Same as previous popular deals
Tegels Take Out Nashville Chicken Portions | 1kg
Tegels Take-Out Louisiana Chicken Portions | 1kg
Retail limit: 20
Promotional limit: 12
Title credit to previous post.
Same as previous popular deals
Tegels Take Out Nashville Chicken Portions | 1kg
Tegels Take-Out Louisiana Chicken Portions | 1kg
Retail limit: 20
Promotional limit: 12
Title credit to previous post.
Tell us what you found!
Agree…bought one of each to try and took much longer to cook in the Airfryer + did not taste so great
I got some grey bits, so like a bit of organs I guess.
this is what I have been meaning to ask, is everyone getting those grey bits in the chicken? It was very off-putting.
What's wrong with getting grey bits? Is the flesh NOT also part of the chicken? You eat that. Organ is also part of the chicken. Don't get me wrong I am no vegetarian, but i believe those bits take too much effort to remove, I get them sometimes with KFC too. Just pick them out and put to the side.
Just pick them out and put to the side.
Or stop acting like a precious profanity princess and just eat them.
Well that's put me off these for good. I'll stick to their burgers.
Good reason to buy fresh
for me the batter was very cakey like a second skin and just came off all in one go leaving flavourless chicken underneath, and the spices on the batter tasted very 'artificial' to me. I personally would not recommend unless it's one of those 'last resort-nothing else in the house' type meals, and even then I think there are better options to have in the freezer, like the honey soy flavoured wingettes from Aldi (6 bucks a pack)
Agree. When batter is cakey it tastes awful air fried, really need to deep fry something like this.
I was looking for the "Chicken Burgers" variety in this brand, when I was recently at Woolworths, but they didn't have them. Someone here on Ozbargain said they had the best quality of chicken meat inside (among the different varieties they sell), so I was keen to try them.
Does anyone know if they still sell them and if they are usually available at Woollies or Coles? There's a link on their website here:…
Last time I bought them from Coles. They still sell them but the chicken burgers are not on special at the moment.
@Scrooge McDeal Thankyou very much for letting me know, this is good to hear 👍 Thanks, I thought I might try the burger ones even though not on special because quite a few people on OzBargain said they are very nice.
They are half price ~ monthly. That's when I buy a few bags. Set up an OzBargain alert or Karma price alert on the Coles and Woolies product pages.
At my woolies , the chicken burgers were over near the frozen veges with other brand burgers and not at the same spot as the chicken pieces. Go figure. Maybe check the apps that will tell you
@Capitalshark Thanks for letting me know, that is interesting to hear, I will have a better look in this area next time! Cheers 🍻👍🍔
Yep, same boat here - I couldn't find them at Woolies until I looked in a different section.
@soundawake: @soundawake thankyou for this, I'm gonna widen (embiggen?) the search next time I'm there😅
Someone here on Ozbargain said they had the best quality of chicken meat inside
Someone on the internet said that huh?
They were simply saying that the burger ones are better quality than the chicken pieces and the chicken portions/tenders that are also sold by Tegel. So those are the ones I wanted to try.
All this tells me is that they are purposely using the 'leftover' pieces of chicken for these portions.
@magic8ballgag: Yes,It does seem like the quality is significantly lower for the portions etc, they dont sound very like they are very nice, from peoples comments here. But I'm willing to try the burgers as long as they are good quality breast fillets, like the OzBargainer was saying previously. Hope I wont be disappointed.
@wonderboy4: It's less about quality and more about preference. Some people prefer boring bland chicken breast and call that superior quality simply because they are divorced from the reality that chicken pieces contain bones, brown meat tones etc.
The burgers are great, the pieces I don't like. But I'm just a guy on the internet.
@rokufan: Thanks for your opinion, I'm keen to try them (burger fillets) soon. How do you like make your burgers with them?
I usually like to just have lettuce, cheese and Paul Newman Ranch Dressing and maybe some sliced pickles too. I think simple burgers often taste better.
currently available?
These give me the runs…not sure if they practice food safety.
Are you sure it’s not the rendered fat/skin?
Damn son
100% a YOU problem. Never had an issue.
Did you try cooking them?
I've bought these a few times and I exclusively use an airfryer to cook them - I don't deep fry anything at home.
The chicken itself is still raw, so they need to be cooked at least 30-35min to get fully cooked on the inside so keep that in mind. I think last time I had nashville and the seasoning isn't special, just regular salty fried chicken. I think Louisiana is better.
Pro tip for the airfryer. Microwave frozen things for a couple of minutes first. Then airfry.
Insides will heat and the airfryer will crisp it up.
Try this with day old pizza. Changed leftovers forever.
I re-heated Maccas fries last night in the airfryer. Went from cold and soggy to quite literally as good as (if not better than) new.
This is a great protip, will try it! But wouldn't the microwaving mush up the batter?
Its a fallacy, microwave actually heats from outside in. Not inside out.
Pro tip read the instructions, They say 45-50mins in a air fryer. Never had a issue
Got any tips so the crumbing doesnt go soggy from the steam after taking out?
…a typical rack
I did not like these air fried, I think they need to be deep fried for best results. But I don't deep fry at home either. lol
Tried them, didnt rate them at all
Much prefer the aldi blazing wings
Very overrated in my view. Not a fan. The burgers were tolerable but again nothing id go out of my way to buy even on special.
Someone is a fan, they always sell out when 1/2 price.
I quite like these. After the first airfyer cook left some of the insides still a bit raw, my go-to is 4 minutes in the microwave then vary the times in the airfryer; 7 mins for wings, 8 for legs and 10 for larger pieces, and rest for 2 mins. Crisps up nicely
After the first airfyer cook left some of the insides still a bit raw
How long was it in the airfryer? iirc the airfrying instructions is something like 35-40 mins
good deal, but too salty for my taste.
Obligatory Salty comment…
These people have an email address and don't ever respond to emails/have no way to contact them. So I had no avenue to give feedback some bloody chicken tumour experience. I'll not buy again.
Thank you for your service.
700mg of salt per 100g of chicken. Holy hell.
better taste than KFC $8 for 8 wicked wings?
No not these ones, their Tenders are pretty equivalent sometimes better imo
I'd say no, wicked wings are one of KFCs best products
Super duper oily, in my experience.
Tried these and they're overrated and under-performing in taste. Not to mention the vegetable oil and thickeners used.
Tenders are awesome but at $14 a bag never worth it, even $7 a bag for 500 grams is meh, KFC 8 for $8 is probably fairly equivalent and it's cooked for you although I've had batches of Tegals Tenders with way more taste than KFC and my local is usually good. As for the portions they are meh at best, would recommend just getting an 8 for 8 tender box at KFC and making your own sliders/burgers at home.
tried these ones, did not enjoy bone shrapnel in my throat, would not get even if it was free
I can not stressed this enough! This product is actually raw chicken.
The directions says 45 mins in oven, not the normal 20 mins for the precooked varieties.
The people in this thread saying 'the chicken seemed a bit chewy compared to others'. Yeah mate you eating raw chicken. 🤮
I forgot which one is more spicy ?
Me too, just bought one of each!
We have a deep fryer at our house temporarily, does anyone have experience who can suggest the optimal time and temperature combo for these?
I have to say ..after trying them a couple of times…they are probably not worth it..even at half price..
way too greasy and salty..the portion size are some small pieces will cook faster than others…and yes the dark organ bits too..don't taste nice at all…so it is a pass for me
For 7 bucks they're great. Yeah a bit salty but still awesome.
Has anyone tried Aldi version it's not frozen and it's in a 1kg bag. I noticed it the other day.
How much is it at aldi?
About $11 I think. I'm going to aldi soon so I'll check
Is it new? I’ve had the non-frozen version that used to be sold in a tray, but never seen it in a bag. The tray version I had was a little fatty but not as fatty as these tegel, and had a hint of aniseed or fennel but not over powering.
It's in a bag like this tegel chicken pieces. It looks pretty much same as tegel just not frozen.
Only 66% chicken? No thanks.
Even chicken isn't 100% chicken these days. What'd you expect.
I feel like the quality of this brand has dropped. Used to be very good last year, now so much now?
I wouldn't call this processed chicken meat, compared something like chicken nuggets. This is literally cuts of chicken coated in batter and frozen. But ymmv as "processed" can mean many things to many people.
This chicken is seriously good lol
Every fortnight the same deal gets posted up with the same price lol
Coles have them and woolies the next rotating week or fortnight ..
Unfortunately they don't, because I am on the lookout to buy them when it's on special.
When I was a kid Easter Eggs were never on sale before Easter , and then the day after, were half price and people would go mental.
Now they are all magically half price before Easter on and off, it’s all a scam, so just pay what you think is a fair price for the product. $7 for a kilo of chicken seems fair if you like it
50% on Easter eggs? 75% off or no deal 😋
Always hard to please McDeal
Tried this when it went on sale some time ago. I have to say I did not like it.
1) Pieces were very uneven in size (some huge and some tiny). So they would not cook around the same time and also you may need to potion them to similar sizes after baking to make better experience at family meal table :) (iykwim)
2) Like someone else mentioned, it was poorly cleaned, some wing pieces even had feathers on it stuck to batter….
If you really dig the flavours, I'd either try a different brand or do it with fresh cuts.
Any rec'd for frozen fried chicken mid-wings? I tried the woolies brand ones, it's OK, but like 80% drum part of the wing which - not a fan. Prefer mid-wings for deep fried.
Showing as $14 for each item in WA
must say the chicken itself was a bit gamy and not so well cleaned… before they dumped them into their batter.