• long running

Coles Plus Saver: $7 Per Month, 10% off One Shop Per Month + Double Flybuys Points @ Coles


Looks like Coles is trailing a subscription plan similar to Everyday Rewards Extra for Vic/TAS (edit 8/8/24: seems available Aus wide now) customers.
It appeared within the Coles app on my Mobile.

  • Enjoy 10% off one shop, every calendar month. Save up to $50 a shop.

  • Get double Flybuys points on every purchase at Coles, First Choice Liquor or Liquorland

  • Pay $7 a month. Cancel any time.

Terms on program here

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  • It appeared within the Coles app on my Mobile.

    I can't find it anywhere, even on their website. Coles are trialling the program, so it might be targeted?

    ETA. OP updated the link. Works now!

  • -3

    Coles' IT is a joke. All their websites are retarded
    The thing I dislike the most is you have to spend the full amount in one go for its spend $xx get x000 points, (certain mega buy are excluded) way worse than Woolworths.

    • I agree, it’s got better but still not the best. The app is better. What’s annoying is the spend x to get y points doesn’t work if some items you order are out of stock so you have to add over the threshold just incase.

      • Every time this has happened to me I've been able to call them and they fix it so that the shop still qualifies even though the total dropped below the threshold due to the out of stock items.

  • +6

    Where are we heading?
    These opportunistic grocery shops want us to pay subscriptions fees to buy fruits and vegetables for cheap? First they rise the price in the name of inflation a latter if the customer pay $7 extra a month suddenly the inflation is gone and the prices fall below the normal selling price as well.

    • +2

      They're following the Costco model and that's been very successful.

      • -1

        Lets compare apples with apples. Costco is bulk buying model and only members are allowed to shop.

        Coles and Woolies will never be able to match their prices no matter what subscription fee they charge.

        Also, no resentment from you sounds like you are you okay if all the grocery shops/ cafes/ restaurants / retail chains says that customers can buy only if they pay for subscription like Costco.

        • Coles and Woolworths buy in bulk too and if you want to buy at or near wholesale prices you can choose to pay a membership fee otherwise you pay normal retail price.

          I'm fine with that. Would be nice if Costco allowed non-members to shop and pay a bit extra on each shop for not paying the membership fee.

          • -2

            @mysterytal: Costco only sells in bulk quantities whereas Coles and Woolies are trying to differentiate prices for retail quantity.

            However, if your are okay, its your personal preference, I respect that. Companies need customers like you.

          • @mysterytal: They do allow non members to shop. All you need is a Costco gift card which a Costco member can buy for you and give it to you. Then you can use it to gain enter and shop using the card. Note: you can't fill up fuel if you don't have membership.

        • Colesworth "loss leader" specials (which the suppliers are usually funding) beats or matches Costco's normal prices.

          Costco claims it is "wholesale" but charges retail.

          Only staples (bread, milk, eggs) are cheaper at Costco. Or if they have coupon specials.

        • Coles and Woolies will never be able to match their prices

          Coles are Woolies are often cheaper than Costco

    • End stage capitalism. They want to lock you in as a customer. They start by inticing with cheap deals, but then raise the price. When you're paying $500 a year for a Coles Value Premium membership, you're going to do most of your shopping at Coles. You could go over to Woolworths, but they have their own Signature Club membership that costs $600 a month. Without a membership prices are twice as much, and it's too expensive to have both. You could ask a friend with a different account to buy products for you, but they monitor accounts for 'unauthorized sharing' and if found you lose perks or even get banned.

      • $500/$600 per year to save 50% where do I sign up? That's a bargain.

        • No, you don't save money, they just double the prices for anyone without a membership.
          So imagine milk advertised as

          Light milk $6
          (Save more with a premium membership!
          Value plus - $4
          Premium - $3.50
          Platium - $3)

          • +1

            @outlander: I don't see your outlook as being realistic. Other shops will be cheaper. The current offer is to pay $7 to save 10% once a month. It's pretty easy to spend $70 on a grocery shop.

            • @mysterytal: It's more or less their gameplan. They don't want customers, they want subscribers

              It doesn't happen all at once. They take a step forward, and a step forward, and when it becomes hard to continue they wait. Wait for the rest of society to catch up. And by that I mean become dependent. You only need to look at covid to see how that happened.

              Other shops will be cheaper.. how? This isn't a case of a baker charging $10 a loaf, so you get some buy some flour and make it yourself and start selling it for $5. They own the bread, and the flour, and the space you'd need to rent to setup shop. And there's contracts with the major wheat suppliers, so if you're thinking you can make your own flour, guess again. You'd be asking them to put their neck on the line for a small order. And once the business has captured the market, the main focus will be going after potential competitors and either destroying them or acquiring them.

              This isn't today, but it is the near future. It's not a radical belief, it's been tried many times. Amazon is doing it in the US, going from $80/year to $140 and that will increase again too.

              • @outlander: If that happened, then I think Aldi, IGA and other regular supermarkets would gain significant market share - which ColesWorth would fight tooth and nail against. I agree that they want to lock you in with these subscriptions, but only because people tend to lock themselves into one supermarket and this encourages it for potentially a small loss (or less profit) on one shop per month.

  • +1

    What’s the best way to maximise this subscription if I buy this today?

    Do 10% off a single shop every calendar month so get it twice (March and April) but cancel before it auto renews?

    • That is how it works for Woolies, I'd say the same applies here

      • nice pro tip

      • are we able to do the 10% twice a month? such as

        March + April, and then April + May etc.?

        Or is it only in pairs March+April, then May+June …

    • how got it twice ?

    • Have you tried ordering yet?

      I've applied this to an online delivery but it's not showing up in the invoice and my credit card has been charged without the discount … I'm so confused.

      Fingers crossed it resolves when the delivery is made and the 10% gets refunded.

      • I've never done a delivery but I have done click and collect. For click and collect the charge to the credit card was always the final figure, with the 10% discount already applied. I assume the same applies to delivery.

  • +3

    I have the Woolies one and it's been a PITA recently.
    Shop 1 - Did a big shop to get max for my 10%. Asked cashier to do it after grocery scanning, but before checkout. Found he'd forgotten! 30 minutes on the phone to support to work out a deal - if I don't use the discount that month they bung on the points. Fine.

    Shop 2 (my next time in) - Big shop to use my Woolies Mobile plan 10%. Checkout operator scanned all, scale out by 20 grams, so have to start all over again. Call supervisor to reset scales. Checkout with mobile plan 10% discount and pay with 2 different E-gift cards (done that a million times). Come second E-gift card, the 10% has disappeared. Supervisor again. Tried twice, then had to manually type in the number. Checkout took about 15 minutes. At home discovered one item had been scanned twice. Checkout operator did give me a 500 gram box of Favourites though (bonus).

    Not the first time checkout operators have had problems with E-gift cards or the various discount schemes. If they must do them, they have to train the staff and get the programming bug free. Woolies though are miles ahead of Coles with this stuff.

    • +1

      I have to say, my experience is completely different to yours. So seamless with checkout by scanning the QR code.

      Admittedly, I refuse to shop in any register with a checkout operator - too many human factors to cause problems.

      • +4

        Exactly, its flawless with self serve and then I can use all my discounted gift cards without having to explain or look like a tight ass. It simply asks if you want to use your monthly 10% off and you hit Yes or No. It's simple.
        No idea what people have against self serve, personally I prefer it.

      • My local doesn't have self checkout, otherwise I'd agree. It's the human factor (other humans, not me of course) that often stuffs it up.

      • Never had a problem with either, I always ask before paying. Often, the checkout screen just stares blankly back at me.

      • A good operator would ask if you would like to use your 10% discount and/or if you have a flybuys/rewards card - as it will appear on their checkout screen :)

    • Never had this issue in the years of using it. Just ensure they apply it and watch the balance reduce. Human error here and not the system. You need to be more mindful when applying it. The fact that it maybe is a "PITA" still allows you to use the 10% twice a month STILL (use online first) is a great reason for applaud it, just make sure it applies before you pay.

  • +3

    Forced memberships to get certain discounts/specials and now yet another subscription service. Oh dear. The big two supermarket chains are becoming less and less appealing by the day.

    • +7

      Imagine, in the future the most loved 1/2 prices will be marked exclusive to subscription holders, thats where its heading.

    • +1

      How do you think they can increase their revenue/profit if they are getting heat from price gouging?

    • +1

      see u soon in Aldi

  • +1

    Are they going to give me rubbish flybuys offers after I pay the subscription like Woolies does? Because it's not really worth it if so.

    • +2

      I think if you're organised these plans are worth it. I manage to be a bit ahead as a single person, so a family definitely would be quids in. IF you're organised and IF you're ok being loyal to one supermarket chain.

      • So, you pay subscription for both Woolies and Coles..

        • +6

          Yup. Woolies, Coles, Amazon, eBay, Kogan, Onepass, Uber, Doordash, Netflix, Stan, Binge, Paramount, Disney, Apple…

        • I don't. Only Woolies as Coles is too far away from me and I prefer Woolies.

  • I just got this offer in my Flybuys app (I’m in nsw). First month free then $19/month thereafter. Not sure what they’re smoking over there, but no one is going to be signing up to $19/month for this. Woolworths charge $7/month (less if you pay annually).

  • Got this offer but worried about losing decent offers !
    Happened to me with Woolies since joining everyday extra - for a once a month10% off , have lost any decent offers

    • whats the last "decent offers you had ago?

  • Reach us faster with Coles Plus
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  • Anyone knows if this works similar to Woolworths if you join around mid of the month where you can take advantage of getting the 10% in the month you join and the following month by just paying the the monthly fee once?

    • I tried today and looks like the answer is yes. I subscribed for 1 month during April and already cancelled so that it doesn't charge me a second month. Renewal would have been a few days from now. I applied 10% discount to an order in April and today I have the option available to apply 10% discount again.

      • Thanks, good to know.

        • so what period of the month to register. and what period to cancel ?

  • Still better with Woolies Extra, can be used in Big W - good for bulk cleaning products, kids (toys) and home products.
    Also Woolies offered 50% discount for annual subscription before, which is better than $7 per month.

    Unless Coles offers similar and maybe get 20% Kmart, would just stick with Woolies Extra for now.

    • Good way to do both. Depending on how big your family is I guess. 10%x2/month is bloody handy

  • Be warned, I signed up for this and they make you scan your Coles app instead of your Flybuys, which I thought would be fine since my Coles app is linked to my Flybuys.

    But it didn’t track on Flybuys so I missed out on my spend $X for 4 weeks offer. I contacted the support and they asked me to send them my passport or drivers license to help me. There’s no way I’m doing that, I don’t trust these people with any of my private info

    Eventually they gave in and let me give them my bank statement and working with children’s check, which I wasn’t happy about but I was like whatever.

    Had to talk to them for over a week to fix this and it’s still ongoing. Not worth the annoyance

    • Sounds like a PITA, but you could’ve just scanned your flybuys:

      Instore at checkout
      To redeem instore, you’ll need to scan your Coles barcode (in the Coles app) at the checkout. You can also use your Flybuys card to redeem the discount.

  • so spend $70 p/m to rake back the membership cost

  • +1

    the plus Saver seems better value than the PLUS,,
    what am i missing

    • one is for delivery, the other is for discount

  • +1

    Is there anything wrong with this strategy.

    Subscribe mid month. Use discount in current month and future month. Cancel. Then resubsrcibe in month 3. Rinse and repeat. If it works you could pay 6 x $7 and get 12 x 10% discounts

    • it's a form of "smart shopping" by value-maximization

      but thething is how do you optimize the calendar timing cos when you sub mid-month,, the 3rd month you must resubscribe 1 day after the original and stretches the monthly date?

      • Are you sure? If i sign up on Jan 15th, that cancels on say Feb 14th, I can sign up any day in March - but obviously i would piuck another date near the middle

        • I didn't quite understand the comment either. A person spending enough money at this supermarket to save enough to cover the subscription is highly likely to be buying for more than one person so if there is a 30 day period required between subscriptions then alternate between cardholders every two months.

          • +1

            @mysterytal: Yes that too - but i don’t believe there is a 30 day period required in between

        • +1

          ure rright. my bad.
          i always be thinking about cancelling feb 14th and resubbing feb 15th. havent tried yet

  • i placed a order on morning of the 3rd and edited the order in afternoon. at both instances i was able to Accept the 10% off upon order.
    sub 'expired' on the 2nd and i cancelled on the 3rd (during the Failed Payment Recovery//retries phase)
    my invoice/charge did not have the 10% deduction.

    should we be owed the 10% when the discount was applied at time of purchase ?

  • I dislike pay for discount arrangements but it is effective.

    With a large family, it is easy to spend $300+ which covers the membership cost. I can do a $500 shop online collect for max gain, loading the cupboard with sale non-perishables cans / dry foods / biscuits etc.

    The displayed online price is pre 10% discount but the post collection sale invoice shows the correct deductions.

    My only concern was that after using the discount with a large online order for collection, the system offered to apply the discount to a same day in store purchase. The terms make it clear that the discount is only used and applied at collection. Potentially, you could negate the discount on the uncollected purchase by using instore.

    I also have the woolworths one, which works well when paired with discounted (seniors) giftcards 5%.

  • Does 10% off work even though you use Coles credit?
    Because liquor promo discounts do not

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