This was posted 11 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Whittaker's Chocolate Block Varieties 200-250g $5.00 @ Coles


Sale on pretty much on all of Whittaker's chocolate range except their blocks in the international section. I haven't seen them go down this low in a while so I thought it might be worth while posting it here.

Their R&R range and choc slabs also on sale at half price.

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closed Comments

  • +47

    Whittakers Coconut Slab is the #1 and you can't change my mind

    • +2

      They changed the design and its much less like a slab now ):

    • We don't get Tweats here.. They come pretty close for me.

    • +3

      Dark choc salted caramel would like a word

    • +2

      you can't change my mind

      Teddy fan much are you?

      I'd say their chocolates are the best among rest of them, my fav is the one with hazelnuts or almonds or simply the milk choco slab.

    • +1

      Peanut slab is my go too , always has been.

    • creamy milk choco, or the blondie for me tbh. I did recently try to Oat Milk one with a friend whos vegan, surprisingly good to be honest!

    • Not a fan of whit. But this coconut variety you speak of intrigues me. Better than coconut timtams?
      I'm still hooked on the Milka 300g blocks for 3.45euro, which is about the same as this offer for a superior product.
      Beware of price increases or shrinkflation across all cocoa products in coming months as the source material has tripled in price in recent times.

  • +12

    I wish they'd bring back the Jelly Tip Block

    • You can get it at nz shops

    • I saw that for sale in a BP earlier today, so it's available in Australia still.

  • +10

    Ahh the old 250g blocks. Back when there actually WAS a glass and a half in every one.

    • +19

      There still is. They just keep using smaller and smaller glasses…

      • +12

        They are using shot glasses now.

      • +6

        They've changed the slogan to "a glass and a half of cheer". Which, apart from not making any sense, is confusing since Coon cheese rebranded to Cheer cheese.

        • +1


    • +4

      Isn’t that Cadbury?

      • -1

        Cadbury was the first to market the glass and a half. Now a glass and a half is associated with Cadbury.

        • Nah it’s legit still on at least some of the packets just small and on the back

    • +3

      glass is half empty these days!

  • +36

    And just like that within a few years the regular price became a bargain.

    • +39

      Wow $5 the sale price , I thought $2.50-$3 was the sale price.
      Then again I walked through the cereal aisle yesterday and saw a Kellogg's cereal in a "value "pack for $12.
      When did cereal go over $5?
      The gluten free cereals now look like value.

      • +1

        Yes, not even worth posting.

        • +9

          Completely agree. What a ridiculous price. I don't care how much the price of cocoa has risen, the price of chocolate in Australia is now over the top, as are the price of most groceries.

      • +4

        hodl to $3

      • Same! It's been a while since I've had chocolate (or should say had to pay for it)

        • Works in my favour; having to wait longer for a bargain on snacks making me eat less snacks.

      • Even weetbix is $6 now.

    • +3

      well be prepared for even higher chocolate price as the cocoa price has been sky rocketing

      • +25

        I've started collecting dark chocolate bars as my store of value for wealth.
        Have fun staying poor all you gold bullion and bitcoin holders.

        • +10

          Laughs on my throne made of toilet paper, hand sanitiser and face masks.

          What do you mean COVID is over??

          • +5

            @anonym: Just HODL. There will be covid 2.0

      • +4

        I feel this happens every couple of years. "Cocoa is running out" or "storms are affecting cocoa plantations", and then the price goes up as everybody freaks out

        • Actually much much worse than past if you look into the issue. Global warming is one thing but because the price of cocoa is fixed in the largest producing country, the farmers never invested so the trees are very old so it produces less fruits and the trees also been hit with diseases.

        • I hear China is getting out of Cocoa and selling its reserves. :p

    • +2

      Oof yeah I was wondering about that. It has been three or four years since I bought it and was wondering if it was $2.50, being 50% off….

      One of those products of which the price yoinked up massively. Like the regular old ice cream varieties which are $11.00 for a two litre tub.

  • Can anyone recommend these chocolates comparative to Nestle or Cadbury chocolates?

    • +29

      Online reviews indicate thermal throttling and poor battery life…. its chocolate man, just buy it and eat it!

    • +2

      Decent… I prefer it to Cadbury, not that Im hatin on Cadbury.

      • +2

        Cadbury is horrible these days. When they flattened out the blocks, they started tweaking the recipe and it’s never been the same since. Tastes like compound chocolate now.

        • Yeah, they’re down to 26% chocolate in their milk bars. At least this is 33%

    • I used to ignore this brand, but in the last 6-12 months, I've been a complete convert. Whittaker's FTW!

    • +4

      whittakers > cadbury
      i find this brand to be the best chocolate you can buy in supermarkets

      • +2

        Agreed 100%

    • Nestle is my personal favourite, everyone complains about Cadbury these days. Whittakers seems to be the gold standard thats available everywhere.

    • +3

      Whittaker's >>> Cadbury
      Whittaker's are way tastier than Cadbury imo. If you prefer your chocolate more sweet, then go with Cadbury

    • significantly better than both those brands, try it, you will see

    • +7

      They don't even compare. Cadbury is garbage. It has way too much sugar, it's got fats that are not from cocoa (any chocolate should nave have fats other than cocoa butter in them, as they affect the texture and melting point), and it's not processed nearly as finely as Whittakers so it's more grainy.

      We don't get many good chocolates here in Australia but Whittakers is one of them. Crazy expensive at $8 for 250g but that's where the prices are going.

    • I hands down prefer Whitakers over many other brands that I have tried including Cadbury, Nestle, Hershey's, Ghirardelli, Mondelez (Toblerone), Lindt, Ferrero, Haigh's, etc. The only brand that came close was Patchi where I would be double minded as to which one I prefer and would go down to the individual sub-brand/bar.

      • +1

        Try Tony's Chocolonely. That and Whittaker's is my top two

    • +1

      Absolute winner chocolate brand.

      The peanut butter and the coconut slabs are my favourites.

      • I don't buy chocolate very often, but the other day I saw Whittakers had a peanut butter variety and I couldn't help myself, because I loved peanut butter M&Ms ages ago. I didn't think it tasted that great, at least it was nothing like I expected, so I chucked it after eating a few lines.

    • You should also try Coles Belgian milk chocolate

  • +6

    HODL to $3!

  • +3

    Call that a sale?

  • +4

    Despite the old price mentioned, been about $8 consistently for months… if not a year or more. Havent seen a sale on them in ages. Thanks OP.

  • +3

    I used these to make "Wonka" bars for my kids, complete with golden tickets, ahead of seeing the movie. Happy to share the print template if anyone would like it

    • Please share. I would also like to make these for my "kids"…aka myself.

      • +9

        Sure thing. Here are the Canva links.
        Wrapper design - Print on white A3 paper.
        Ticket design - Print on yellow/gold A4 cardboard. I used yellow and it worked fine.

        You need the bigger 250g blocks. Here's a pic of how mine looked.

        • +3

          Damn, that's awesome. Pretty please can you be my parent too?

        • +2

          Top Dad there
          And I don't even have kids….

  • +5

    waiting for these to be $3

    no one buy these please

    we need diamond hands

    • +1

      Ain't gonna happen unfortunately

  • +4

    Lmao $5 for a block of chocolate? I swear they used to be $5 full price??!?! Or am I delusional?

    Only rich people can afford junk food these days. Maybe we will reach the time where healthy food is cheaper than junk haha

    • You might be shocked to realise that it's not just chocolate that has gone up in price recently.

      • +5

        Yeah its great for my savings as im a stingy bastard so I no longer feel any urge to buy all the overpriced crap anymore.

        Can stick to just buying things I actually need and skip all the unhealthy wants lol

        • +1

          Great, that’s is the true OB way

    • +2

      Whittakers is amazing. Chocolate is a luxury, it's worth spending a little bit more.

      It's also 250g which means it's always going to feel more expensive. It's actually cheaper than a cadbury block at $4 for 180g on sale.

      That's just the way things are, the alternative is settle for inferior and cheaper chocolate, or not eat it.

      So yes of course it was $5 at some point. That point has passed like with every other chocolate on the market.

  • +4

    Speaking of shrinking chocolate, Cadbury has shrunk the cherry ripe to 44g now (from 52). It looks ridiculous.

    • +1

      I've put up with a lot from these companies. But they've gone too far this time. It's enough to make someone become antinatalist

    • +3

      On a side note, Aldi reduced the size of their chili chips from 200gms to 175gms. They also increased the price from $2.5# to $2.99 within the last year or so.

      • Still half the price of Colesworths though. I couldn’t believe the prices of chips last I ventured down that aisle. 6 bucks for a bag of chips!

        • +1

          Unfortunately the only recourse we have is to stop buying. I haven't bought chips since I found out about the weight reduction.

    • Does anyone know if the ABS measures this when doing their inflation numbers. As in do they just measure the price going from say $5 to 5.50, a 10% increase. Or do they take the per unit measure which would also capture smaller packages / sizes.

      • +2

        yes. ABS adjusts for volume/weight.

  • Is 72% the darkest they go? Would recommend for dark choc lovers?

    • +1

      I have all the way to 75%. Anything higher is just too much for me.

    • +3

      If you love dark, get cocoa butter and cocoa powder, heat, combine and freeze. Very simple, minimal cleaning and you’ll never want another piece from the shops again. It might not be cheaper since you aren’t using any fillers, but I’ve not bought chocolate since I started doing this.

  • +3

    Can't believe these have gone from $5.50 to $8.00 retail so quickly

    • Well it isn’t due to currency movement. The NZD to AUD rate has been pretty steady the last 5 years. Certainly not enough movement to cause any permanent increase in price in Australia. Have to say the price increase has been ridiculous. Seems every time I go and check their price it has increased again.

  • +7

    I think Amazon is also price matching them for those who preferred it delivered.

  • +3

    If you want to save some money try the Coles Belgian milk chocolate for $2.90. It's very good and, unlike Cadbury garbage, it has no vegetable oil filler. I don't recommend the dark version because it's too sweet.

    Woolworths also sell Belgian but it's tasteless garbage. I have no idea why it's so bad.

  • Aero bar blocks, are 118g… $4.20 on sale. Its 82g air. Nestle be sellin snow to Eskimos.

  • 100+ upvotes for a $5 slab, this one hits hard.
    Love the product but have been waiting for a longgg time for it to be in sub $4 range..
    Guess have to accept $5 is the new $2.5

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