This was posted 11 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

Netbank Saver Account Bonus 2.15% p.a. Interest (Total 4.50% p.a.) for 3 Months (Existing Customers Only) @ Commbank


Borrowed description from last deal credit to AvidDealHunter.

You will need to request this interest rate change in NetBank Settings > Product Requests > Switch account options, select Netbank Saver account and then click Go.

Total Interest rate will be 4.50% (Standard Variable Rate 2.35% + 3 month special offer 2.15%).

Type Compare & Switch on the search bar in the app. Select compare and switch account. Enter your pin and it will direct you to the Comm bank website.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    No one should support the big 4.

    • Macquarie big five please bro

      • +5

        Macquarie are 7th AND they have a better savings rate still lol

  • +13

    Not particularly a deal when their GoalSaver provides a higher rate & other banks have higher rates.

    • +1

      GoalSaver has hoops, Netbank Saver doesn't.

      • +1

        ok, ANZ, McBank don't have hoops and pay higher interest. and mcbank had discounted Giftcards including Amazon at 3% off.

  • +2

    Not here, it’s only offering an extra 0.35% to make it 2.7%

    • Only mods can add a targeted tag, but I've added it to the title.

  • Good PSA but ANZ Plus/Save is 4.9% with no hoops.

  • +6

    lol why bother requesting a special rate from cba for just 3 months when u can get a higher rate on high interest accounts elsewhere - ME bank, ING, ubank, amp, etc

    High interest account spreadsheet maintained by users on Whirlpool:…

  • +1

    ANZ Plus has 4.9%

  • +2

    I activate this every 3 months. Thanks OP!

  • Com Bank is a scam stay away from these guys there are better options for a savings account, bank of Qld is one which offers 5.5% on everyday savings account

    • +3

      5.5% is for age 14-35 and capped at 50k

  • even MacBank has 4.75 and you get 3% off Amazon GCs

    However, this is for people who can't easily change their banks or couldn't be bothered

    no one has too change banks, you open a new account.

    this isn't

    sorry this isn't even close to being a deal. it's like posting a TimTans deal saying they're $5->$4.50 at Woolies, then saying they're $5->$3 at Coles, but some people can't be bothered shopping at Coles, so I'm posting the woolies 50c discount.

    • -7

      Believe it or not, not everyone is you. Try getting grandparents to move their savings to a different bank from the one they have used for decades. And small businesses and others who need to keep immediately accessible funds linked with their main bank account. With this offer at least they can maximise the interest rate for the funds they keep with Commbank. For myself, I chase the highest rates and jump the hurdles, I've got about a dozen HISA's I've opened over the years. However, I sometimes need to park some money in Commbank when I can't risk an instant payment from another of my HISA savings accounts taking longer than usual.

      • -5

        Believe it or not, not everyone is you

        Believe it or not this isn't

        Try getting grandparents to move their savings to a different bank from the one they have used for decades

        make up all the quirky scenarios you like this isn't even close to making it a deal. But believe it or not, I got my 80+yo rellies to open an ANZ plus account to earn extra interest " How would you like the bank take you out to lunch every week?" They're now earning $400/mth extra. not a hard sell.

        transfers are pretty much instant.


        ATTN: Before you neg:

        is like saying, *I'm not racist/sexist/anti-Semitic, but… *

        you already knew it wasn't a deal.

      • +1

        Isnt netbank saver for individuals only? You wouldn't be able to open one under a company name anyways

  • +1

    You shouldn't be worried about downvotes, they're against the deal not against you and unless you're associated with CommBank won't affect you at all :)

  • Yeah nah, this is more on the side of a rort

  • +1

    This is crap, Commbank is rubbish for savings and even credit cards. They don’t feel they have to compete

    I have been with them forever but now only for ComSec and the linked CDIA account which a good no fee transaction account.

  • +1

    What even is this
    Ing or ubank sh1ts on this.

  • Dont get the negs here
    Netbank saver is a bloody good account in between transacting and High interest accounts
    Keeping a balance earning reasonable interest for times when higher or unexpected bills come in without risking losing your months Interest
    So thanks OP

    • -1


    • Banks rely on consumer complacency, it's a great antidote to competition. There are plenty of "better" alternatives.

    • Dont get the negs here

      err because it's a crap "deal"

      Netbank saver is a bloody good account in between transacting and High interest accounts
      Keeping a balance earning reasonable interest for times when higher or unexpected bills come in without risking losing your months Interest

      so you know that you get the same thing with ANZ & MacBank but.with even more money earnt each month?

      Ubank is even more again, with only $200. deposited each month, which you can them instantly withdraw along with any other amount and het paid more in interest! I.e. you can also have a negative monthly balance but not get penalised.

      and better still after 3 mths they still keep paying you more money..

      If you had say $50,000 without the miracle of compound interest and just withdrew the interest every month leaving $50k balance.

      CBA 12mth (3mth x 4.50% & 9mth x 2.15%) = $1368.75
      Ubank 12mth (12mth x 5.10%) = $2550

      So depositing $200 & then withdrawing it & the interest every month over a year gets you $1181.25 more in 12mth, seriously how is he CBA thing a deal?

  • +2

    Plenty of alternatives with better rates. No deal.

  • +1

    This is one of the lowest rates offered.

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