89 for about 10 years too. Even store it in the shower most of the time so it dosent get a chance to fully dry out. Still in as new condition. I understand the upgrade-itis people get with hobbies like this though, spending 400% more to get a result that is 10% better.

  • +1

    What's the difference between this one and the one I bought for $15, just curious.

    • +4


    • Objectively, almost nothing.

  • For 70+ old man should know this product well.

  • Did I miss out? It is showing up as $234 for me.

    • Looks like it was transient pricing and has gone back up

  • How would it compare to this razor?

    • +1

      Rockwell 6s and 6c are really solid razors that have a huge following. You will easily be able to find a comparison of these two razors but at the end of the day it’s all opinion and personal preference :)

      To give you a quick o comparison though, the 6c/s have 3 double sided plates effectively giving you 6 levels of aggressiveness so you can pick what is most comfortable for you or change it up depending on your current growth or going against the grain etc. The feather d2s has only 1 “setting” which isn’t a bad thing, I only use my 6c on 1 setting these days anyway. The feel between the two razors will be different. Build quality will also be different despite both being stainless (6s), the Feather is machined and the 6s is injection molded. Tolerances on the Feather will be better but I would recommend the Rockwell over this personally. The 6c is the razor I recommend to people who know they want to continue DE shaving for the rest of their life but want to try something new / different to their cheapo one.

      • I use the 6c as well and find the feather blades with the 4 plate my go to.

        I also have a qshave, different to the one linked above and find the muhle blades to be better in it. Feather tears. My face to pieces in this one

        • Plate 4 on the 6C is my go to as well. I haven't tried Feathers for 2-3 years so must give it a go again.

          I remember really liking the Gillette Silver Blues on the 6C and today just had a fantastic shave on a second use Derby Premium. I was quite surprised 😯

      • Perfect, that's what I wanted to hear. I recently started using the Gillette, but I'd like to get a stainless steel DE and the 6s seems like the best option. Thank you.

  • I can't imagine this does anything different to my Merkur 23C

    • I think the appeal is the stainless steel annd made in japan, somethings are nice to have rather than what is the cheapest way to get functionality. Got a stainless steel butterfly action from aliexpress a few years ago, haven’t been able to find the seller again and it came in plain cardboard box and no brand name on the razor.

  • +2

    Now $186.93.

    I own this and the Merkur 34c. The Merkur has served me well for 7 years and has started to chip as it's chrome plated.

    The Feather is all stainless steel and is a delight to shave with. At the correct cutting angle you get a reverberation sound through the handle.

  • +2

    Although goes back a few weeks ago now, decided to indulge and bought this razor. I've been a DE shaver for about 20 years now, and have purchased different razors (and blades) over the journey without any one of them standing out. However - this Feather has been fantastic so far (2 weeks in). A better shave, and glides so easily for me. I am impressed. I have been using it with my Persona blue blades (bought couple of boxes few years ago now).

    I appreciate shaving, especially DE shaving, is a subjective thing. But this razor is proving a great purchase.

    • Glad you're enjoying the Feather. And you're spot on about the subjective thing. A lot of people don't get it, why we spend over $100 on a razor. My stainless steel Rockwell has been nothing but a joy and I might purchase the Feather one day. Will you try the Feather razor with the Feather blade? If yes, please let us know how it compares to Persona blues.

  • +1

    $174 now

    • +1

      I've been keeping an eye and the price has been up and down since this deal was posted. You can see it on Camel.

    • Now $171.76 which the 2nd lowest it's ever been. Lowest according to Camel was $164.25 (Sep 29, 2023) but I doubt we'll see that again.

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