I am looking for a SIM card to use for 14 days in Japan. Someone I know bought their SIM card from Klook but it didn't work so they bought something locally.
Whats everyone's experience?
I am looking for a SIM card to use for 14 days in Japan. Someone I know bought their SIM card from Klook but it didn't work so they bought something locally.
Whats everyone's experience?
I've used TravelKon and Sims Direct.. both were fine
Can confirm - just got home last week from 12 nights in Japan. I'd bought 3 TravelKon SIM cards and they worked perfectly.
I got them on a deal and they were around $25 each for 10GB. My wife and I only used about 2GB over the time we were there after utilising WiFi were we could.
Sims Direct has never failed me
If you have a recent phone use an Airalo eSim, easiest.
Otherwise just grab one at the airport when you land.
Well I feel silly now. I bought a Japan 10GB 30 day eSIM for US$16 just yesterday from Jetpac.
I've bookmarked this website for next time! Thanks.
I can't recall the company, but it was pre-purchased online then picked up at the airport on arrival. It worked very well.
That being said, there were heaps of options for just grabbing one at the airport on arrival.
whats the prices like at the airport? I will probably just get one of the esims before I go unless the prices are heaps cheaper there.
I've used TravelKon for my recent trips. Worked like a charm. A bit slow if you're planning to travel regional but otherwise service was great.
Ubigi worked great for me, I got 5G access when I was there. Look for someone's referral code and get 20% off, then refer someone (like your travel partner) and you'll get 50% off.
If you can use esim that will be the best value and easiest choice. If not, buy a sim before you leave from TravelKon, Sims Direct, etc. It sounds strange but these sims are actually better than local sims because they are Chinese/HK sims that use roaming. The reason that is better is because the local sims (for tourists at least) are speed limited, either permanently or after consuming a small amount of data each day. If you don't have time to arrange a sim before you leave I've found B-Mobile the best for local sims.
Went with Simsdirect and Eskimo for our recent 12 day trip. I spent less than 1.5Gb of data, all our accommodations had free WiFi.
Eskimo has a running promotion for 1Gb of data for new accounts: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/838186
I activated my sim the day before departure, it significantly shortened the time required for a sim to register with Softbank when we landed in Japan.
Airalo esim. Worked like a charm.