This was posted 1 year 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tuna-Style Plant-Based Roll $2 in-Store Only (Max 2 Per Person) @ Sushi Hub


Terms & Conditions

  1. Only available for in-store purchase
  2. Maximum 2 rolls per person.
  3. This promotion is available from 25 March 2024 to 21 April 2024.
  4. Different stores may offer varying products.
  5. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional or third-party offers

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Sushi Hub

closed Comments

  • +1


    Looks more like something else…

    • +4

      try it and let us know :P

      • +4

        user name checks out

        • +4

          Looks like tempeh/soy chunks +avo

        • user name checks out

          Still checks in

        • -1

          I think even holy cr4p is better than this tuna style crap :D

      • +1

        Tried and both kids and I don't like it

    • -7

      As usual, always something negative to say from you regarding plant based foods. Grow up.

      • +5

        always something negative

        What is negative about that comment?

      • +4

        if something is shit, then people should be open and honest that it is shit its call opinion and free speech.

        • +7

          They should try things before deciding they're shit.

          • @overlordpotatoe: Imagine being offended that a random internet stranger thinks your fake fish is gross.

          • -2

            @overlordpotatoe: The ingredient list already proves that plant-based foods are filled with nothing but shit.

      • +6

        the only negative about planted based food is they fill it with other crap that essentially is just as bad or worse for you.

        • +5

          Also they generally taste like shit and the texture sucks. Always willing to give it a go though.

      • -1

        Vegan cope is the tastiest of all the copium varieties.

      • +1

        I’ve had these and they are okay but not as nice tasting as actual tuna. I will buy them for $2 but not at full price. I love sushi hub sushi, but have come to realise that is probably because it’s very sweet, I think they put a lot of sugar in the rice. These plant based ones are a little in the dry side, probably because they don’t add mayo, which they do with pretty much all their other rolls aside from teriyaki beef. All the others have mayo I know this as I have to get them to make fresh any other filling for my kid with an allergy. So yes nothing wrong with the product for people who don’t eat animals, but probably not the first choice for those that do just because it doesn’t taste as nice. If I was vego I’d probably just get a plain avocado roll, seaweed salad etc rather than mock tuna.

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    • -1


      • heh?

        • -4


    • -2

      ok thanks man I know to avoid those locations now.

  • -1

    Next up they will be selling sushi rolls made of krill and sardines and calling it "tuna-style" flavour.

  • +5

    Plant-based tuna ingredients: Water, Sey Protein Concentrate, Soy Protein Isolate, Canola Oil, Wheat Gluten, Seasonings (Flavours, Mallodentin, Yeast Extract, Salt, Potato Starch, Algal Ol), Soybean Meal, Wheat Starch, Flavours, Salt, Carrot Juice Concentrate, Vegetable Extract (Soybean, Carrot, Celery), Yeast Extract.

    Neg given because the previous deal clearly listed the ingredients even though the multiple spelling errors didn't inspire confidence:*/https://www.sush…

    Ingredients being removed on this repeat of the deal = Sushi Hub obviously trying to hide something

      • +29

        Lol, relax. Go to Asia and there are plenty of mock meats varieties due to Buddhism. The difference here is that the stuff here they tend to make it more "meat" like as opposed to something that just taste good.

        • +9

          Vegetables and fruit are plenty tasty if you know how to cook them. Don’t know why have to make fake meat instead of just eating real veg

        • This is a bullshit comment, I have been around in a few Asian countries. They have way better varieties of vegetarian choices out there that they don't need any meat-like substance or they are not even interested in. Except in Malaysia/Indonesia, they have vegan bacon, which mainly caters for tourists.

          It's just us euros who want to switch to veganism but still want food that tastes or feels like meat.

          • @boomramada:

            Except in Malaysia/Indonesia, they have vegan bacon

            Have they stopped making turkey bacon or beef bacon?

          • +2


            I have been around in a few Asian countries.

            Apparently you haven't been to Taiwan.


            Except in Malaysia/Indonesia, they have vegan bacon, which mainly caters for tourists

            I did say mock meat due to Buddhism right? Then you go list to two Muslim countries.

          • +3

            @boomramada: I think if you read the comment you are replying to a little more carefully, you will find you are actually agreeing with them.

            • @Minimum chips:

              most of the plant-based food is toxic and full of unhealthy ingredients


              Go to Asia and there are plenty of mock meats varieties due to Buddhism

              Technically, both comments are equally wrong.

              The majority of Buddhist ppl don't care what meat tastes like, and plant-based gets toxic when people try to mock the taste of the meat or the texture of the meat.

              • +2


                The majority of Buddhist ppl don't care what meat tastes like

                Proper Buddhists monks/and strict believers are vegetarians, of course they don't care what the meat taste like. But majority of Buddhists aren't that strict and eat meat. The mock meats is to convert the non-hardcore believers into a vegetarian diet or at least less meat/killing, so they need to taste good. The mock meats are also kinda like Fish on Fridays where the not so strict Buddhists eat on specific days.

          • @boomramada: Chicken bacon is my experience in Malaysia. Its not the worst tasting as processy as it was.

      • +15

        plant-based food is toxic

        … which ingredients in particular ?

        • +14

          The ones with big words that hokonfan is scared of :(

        • -8

          … which ingredients in particular ?

          "gynecomastia associated with soy product consumption"

          Man boobs…

          • +6

            @jv: a single case?

            • +2


              a single case?

              No, this is just a report that it happens

              You could be next…

          • +3

            @jv: Lots of people consume soy products, so why is this an "unusual case"? Shouldn't this be happening all the time if this is what soy does?

            • -5


              Shouldn't this be happening all the time

              It does.

              • +2

                @jv: Do you have a source that shows that? Because your own link is a single case study and it calls it unusual.

                • -4


                  Do you have a source that shows that?

                  i posted it earlier.

                  it is generally accepted that consuming large amounts of soy regularly can cause gynecomastia..

            • -3

              @overlordpotatoe: It is a slow change in males; over the generations, one will start to see male-like attributes becoming more feminine. Testosterone levels are decreasing. While we can't solely blame soy, it does play a role in this shift. Soy and corn products also contain high traces of glyphosate and vegetable oil

              This is a long-term challenge and a complex issue. If you don't delve into multiple perspectives, you might think I'm just talking nonsense, much like those who neg me. I agree it’s nothing to do with bargain.

              I used to be like those who does not believe in this, thinking that what I'm stating here is nonsense.

              • +6

                @hokonfan: Have you got links to any studies on the link between the long term affect of soy products on testosterone levels? I would like to read more, but all recent studies I can find seem to dismiss the notion.

          • @jv: …swooned jv, breathlessly

        • +10

          Laughs in dihydrogen monoxide

      • correct most of it is toxic

    • +1

      Sey Protein

      Is it wild or farmed sey?

    • +3

      Sey what?

    • +1

      agreed its filled with crap which ends up being worse and high in salt.

    • +7

      Taco Bell and KFC don't list the ingredients either. What are they hiding??

    • +5

      Is that a valid deal neg reason on ozbargain?

    • +2

      Which of those perfectly ordinary food ingredients do you think they’re trying to hide, and why

  • -7


    • -4

      negging all the comments isnt going to change the fact this is actually unhealthy for you based on what is in it.

      • +21

        Real Tuna probably is better for you, but potatoes are better for you than pringles and chicken breast is better for you than a kilo bag of Tegels take out fried chicken… but we dont see the same sort of commentary on those deals… why is that?

        • -8

          They are not imitating anything, other than being rubbish food.

  • +31

    You don't have to eat the plant based food, people. If you don't like it, don't buy it.

    My girlfriend is vegetarian, and I really appreciate stores offering plant-based alternatives - it's the difference between us buying from them and going elsewhere.

      • +4

        Like clockwork,whenever theres a vegan deal all you cookers come out of the basement

        • -3

          Where does it say this is Vegan ???

      • +26

        If you think the words 'Tuna-Style Plant-Based' is real Tuna, the issue is with you, not the product or marketing.

          • +11

            @kungfuman: The idea with naming the plant-based product after a non-plant-based product is to infer that the plant-based product is attempting to emulate the non-plant-based product in texture/taste/appearance/usage scenarios.

              • +10

                @kungfuman: Not every vegan and vegetarian chooses not to eat meat for the same reason. My girlfriend was once an omnivore, but became a vegetarian early on in her life. She remembers how much she enjoyed the taste/texture/smell of prepared meat in dishes, but since she will never eat meat again, we seek to emulate the experience for her as much as possible using plant-based products.

                She is the ideal target audience for this kind of product.

                  • +5

                    @kungfuman: Childhood trauma - though the reason itself should not matter.

          • +5

            @kungfuman: Don't put BUTTER in peanut butter! >:( Or CREAM in cream of corn etc etc…

            • -1

              @GettingThePlus190s: butter and cream are a process applied to milk… tuna isn't.

          • +1

            @kungfuman: I'm pretty sure no one in this thread decides on how plant based foods are marketed to consumers.
            Your passion for protecting Vegans and Vegetarians from being tricked into consuming misleading food names is admirable but you might get better results investing your energy into the manufacturers who make these products.

          • +2

            @kungfuman: Do you cry when the ice cream shop offers mango ice cream and there isn't real mango in it?

      • Almond milk.

        • +2

          thanks Mr random for just saying random things.

          • +1

            @kungfuman: It’s in context.

            Milk comes from mammals; not nuts.

      • +5

        I bought a bag of green frogs at the corner store. I cant believe they tricked me and gave me lollies, not real frogs.

      • +1

        Im like this with TPU leather. Its NOT leather!

      • +2

        You dont do kungfu?

    • -3

      Why doesn’t she just eat vegetables instead of fake meat? Edit: never mind. Already answered in previous comment

  • -1

    Eat what you want but can you please call it something else?

    Same with things like vegan leather, just call it what it is.

    • +7

      vegan leather, just call it what it is.


      • +5


        • +4

          Our government is trying the ban the use of plastic though.

          • @jv: I still enjoy the 10k plastic straws I bought back when they started to. And now I enjoy using them at every venue that gives me a paper straw.

        • +1

          You mean opposed to the genuine leather most of you probably use.

    • +1

      yea these days you need to sometimes re-read the packaging to make sure you're not picking up something plant-based

  • +8

    We're constantly told to not eat processed foods but than apparently this is better for us.

    • +3

      it's not better for us.
      it's for the people who feel morally better by eating fake food

      • +2

        100% correct its actually been proven this shit is bad for us. The amount of processing thats in these fake food is worse than any meat could ever be. And it doesnt' even have all the same nurturance of any meat its not even a good substitute and they are serving this shit up to people.

        • +2

          I'd rather eat lab grown meat in the future, at least it removed the moral/climate guilt from the product.

          • -1

            @Kavoth: you need to know what they put in this crap, and then you will know why this stuff is poison.

        • +1

          I hope you do the same complaining on all the other junk food deals here, KFC, maccas, chocolate etc…or do you only complain if its too "wOkE"

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