Received a DoorDash email to play a Easter Egg Hunt. Pick the winning egg to receive 10% off your next 10 DoorDash orders with promo code EGGCITING (min spend $30 and max saving $15).
You need to receive the Easter Egg Hunt email and pick the winning egg to make the promo code work for your account. My winning egg was the green one.
Use with DD gift cards or use at stores that never have discounts (excluding alcohol or Coles supermarket stores), otherwise the regular promo codes typically provide better value.
Limit 10 redemptions per person. Offer valid between 27/03/24 - 26/04/24 or until maximum redemptions are met prior.
** Some users are getting 30% off next 2 orders with this promo.
I got 30% for mine. Get 30% off, up to $16 off your next two orders over $30. Expires on 03/04/24